38 - Great together [NC18+]

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Bible's POV

"Sexy! One more! Great!! That's it, guys! Well done! Oh wow! This is exactly how to have sex without having sex...you guys are great together."

The photographer's enthusiasm makes us feel embarrassed. Poses were quite insinuating. That apple in Biu's mouth couldn't get out of my head... If I could choose, I would be having sex with Biu instead of posing like I was eating him alive. On the other hand, I was afraid of my body reacting in a way that would bring more embarrassment to both of us.

It's hard to have a strong mind and control over your body when your boyfriend says he was fantasizing about licking your balls.

Biu said that to tease me and have fun. I'm not sure if he was being naughty or only joking.

Anyways, all I want is to go home right now and do it for real.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. This is because you could guide us so well." Biu replied the cortesy politely.

"Oh...Build...never seen a model that can change expressions so easily! From sexy to saint...you did great. Oh, such a shame we can't show your face, Bible...hmm...I can ask the Magazine to talk to Bible's agency and ..."

I could see Biu's concerned expression for me right away. I don't want to cause him more worries because of my impulsive attitude.

"I appreciate it, but this is Build's solo photoshoot...I'm glad I could help."

"Oh, you're right...I'm sorry, Biu! How rude of me! It was not what I meant...Of course Biu is main model and shine alone...I apologize"

"Please, don't..." Build smiled kindly to the photographer.

"You boys have such a unique chemistry on camera...hard to find...I got excited to have more....maybe we can have another project with both of you...I'll talk to the Magazine...

"Haha...uh...yeah...great...thank you, Mr. Chen"

We smile and bow to the photographer, but deep inside we know it's not going to happen.

It tastes bitter.

"You may change your clothes now..."

As we walk to the dressing room I feel guilty.

I wish he didn't have to smile anymore to hide some discomfort.

Much less one I caused myself. However, what if the photographer asked the other model to do all these poses with Biu in front of me?

I can't even think about it. Not after so long apart. Not now that I got a chance I'm nost sure I deserve... even though it's just work, I'm breaking my own rules and taking it personally.

Maybe he will scold me for it.

As soon as the dressing room door closes, in my mind I'm already preparing my defense speech...or rather...my apology.

"Biu...I'm so sorry of..."


This is bad...he doesn't even want to hear my excuses.

Biu never fights.

He just looks at you with that disappointed look and says "that's okay" ...but deep down you know it's not...which makes you feel even more guilty.

This is always his unconscious strategy for dealing with things...and I'm bound to feel miserable.

"Biu...I know I shouldn't have...ngh!!"

Biu put some T-shirt in my mouth to make me shut up.

He brought his face close to mine and said very softly.

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