4 - Let's kill this love

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Build POV

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Build POV

Since the actors' workshop, Bible and I have always been together. We get along very well. And we haven't even shot scenes really interacting like Vegas and Pete. But we feel very comfortable with each other. Bible is usually more reserved, but with me, we laugh a lot together. We are very good friends...good friends...friends...just friends...argh! What is wrong with me?

"Hey Build. You look tired"

"Hi, Apo...Oh...uh...I was reading the scripts. I ended up sleeping late."

"You are very dedicated, Biu, but you look like shit. hahaha"


I feel like shit too! I spent the night scouring Us and Bible social media. Nothing suspicious on Bible's social media. In fact he posts a lot of pictures of the two of us...how cute.

But in Us' media...I found irrefutable evidence that he's stepping where he shouldn't. Evidence number one, he ships VegasTay. It will never happen, buddy! Evidence number two, he has another video he is massaging Bible's shoulder...I remember that day...I got annoyed. And evidence number three, there is another video showing Us  touching Bible's face suspiciously! Us is my friend too. But he doesn't hold on to me like that. Does he has a crush on Bible?

"Hey Build! Have you seen Bible?"

"No director...do you want me to look for him?"

"Yes please. I need to explain the next scene to him and Apo."

"OK. He must be in the dressing room. I'll go get him for you."

I approached the dressing room door. I heard voices... laughter. I put my ear to the door. Sounds like the voice of Bible...and Us?!

"It's huge. How deep does it go?"

"Very deep"

" I really liked that"


"I do it very well"

What the hell are you guys doing in there? I felt my mood getting worse.

"What's up, Build?"

"AH!Fuck, Job...Shiiiu! You scared me!"

"What are you doing, Build?" And why are you whispering?

The dressing room door opened. Bible and Us left.

"What was that scream? Are you okay, Biu?" Bible looked at me worriedly.

"Me? Ah...nothing...nothing...The director is looking for you. He wants to explain the next scene to you." I smiled.

"Oh! Thank you. "

"I go with you, Bible." Us smiled to Job and me "See you later, guys."

Bible went to the studio and Us went with him.

"Ho ho ho...I see. You were listening behind the door, weren't you?" Job smirked.

"Don't talk nonsense. Let's go back."


"These two have been together a lot lately." Bas came close to us bringing his Iced americano.

Job, Bas and I were at a coffee shop near the studio. I'm not the only one noticing this suspicious interaction between them. Bible isn't even talking to me as much outside of filming anymore. But he's been spending a lot of time with Us.

Bible and Us are at another table drinking iced coffee and eating a cake.

"Shouldn't we sit with them?" Job asked.

"Nah...look over there. We might mess up something haha" Bas laughed.

Bible smeared his mouth with cream from the cake, and Us was helping him clean it up.

"Let's kill this love!" I frowned and slammed my fist on the table. 

"What's up, Build?" Job and Bas were startled.

"Oh It's the song...Kill this love...Blackpink...are you not listening?...Damn good. I got excited, sorry."

Job and Bas stood there trying to pay attention...making a face like they weren't listening to anything.

"No? Let's kill this love  Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum" I sang a bit of the chorus. "Don't you hear it? I think they turned off the music. It was playing. Very good music."

"You look weird these days Build! You seem distracted" Bas watched me suspiciously. "Are you jealous of someone?" He teased me.

"Who? Me? Jealous? What are you talking about? I'm just tired"

"Mhmm...so why are you looking at that table all the time, thoughtful..." Bas nudged me.

"I even caught you listening behind the dressing room door that day! haha. You wanted to know what Bible and Us were doing in there huh?!" Job kept teasing me.

"You're talking nonsense today, Geez."

"Better watch out or you'll be without your partner" Job winked at me.

The two laughed. I took my americano, pretending not to care about them. Us, I like you. But this is pure declaration of war! I will kill whatever is going on between you. I just need to think how. Yes, I'm that possessive of friends...or that possessive of Bible...I don't know why. I glanced at Bible. Why are you ignoring me and talking to him more? Am I not your best friend anymore?


Bible POV

"I have a hobby of making knives, P'Us. I brought you a knife. It's longer for cutting sashimi. It goes deep into big fish so you can separate the slices."

"Cool! I love to cook. Thanks Bible! Let me see"

We heard a noise outside the dressing room. It was Build and Job talking. I was worried if Build was okay. I think they were just making fun of each other. Build gets along great with everyone. He is always smiling and making fun.

In the following days we ended up not talking much. I was very committed to the scenes with P'Apo. Us is helping me rehearse. He volunteered to help me. I usually stay more with Build reviewing the script, but I decided to give him some space.

I think I'm letting my mixed feelings show too much. The other day we were at an event, and feeling a little bored, I made a heart out of wire and asked Us to deliver it to Bui, as a joke. He knew immediately that it was mine. He turned and smiled at me. I felt my heart pounding. Did anyone notice? Did Bui notice?

Yesterday I went with Us to a coffee shop near the studio. Build entered with Job and Bas. They didn't sit with us. I think Build also wants some space to interact with the other guys. He also no longer spontaneously comes looking for my company.

Are we getting apart?


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