Chapter 3: Money

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P.O.V: Song Subeun

I was exhausted from today's work and I heard the shower running when I entered the dorm. I thought it would be best if I didn't disturb Hyeyoon so I climbed into bed unbothered to change clothes for the night. I had a long day of relocating for different shots for the upcoming short film project. I never thought I would fall asleep so fast but I was out like a light.

Morning rolled round, I woke up to the sound of my notification, my eyes barely open, I reached for my phone and turned it on to see what the notification was about. I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I squinted to read the name of the notification.

BTS will be performing next week...I think I'm misreading this..

I put my phone down, drank some water then checked my phone again and I screamed so loud that Hyeyoon came running out of the bathroom, panicked.

"What's wrong?!" she yelled in worry.

"They... They... Are performing.." I looked at her and gulped.

"who is performing?" she said confused.

"Bts." I said as I looked at my phone again in disbelief.

She laughed, "shut the fuck up. They aren't performing."

Since, she didn't want to believe me, I turned my phone to her and showed her the notification information. I watched her read the information out loud and she screamed just as loud as I did.

"We're fucking going!" she screamed in my face and then soon realised after looking at the prices that we didn't have that much for the tickets.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"The tickets are expensive for front row seats.." she said upset as she lifted her head from my phone to look at me.

"I'm sure we can work something out. I have work this week. We can do it!" I said in optimism.

She wasn't so sure of the idea but agreed to at least give it a shot.

We both pondered for hours on how we could possibly get the money in time for the concert and then it hit us. We decided to sell home baked food to the students and every penny we gained went straight towards our tickets to see them.

We had a deadline by the end of this week to gather our money together.

Saturday, we worked all week to gather as much money as we could to pay for the concert tickets. I sat down on our dorm room floor with Hyeyoon to count the money and we came to realise that we only saved up enough for one of us to go. We both looked at each other.

"There's only enough for one of us to go..." she sighed.

"how about we rock, paper, scissors over who gets to go?" I suggested.

"You promise that whatever the outcome, you'll accept it?" she asked.

"I agree, as long as you facetime me so I can watch through the phone whilst one of us is there. Deal?" I said.

"Deal" she smiled.

After 4 rounds, of rock, paper and scissors. Hyeyoon won fair and square so she paid for her ticket that night and got her outfit ready for the concert featuring tonight.

She got ready almost as if it was second nature. It takes me a while to get ready but she was ready to go. She twirled around in her outfit for my approval. She asked, "how do I look?"

"Perfect. Now go to the concert before you don't in the space", I muttered as I pushed her out the door "and have fun." I was left alone in the dorm by myself, disappointed that we didn't raise enough for the both of us.

I sighed and decided to finalise some footage I took towards my project before considering piecing together the shots I had taken during the last couple of weeks.

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