Chapter 16: Betrayal

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P.O.V: Kim Namjoon

Not only did the staff fuck up today but on top of that, I have to deal with this shit too? When do I get a break from all of this? I'm losing my patience.

I threw her into my apartment and she fell back on the couch, I grabbed a chair and sat in front of her as I was breathing hard. I couldn't even speak clearly or in a good manner, I was so enraged.  I tried to calm myself down before speaking, "Care to explain, what the actual fuck you are doing?" I finally made eye contact and looked at her. She was scared and in tears but that didn't matter to me at this moment. "Answer me!" I yelled. She shuddered back from me yelling and looking down like a petty thief. "Fine, if you don't want to explain then maybe I should bring Taehyung here so he can explain why the fuck there's a plan for you?" I said hastily. She looked up at me in shock. 

"Don't!" she pleaded.

"And why the hell not?" I yelled again.

"He doesn't know..." she whispered. 

"He doesn't know what?" I asked.

"He doesn't know I'm here. Hell, I don't even know why I'm here," She explained.

I calmed down and I started to take pity on her. I think I was so worked up today that I didn't even consider she is human too. I sighed, "I can't help you if you don't explain what is wrong. I'm beyond my reasoning to keep you here but as far as I'm aware you aren't allowed to leave because you'll be putting our careers in danger with your stupid antics. So for the love of ramyeon, tell me what the issue is." 

"Fine...but you promise to keep this from Taehyung knowing?" she asked. 

"I will. I promise." I had clearly lied.

"That day at the concert when Taehyung took me to his hotel room to make sure, I was okay. He lied when he told you that he escorted me home. He kept me in his hotel room and we had sex. The following morning when you all had to leave the hotel and Taehyung was running a bit late...We were late because we were having sex. He told me to keep it a secret because it would cause drama in the media. He also said that I should promise that I wouldn't see or look at anyone the way that I saw him. I told him that I can't promise him that and he took that back before letting me go home. On my graduation, Jungkook brought me back here but to his apartment, we played a drinking game and I was blacked out drunk, when I woke up, I was naked with no clothes on and cum dried up on my skin. Then Hoseok came to get me from Jk's apartment because he no longer wanted me there. Then at Hoseok's place, we drank and he attempted to have sex with me but it didn't end up happening all the way. He called Yoongi to get me, when I got to Yoongi's, he had been out all night working in the studio and came back early hours of the morning. He cooked ramyeon for us both and he had one and a half bottles of Soju. He was angry and very pushy, and we ended up having sex. Then Yoongi wanted to get rid of me so he called Jin to get me. Jin didn't try anything on me and I guess he figured me out but I couldn't say anything to him so he called you and now here we are."

I tried to process everything she told me and I couldn't help but think she should've just come to me before all this had happened. I look at the floor before speaking, "Hyeyoon. I think it's best you don't go anywhere near the other guys. You're clearly unstable and from the looks of it, you look like you regretted every single minute of it. However, you should've just come to me so I could've helped you. I'm glad you told me but take my advice. Go to sleep and don't do anything stupid to yourself. Understand me?" I said in all honesty then got up to hug her before she left to go to the guest room. I waited till she had fallen asleep before I left to go to Taehyung's place. 

When I arrived at Taehyung's, he opened the door and reeked of whiskey. "What do you want, Namjoon?" he asked unfazed by my presence. "Can I come in?" I asked. He nodded and let me into his apartment, I told him he should take a seat and be prepared for what I was about to tell him. I spilt all the information on what the other members had done and what Hyeyoon had told me before I came here. He was visibly pissed, so much so that he smashed whiskey bottles on the wall leaving shatters everywhere. I couldn't stop him. He ran out of the apartment and went straight to mine and aggressively pounded on the door. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR, HYEYOON!!" He yelled so loud that the entire apartment complex could hear him. The other members came to my level floor apartment to see what the commotion was about. 

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