21 - Send off

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Build's POV

"How are you feeling today?"

"A lot better. I can't believe we'll finally get to see each other today...I miss you."

"I'm glad you are not coughing anymore...I need to hang up. P'Mile and Jeff are waiting for me. I've gotta go, okay?"


I'm sure he would say he misses me if he weren't so excited to buy his new guitar.

I'd like to be together...choosing one, but P'Mile and Jeff are experts at this. I had another appointment with Us.

In a little while we'll meet at Bas graduation, anyway.

Being stuck at home for so long made me anxious to get out. We didn't get to meet Ble's family...I think he was disappointed. I prefer not to live with expectations...when the time comes again, it will happen.

I look at social media...There's a picture of Bible with P'Mile and Jeff.

There are several ship comments about Jeff and Bible. This isn't a new thing.

The same happened about Bible and Apo....and other people. I'm trying to get used to it. 

The important thing is not to pay attention, even if many of these comments are also offensive against me.

Only Bible and I know what we have and how valuable it is, and that's enough for me to deal with hatred...even when it seems too much to handle sometimes...

"Hey, Bui! Someone is calling you..."

Us points to the phone on the table. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Bible was calling me. 

It's a video call.

"Hey...hi, bab...Bible! Are you calling me from the store?!"

"Why are you so surprised? I want you to see the new guitar I' going to buy

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"Why are you so surprised? I want you to see the new guitar I' going to buy. What do you think?"

I should know my boyfriend is so considerate of me...

It is precisely these small gestures that reinforce that what we have is true.

Like all those DIY gifts Ble made for me from the start. 

I can't wear them. I don't want to generate harmful gossip. Those handmade gifts are stored in my special box, and more importantly, in here, my heart, where it matters.

 Those handmade gifts are stored in my special box, and more importantly, in here, my heart, where it matters

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