14 - Light touch

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Bible's POV

I've tried talking to Bui all day, but he seemed to avoid me.

In the morning, P'Apo dragged him somewhere before I could talk to him. Then it was Job. Bui even sat on Job's lap to take pictures together. 


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I had to focus on the conversation with Bas to control my mood. Bui is very affectionate with everyone. It's mutual. Literally every cast member touches him. It bothers me a lot. I try to take a deep breath every time to disguise it.

It was almost time to leave when I found Biu alone in the dressing room, sitting on the couch, checking his social media.

I sat next to him.


"You don't believe that, right?" 

"What are you talking about?"

"...rumors that I have a girlfriend..?!"

" Ow...that...you don't owe me explanations."

"Of course I do. I don't have a girlfriend. She is just a friend from college."

"Okay" He nodded.

"You could act like you care." I tried to sound cool with it, but actually Biu's lack of jealousy makes me insecure.

He stops looking at his phone screen and, not looking directly at me, he says in a calm voice.

"Hmm...It doesn't mean that I don't care. It means I trust you. Besides, I don't think I have the right to demand anything from you." Then he looks at me.

"Sure you do."

I bring my face closer to kiss him, but Biu pulls his face away, startled.

"Not here."

I can't help but look annoyed. I lean back and grab my phone, not saying another word.

Unexpectedly, Biu takes my hand and we intertwine our fingers. Our joined hands come closer to my abs. With the tips of his fingers, he gently lifts the hem of my sweatshirt and I feel the heat of his hand on my skin. I place my hand over the sweatshirt and slowly push his hand down and it slips over my pants. My heart races. I feel my blood flow down immediately. The soft touches increase the excitement that comes from that sensation. I keep pretending to look at the phone screen and so does Biu. I glance at him..his face is turning red.

(fan made: https://youtube

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(fan made: https://youtube.com/shorts/jETcmDAXmCY?feature=share)

Suddenly we hear the sound of voices approaching the dressing room door.

I feel his hand tremble with fright.

Biu closes his hand and withdraws it. I pull the sweatshirt further down. The door opens. 

Us excitedly enters the dressing room.

"Hey Build, I already bought the tickets to Seoul."


Author's note

Sorry, it's too short. I haven't published anything in a while. I was uninspired. I've been watching a lot of videos and photos to regain motivation haha. I will try to increase the frequency of publications until the end of the month... until we reach Puket and Weibo posts from Bible and Build. For this, the chapters will be short. Sorry again for the delay. I promise the next chapter will be better. Thanks for following along!

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