Chapter 9: The Plan

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P.O.V: Jeon Jungkook

It was the early hours of the morning, I had to wake up for a gym session with my trainer. I love working out but at 5 am? I will rather be sleeping in but no I have to be at the gym. I guess this is the only thing that's keeping me distracted for now. Today, is leg day and abs, I'm lucky to not be on tour right now but that doesn't mean I can slack behind either. I want armies to see me in all my glory when I perform on stage again. Until then, I work out.

I walked to our apartment complex gym and walked straight into the designated area we would be using. I can't use a public gym because crowds would form and I know for a fact that some armies would swarm in like bees. My trainer walked up to me with a grin on his face, this only meant one thing, he wasn't going to go easy on me. I mean I wouldn't expect him to because the guy is in great shape and has trained many other idols other than myself. He ran me through what today's workout would be consisting of.

A few hours later, I was sweating bullets and I felt like I had pushed myself more than before with these workouts. My trainer did warn me not to overdo it because it could cause more damage than good. I stretched out my worn, burning muscles before getting up off the floor to go back to my apartment upstairs. I didn't really feel like walking up the stairs so I took the elevator. I waited for the elevator to stop on my floor and it didn't take long for me to bolt to my apartment door. I could finally shower.

I swung open my apartment door as if someone had been chasing me with a knife. I shut the door behind me and let out a breath of relief that I was back in my apartment. My eyes wandered around the apartment before I finally walked towards the bathroom. I was sweating and my clothes had shrunk against my skin. I hated the feeling and I didn't waste any time getting completely bare before hopping into the shower. I turned the water on, usually, I'd have a cold shower but I had a hot one today to relax my muscles.

After, my shower, I dried off the water dripping down my body before pulling on some black Calvin Klein boxers and a matching set of sweats. I left my hair messy to fully dry by itself whilst I picked up my dirty clothes off the floor to wash in the washing machine. I remember before moving out on my own, I struggled to use a washing machine and my hyungs didn't help me. Now that was a pain in the ass. I put my clothes in the machine to wash whilst I went to wash the dishes from last night.

Unexpectedly, I received a text message but I couldn't read it yet because I was still washing the dishes. I quickly finished washing the dishes and put them out to dry as well as dry my hands before reaching into my pocket for my phone. I wonder who would text me at 8 am. I unlocked my phone and show that it was Taehyung. What could he possibly want at 8 am? I rolled my eyes before going onto my kakao app. He texted me to fetch something from his apartment since he had to leave for the studio and couldn't get it.

I groaned turning my phone off before grabbing the spare keys he lent me for emergencies and walking out the door towards his apartment on the other side of the complex. I let myself in and I looked around unfazed by his weird abstract paintings and miniature statues. I headed for his study room and left myself in, his study was a mess. All I could see were empty whiskey bottles and papers everywhere. What the hell happened to him? I shifted my focus back to what he needed which was his USB that he forgot to take with him.

I went to grab the USB and accidentally knocked over some of his papers, I put the USB in my pocket before kneeling down to pick up the papers. I noticed a particular paper with a title which seems weird and I read it, 'Finding Moon Hyeyoon'. I was dumbfounded and curious so I sat down to read the whole paper. He had written down a detailed plan of everything she did and what time she would be in classes. This was creepy, even for Taehyung. I didn't expect this of him, out of all people. This is really weird.

I got another message and I grabbed my phone to look at the text from Taehyung asking where I was. I replied, "I'll be there in a bit, I'm on the toilet." I took a picture of the plan and what he was exactly going to do before switching off my phone. I put my phone back in my pocket and quickly gathered his papers off the floor as I made sure to make it look like I didn't see that sheet of paper. I put his pile of papers back on his desk and walked out of the door.

I had left his apartment and made my way to the studio to go meet up with him. He was busy working on a solo piece he had been writing up for a while. I walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder before giving him the USB, "here". He took it from my hands and smiled with a small smirk, "thank you JK. I wouldn't have been able to finish the song if you didn't bring my USB," he replied. I responded back with, "It's fine, I gotta head back to my apartment to do some work too."

After that, I left him in the studio to continue with his work whilst I made my way back to my apartment. However, I stopped on the way to the convenience store, they had banana milk on sale and I wasn't going to miss that. I bolted inside and made my way to the entire crate of banana milk, I wanted all of it but I didn't want to be selfish so I only took the 12 pack of cartons. I paid for the milk and then left the store whilst holding them in my hands. I finally got home now.

I put the cartons of milk in the fridge to stay cool and took one to drink before closing the fridge. I walked to my bedroom and laid down against the headboard whilst looking over the plan Taehyung had mapped out for Moon Hyeyoon. I opened my banana milk and drank it whilst glimpsing over all the information he had on her. A thought came to mind, what if I got her before he did and got to see what all the fuss is about. I set up a plan of action to override the plan Taehyung had prepared previously.

I was tired from my training today so I finished my banana milk before getting up to brush my teeth. I walked into the bathroom and yawned, I brushed my teeth before heading towards the washing machine to take out my clothes. I emptied the machine and then hung up my clothes on the balcony washing line to dry for their next use. I closed the balcony door and locked it before heading back into my bedroom. I lazily took off my sweats and threw them aside on the floor before getting into my bed. I got under the covers and rested my head against the pillow. I checked the time on my phone before plugging it in to charge whilst I went to sleep. I put my phone down on the nightstand before turning onto my back and closing my eyes. I took a few deep breaths in order to set myself to fall asleep and it didn't take me long to get fast asleep. I was exhausted from today's workout and had to take a USB to Taehyung at the studio. I've done enough for today to be concluded as a productive day. Now I got some sleep.

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