29 - New habits

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Build's POV

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Build's POV

"Hey, Biu...have you talked to that friend of yours...?!"

"Which friend?"

"That Thai actor"

"..." I felt my stomach ache.

"That one who called me two weeks ago looking for you..."

"Ow...that one...no..."

"Won't you return his call?! Don't you even want to hear what he has to say?!"

"I turned that page of my life."

"I know, but...well...he's here...in town."

"What do you mean?!?! I asked you not to say where I am!"

I feel triggered.

"I haven't, I swear, Biu! Don't panic, please. I told him last time I saw you was in Thailand months ago!"

"..."I feel anxious...

"Nobody can find you here if you don't want to, I promise!"

"I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but just don't..."

"I won't say anything. I'm always on your side, remember?! I will not betray you. That's why I'm talking about this with you."

"I know...I'm sorr..."

"Don't be sorry. You're just protecting yourself, I know. Learn with me. Don't you ever be sorry to someone again. You've already apologized too much. It's just a waste of effort and time."

"Even when in wronging?!"

"In your case?! YES!"


" Don't worry, Heaven will excuse you. You can be a bastard from now on."


"Anyways damn good-natured boy, someone just told me that a Thai actor was in town... and it turns out to be that same person. I don't know why he's here, but he contacted me today and asked to meet him at a Cafe tomorrow afternoon...I don't know if it has something to do with the campaign for my new collection...my team is choosing some faces for the launch in Thailand...or if it has something to do with you."

"Does anyone know I'm signing part of your new collection?"

"This is top secret."

"What did you reply to him?"

"My assistant said she would check my schedule and get in touch."


"What are you thinking?!"

"Like you said, you don't know what he wants. It can be something about your collection...maybe you should go."

"Biu, don't worry. That other person never managed to find you here...and you know how much he tried. Nobody will find you, if you don't want to."

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