Chapter 27: Reunion

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Everyone gathered at the time and place of where Namjoon had texted them. Everyone got into their reserved seating before ordering their food and began to gossip over the latest events. There were a few exchanges of ideas for the group's next big hit. A lot of the ideas stemmed from everyone's experiences whilst they were on break from music. It came to some of the group members' attention that there was a strong vibe between Hyeyoon and Subeun. No one commented or spoke up on it as they all delved into their own cuisines and snacks that they ordered.


P.O.V: Moon Hyeyoon

"Excuse me, I have to use the restroom," I said as I excused myself from the table. I walked to the bathroom and sighed heavily whilst looking in the mirror at myself. I began thinking to myself.

I can't stand to look at her or be in the same room as her. How can she be so calm after everything that's happened? Or after what she did to me? That slimey bitch. How does she get to feel happy and I'm still miserable? She didn't even attempt to stop the situation from happening either. What a traitor!

My thoughts were interrupted when Subeun walked into the bathroom. "Hey," she said quietly as she stood behind me, with her reflection in the mirror. I gripped the sink hard as I looked at her reflection through the mirror before responding, "what do you want?" She seemed caught off guard by my words. I turned around to face her, I had coldness in my heart for her and there was no way of me hiding it either. "I thought we could patch things up since you know everything that's happened," she spoke once again. I began to laugh at her.

"You want to patch things up?" I scoffed as I crossed my arms, "I have news for you, you're a cunt and all you do is think with is your vagina." She looked at me pissed as she hissed back at me, "I think with my vagina? That's just rich coming from you considering you fucked almost all of the band members. Especially, my Jungkook. You deserved what happened that night at his apartment." She was getting under my skin and my blood began to boil. I balled my hands into fists to the point my knuckles had turned white.

As if she sensed me getting angry, she hurried to the door, I grabbed her by the hair as I dragged her back. I watched her topple to the floor, "you don't get away that easily," I huffed. She got up off the floor, she came at me with both her fists to the face, I spat blood in the sink. Now she really had pissed me off to the point I was seeing red. I punched her hard in the nose, she fell backwards and I got on top of her. I began punching relentlessly with each strike harder.

A woman we had never met before walked in on the fight between us and ran back out to where security ripped us both off each other. Both of us were breathing heavily as they dragged us out of the hotel restaurant. All the members of BTS saw us being dragged out. They all got up from their table and followed us outside of the restaurant, Jungkook looked at Subeun's face to make sure she was okay whilst my hands were dripping with her blood. Taehyung looked at me concerned, "Did you two have a fight, just now?" he asked.

I glared at her as Jungkook spoke angrily, "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I scoffed before walking off but Taehyung grabbed my arm, "Yah, wait," he voiced. I looked at him angrier than I was before as I snatched my arm out of his grasp. He looked shocked that I would even do that. "Sort her out. She's out of fucking order," Jungkook explained as he came closer to Taehyung. "Shut the fuck up, Subeun clearly started it. Look at her face," Taehyung scoffed as he left to go find where I had run off too, this time.

I had walked all the way to a near by lake, I sat down to wash my hands off in the water and I breathed hard a I began scrubbing the blood off. I felt a presence behind me,"why are you following me?" I asked irritated. "because you can't just beat someone up and then walk off like nothing happened, Hyeyoon," he said just as irritated as I was. "She deserved it," I scoffed as I stared into the lake water. "Maybe she did, maybe she didn't but you shouldn't have done it, Hyeyoon," He explained and I ignored.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" I said quietly. He sat next to me and sighed before speaking, "No I can't because you're my responsibility now. You aren't well and I'm trying my best to accommodate to that but you're making it incredibly difficult." He tried to touch me again and I snatched away again, I hissed, "don't touch me." He looked confused from my actions and then scolded, "fine." I kept looking at the water and began sighing hard. "I don't want to be in a relationship with you anymore. I don't want any of this," I finally admitted.

He turned to look at me, in pure anger he replied, "why?!" I looked him in the eyes, "because I don't love you anymore and you deserve someone who does," I explained. He hit the ground with his fists, "You keep saying the same shit! Can't you fucking see that I only want you?" he cursed. I got up from sitting next to him and walked out to where I had already tied a noose, I put it around my neck before kicking away the log I was using to stand on. By the time, Taehyung found me, I was already dead.

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