7 - Help me with this kiss, kitty

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Bible's POV

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Bible's POV

I brought some drinks and food and placed it on the living room table. Build was sitting on the rug, playing with Gray. That beaming smile.

I sat next to him.

"What are you laughing about?" Build looked at me curiously.

"You two...you look alike." I smiled at him.

"Ferocious?" He pretended to show his claws at me.

"Cute." I pinched his cheek.

"Shut up." He slapped my hand, embarrassed.

"I missed the two of us like that."

Build looked at the rug...his smile slowly faded

"So why did you stop talking to me ...?"

"I'm sorry, Bui. It was not my intention. I did not want...Actually I..."

"It's ok. Just say it."

I'm fearless about all other things, but my shyness goes to heights when I like someone. I just can't say what I want...what I feel.

So I lied.

"I didn't want to abuse your friendship anymore. I felt like I was keeping you from interacting with other people because you needed to talk to me."

Maybe I haven't completely lied. But it wasn't the main reason.

"But I don't talk to you just because of you. I talk to you for my sake too. I do like everybody, but sometimes I get exhausted in the midst of so many extroverts like Apo...haha. I know it's the same for you. Sometimes I need to feel calm...cozy. You are my comfort zone. I feel comfortable with you." Build raised his face and stared at me. "I need you."

At that moment my impulse would be to kiss him. I felt it in my heart. But I felt paralyzed too.

I did nothing. I said nothing.

Sometimes I hate myself!

Build lowered his gaze again.

"We are alike... we have similar tastes...can't we go on like this? As good friends?" He asked me in a low voice.

I felt an ache in my heart...a dying hope. Just good friends?

"Of course...that's what I want." I lied again. I wanted more.

"Great!" Build looked up smiling again. "Give me this food, I'm starving."

"Sure..." I smiled at him. I feel like I'm acting all the time trying to keep this feeling to myself. Inside I was disappointed. Clearly Build only sees me as a friend. I don't even call him Phi so as not to create a barrier between us. But I don't think it helped.


Build's POV

We had dinner and chatted animatedly as before. I felt happy again.

"I better leave now so you can rest. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. Do you want help with the dishes?"

"No, don't worry, just leave it in the sink. Tomorrow someone will come to help with cleaning.

I still intend to review this script. I need to think about how to do this scene with P'Apo."

"What scene? Do you want some help?"

Bible thought for a moment.

"Maybe... it's that scene in the restroom"

"Oh, when Vegas and Kinn clash over Porsche? Do you want me to play Kinn?"

"Actually...it's the scene before that part."

"Ow... which one?"

"The kiss scene."


"...you don't have to help me if you don't want to......"

"No problem, I said I would help...I can play Porsche. What do you not know exactly how to do?"

"How to kiss him."

"Ok, we can do that. I mean, we can test some possibilities. No problem"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Let's do this"

"Ok...Thanks, Bui"

"No problem...uh...I think I can lean on this furniture, like it's the restroom counter, what do you think?"

"Sounds good... and I position myself here, right?" Bible stood in front of me.

"Good. Now I think you can lean on me a little bit." I felt Bible's body moving even closer to mine...

"Mhmm...like this?"

"Yeah..." I can't explain why but my heart raced... I felt some of his warmth caming from his body.

"I think I should hold your waist with one hand and caress your face with the other, right?"

"Sounds good for the script."

I felt Bible's palm rest on my waist...and his fingertips press lightly against my skin where the shirt was slightly lifted.

I don't know why I felt a shiver in my body. Bible felt my body shiver too. I've got shy. I ended up squeezing his arm with one of my hands reflexively.

"I'm sorry, I think your hand is a little cold."

"I'm sorry, Bui"... Bible slightly removed his hand from my waist, startled.

"No, you can leave your hand there." I took my hand off his arm and placed it on his hand, replacing it on my waist. "How do you imagine doing that now?" 

Bible stared at me.

"The kiss?"


"I thought like this."

Bible holds my neck with one hand and leans his face close to mine, placing a kiss on my lips. It takes some while like that. I can feel the softness of his lips. My heart keeps beating fast...and I feel my face heating up. Something is not right with me.

Then I use my arm to pull his body away and break the kiss, just like Porsche should do.

I feel a little short of breath.

"Uh...I think it's really good. You will have no problems with this part of the scene, Bible"

"Uh...yeah... this is exactly how I was imagining it. Thank you so much, Bui...for helping me." 

"No problem" I stared the floor to look away from him. I still felt my face burning and my heart pounding. I didn't want Bible to notice it. "I think I'll be going. It's getting late and we need to rest."

"Bui...actually I need to talk...."

I didn't give him time to say anything. I was feeling embarrassed.  I quickly grabbed my things and headed for the door...

"See you tomorrow, Bible! Take a rest! Good night!"



I keep slamming his door. I arrived as fast as I could in my car. I rested my head on the car's headrest, taking a deep breath and exhaling the air until I felt my body calm down. 

I know I felt something I shouldn't. 

Did Bible notice it too?


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