10 - Innocent face [NC18+]

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Bible's POV

Bui's innocent face taken with pleasure arouses me to the point I can't contain myself anymore. 

Unconsciously I took off his pants and mine.

All I wanted was to feel our bodies together. Our cores rubbing against each other. 

I suddenly realize that I'm overdoing it with him. 

I don't want to be disrespectful to him...make him uncomfortable...although I believe he's not just acting. It can not be. I want it to be real.

"Bui...is this too much...?" I try to control my panting breath.

Build opens his eyes and turns his head to the side. He is too embarrassed to face me. He is panting too. 

"Uh?!...hmn...a little...I guess..."  

He looks so cute lying on the couch like this....so gorgeous. 

"Just a little?" I need to know what he's thinking

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"Just a little?" I need to know what he's thinking.

"...maybe more than a little...for a series...but you are doing great...it feels...


"It feels so real...." his face is burning...

"...It's because of what I'm feeling..."

"What are you feeling?" 

"Crazy in love and burning with desire..."

"Mhmmm...Vegas for Pete."

"and Bible for Build..." 

Bui's eyes widen and he turns to me, astonished.

"What did you say?"

He looks even prettier when he's shocked... his cheeks are pink with embarrassment.

"You heard me, Bui...I'm in love with you...do you feel the same for me?"

"..." He keeps looking me straight in the eyes, unable to respond.

"Even though you're a hell of an actor, I don't believe you're faking all this. It's real for you too...I can see it in your eyes...in your behaviour with me...You feel the same for me, right?

"I..." He looks confused.

"I'll be your hornbill. Be my kitty...please..." 

I lean on him again to kiss him...I'm so afraid he'll tell me no...

"...take good care of me then..." he whispers back to me, closing his eyes.

" he whispers back to me, closing his eyes

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Build's POV

In interviews as portraying a couple, we have a different dynamic. I usually laugh at the comments about us. Bible gives a shy smile....maybe because he already had feeelings for me...I don't know.

And now he's totally taking the lead in showing how he really feels about me. Even though he's younger, he's bolder than I am. Perhaps this is precisely the reason.

When I felt his warm kiss again I was already fully surrendered to him. 

We smiled at each other as we kissed intensely.

Am I really making out with the hottest man of the moment?

I allow myself to enjoy all the sensations I'm having...without self-recrimination.

And it feels so good.

After hot kisses in my whole body and intense rubbing, arousal calls for the next step. 

I feel his hands going inside my underwear, squeezing my bottom as he presses harder his core against mine and then pulling my underwear down.

Bible's POV

"I don't know if I'm ready for this..." Build speaks shyly.

I keep kissing his neck gently so I don't leave marks. 

"If you don't want that, we don't have to...don't worry." I'm very aroused but I can't pressure him.

I squeeze his butt, pushing his pelvis against mine, increasing the contact of our lower bodies.

Despite not being a girl, I can feel that his butt is unexpectedly round and soft... how am I  suppose to hold back?

I can feel Bui's body reacting to mine.

"What if... what if we just do it like this..." Bui makes a move.

Even with his eyes half-closed, Build guides his hand inside my boxers. I feel his warm hand holding me hesitantly. I let out a moan of satisfaction and smile at him. I like to see him taking the lead now, even if timidly.

"Let's do this together..."

I join his core to mine...skin to skin. His face is so red. I put my hand over his, holding our cores tightly.

"Have you done this before?" Build asks me apprehensively.

"No...but I bet it's going to be good..."  I feel daring. I kiss him again.

The room is filled with the sound of our moans that start shyly and then can no longer be contained.

"Ah!Bui...Ah Haa" 

"Ah...." He starts to pant a lot.

Our lips meet again, smothering the moans that gradually cease when our bodies stop shaking.

A new and amazing experience.

I feel comfortable. I feel happy. This feels so right.

This feels so right with him. 

I hope he is feeling the same.

Unexpectedly, Build stops our kissing. He places his hands on my chest, pressing for me to get off him. I stay in the couch and Build stands up, dressing his underware back.

His face is serious. 

I get apprehensive.

"Bui...what's wrong? Do you regret this?"

what's wrong? Do you regret this?"

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