2 - Feeling uneasy

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Build POV

We went to a restaurant with our friends Bas, Job and Us. The food was very good.

"Bui, try this here. This is really good."

"Hmm...very good indeed. Did you eat this? Try it."


"You two look like boyfriends haha" Job teased us.

"Because we're good friends" I replied laughing, but deep down I felt butterflies in my stomach at the comment. Why?

Bible smiled shyly and added: "As Bui answered in an interview, we are close to each other, but we don't love each other."

"See! haha". I laughed, but deep inside it bothered me. Have I really said that?? What was I thinking? Fuck! I mean...oh...I don't know what I mean anymore. Apparently, Bible agrees with all the shit I say.

I feel weird hearing that.

"Hey Bible, give me some of that. Is this good?"

"Oh, sure...do you wanna try it, Us?"

"Really yummy." Us ate directly from Bible spoon. And struck up a conversation with Bible only. But the dish was right in front of him! Hey, we're here too!! I didn't even know they were so close.

Job and Bas smirked at them and glanced to me. I smile awkwardly, trying to hide my discomfort.


We left the restaurant walking to a square before heading home.

"Wow, I'm already full." Job massaged his own belly.

"Of course, you almost ate the table too!" Bas made fun.

They pretended to be hitting each other

We laughed together, but Bible and Us were still talking to each other. They stopped to sit on a bench. I walked forward and sat between them. Of course I'm going to end this lovey dovey mood.

"What are you whispering so much about?" I asked jovially.

"Nothing...we're just looking at some pictures" Bible replied.

"Let me see." I took the phone from Bible's hand, smiling.


"Ummm...You were sitting on his lap?" I asked with a fading smile.

"No of course not. It's the angle of the photo. Don't be silly. Isn't it Us?"

I turned to Us and showed the photo.

"Hmm...I don't remember." Us replied without paying much attention.

"hahaha...I see." How come you don't remember? Don't you remember if a guy sat on your lap, buddy?

I handed the phone back to Bible and started looking at mine while mulling over the situation, feeling bothered. I pretended to look at my Instagram like I didn't care.

"I can sit on your lap." Bible smiled and sat on my lap.

"Ok, ok, ok" I smiled back at him, feeling a little restless inside. "You can go down now!"

"Let's go. It's already late" Bas asked us.

"Sure, let's go. Bible, come on, I'll drop you off at home." Bible came with me in my car.

"I'll take you, Bible! I take the opportunity to pick up that book." Us stood up, calling out to Bible.

"Oh ok...thanks. Thanks Bui, I'll be back with Us."

"Oh ok." I smiled.

Seriously??? Who in this life still borrows someone's book? There is something called an e-book and it costs little!

"Bye guys"


I went back to my car alone. Wait a minute...is it really to get a book? What should I do?


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