5 - Wet dream

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Build POV

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Build POV

I arrived early to the filming location. We'll do a scene on an auction. Bible was already there in the corner reading the script.

Bible was stunning, wearing a white suit. My heart skipped a beat. Of all the Vegas outfits I've seen so far, this one is the sexiest. Bible's hot. No wonder so many fans clamor for him. I could include myself...as a close friend, of course.

Us approaches Bible with script in hand. He is also decorating the script for the part of the scene he will film with P'Mile. They start to talk.

These two are pissing me off. I'm a man with a purpose. And my purpose at the moment is to get rid of Us and get my friend back. I step forward to go over there and disrupt the conversation with whatever silly joke I can come up with.

"Build! Build!!"

"What?!" I respond angrily to someone calling me.

" I'm sorry, man, but I've been calling you for a long time. You're distracted..."

"Ah...sorry Apo." I smiled. "I was going over in my head what needs to be done." "

"Let's shoot the scene coming down the stairs."

"Now?" When I looked back to where Bible was, he was gone. No sign of any of them. Damn it.

"Come on, Build!"

"Okay, okay...I'm going!"


Bible POV

I'm feeling nervous today. I have an important scene with P'Mile at an auction and then another with P'Apo.

I would usually talk to Build to calm me down. Despite talking a lot with Us and other co-actors, only Build's bright smile and silly jokes can calm me down.

But Build was also getting ready to shoot part of the same scene, but we won't have direct interaction. For now, we have little interaction in the scenes. I wonder what it will be like when we start filming the storyline of Vegas and Pete. How difficult it will be to deal with the characters' emotions and my own emotions...

The director asked me to shoot the scene where I watch Kinn and Porsche arriving at the auction. I must express a certain look. A look of someone who arrogantly desires something...or someone.... like defeating Kinn and conquering someone like Porsche.

To be able to express this emotion was not difficult. All I had to do was divert my attention to who was coming down the stairs next to P'Apo. It was Build. He was dressed all in black. He wore a turtleneck shirt and a suit over it. His hair was down, his mouth red, contrasting with his pale face. He was gorgeous. A flicker of desire crossed my gaze.

"Great job, Bible! You perfectly portrayed Vegas' facial expression on the first take."

The director congratulated me.

Internally I was controlling the momentary turmoil I was feeling.

The day was hectic. I was able to observe Build from afar, just quickly, between one shoot and another. At one point, Build was so tired, he fell asleep. All I could do was approach him and cover him with his jacket. I quickly caressed his face. I hope no one saw it. He's even cuter sleeping.

 He's even cuter sleeping

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When I got home, I was exhausted.

During the night I had a restless sleep. I was at the filming location...in the hotel room where I had filmed a scene with P'Apo. I was dressed in the same white suit and white shirt. I was sitting in an armchair. Build appeared dressed in black, as I saw him at the filming location. Build approached me. His look was alluring.

When I looked down, I noticed that Build was only wearing the black turtleneck shirt, no pants on. The shirt covered his private part. He sat on my lap and smiled at me lewdly.

I couldn't move, I was paralyzed. The only thing I could do was hold on to his slim waist. So sexy. I couldn't move anymore.

Build started to slowly unbutton my shirt and then my pants. He unzipped my pants. I could feel my breathing getting faster and deeper. Build leaned over me and gently kissed my neck. I felt a shiver. I felt his fingers running along my chest, my abs, stopping just below my waist. He looked at me with such lust. I wanted to touch him too, but I couldn't move.

I felt an affliction at not being able to move... to run my hands over his body... to make him sit on my center and feel his core over mine.

Build lifted his face and smirked. He lowered his gaze, slowly tucking his hand inside my pants. He said "I'm not gonna hurt you...rather you will feel good". I closed my eyes and felt a wave of pleasure go through my body.

I suddenly opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of my bedroom.

And I was already half an hour late to leave the house for the filming studio.


When I arrived at the studio, Build came quickly to talk to me.

"Hi Bible! What happened? You usually are the first to arrive. You seem tired. Are you okay?"

Build welcomed me with his beautiful smile. But he soon showed concern for me. So cute.

"Hey, ...morning! Oh... I got tired yesterday. I ended up running out of time."

"Want to have a coffee with me to wake up? I'm going to the caffee shop."

"No thanks, I already had coffee". I looked away. I don't have the courage to look him in the eye. I feel so ashamed!

"Hmn...how about we have lunch together? There is a new restaurant that..."

"Sorry, I already arranged with Us."

"I see... and at dinner...do you hav...?

"Excuse me, Bui, I gotta go."

"Oh ok..."

"Okay! Bye"


Build POV

It's official.

Bible doesn't give a damn about me anymore.


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