Chapter 26: Promise to be mine?

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P.O.V: Moon Hyeyoon

It was the next morning, I moaned as I rubbed my eyes and slowly looked up to see Taehyung still sleeping soundly. I didn't bother to get up but to stay in his arms, he felt warm as I snuggled up close to him. It was after a few minutes that he started to wake up. I heard him groan, he removed his arms and leg off me as he began to sit up in the bed. I opened my eyes again and spoke softly, "good morning..." He looked at me half asleep, "good morning," he said.

I moaned as I stretched before sitting up as well and rubbing my eyes, I couldn't help but yawn as well. "Hyeyoon..." he mumbled as he scratched his chest. "Hm?" I asked. "Can you please stay with me?" he asked. I looked at him confused, "I'm right here," I added. He glanced at me again before yawning, "I meant like become my girlfriend. Do it properly this time around. What do you think?" he suggested. I looked at the bed tiredly and nodded, before I knew it he tackled me backwards into the bed with a hug, and I began giggling.

He hovered over me, his eyes were fixated on mine as he leaned in closer to my face and slowly kissed me. It felt tender and welcoming as I closed my eyes and kisses him back with my hands on the nape of his neck. He slowly opened my legs, got between them and began to lower his weight on top of me, slowly. It had been a while since I felt his lips against mine or even been this close to him. I pulled away slowly to look him in the eyes, softly I spoke, "can we please take this slow? I don't want to rush things like before..." He looked at me with heartwarming eyes, he sat back and pulled me into his lap, "I won't rush you. I just want you here with me. That's all that matters to me, right now," he said softly. Hearing him say that, made me feel at ease and more comfortable being around him. 

Later, Taehyung wanted to spend the rest of the night elsewhere than his hotel room so he started packing his things and making a reservation for us to eat somewhere other than at the hotel bar. Shortly after, he took me to a fancy restaurant where everything seemed out of my league. He held my hand as he walked us over to our reserved table, pulled out my chair for me then sat on the opposite side facing me. "What's all this for?" I asked. He smiled cheekily before replying, "I wanted to take you out on a date. I never got the chance to do that so I'm taking the opportunity now." I couldn't help but blush at his remark. Soon after, we ordered our food, talked about life, danced and overall had a blast.


P.O.V: Kim Namjoon

I assumed since everyone was in one hotel, it would be a good idea to get everyone together for dinner together tomorrow. I texted everyone the time and address of where to meet up. I hope everyone was avaliable because its been a while since we all gathered together. I sighed after sending the text message to everyone, I put my phone down on the night stand before getting into the shower, to wash off the make-up and sweat from the concert. Today, has been a long day and I just wanted to go to sleep.


P.O.V: Kim Seok Jin

I soaped myself in as I washed the sweat off my skin as well as the make up. After completely washing myself clean, I dried myself up with a towel and pulled on some sweats as well as boxers before getting into my bed. I picked up my phone to look at the text message Namjoon sent me, some emails and my schedule then finally put my phone on charge before placing it on the nightstand. I turned over onto my side, pulled a pillow between my legs and grabbed one to hold whist I slept.


P.O.V: Min Yoongi

I was pulling on my sweats after my shower when I heard my phone ping. I finished getting dressed then checked the text message from Namjoon, I put my phone on charge and then back on the nightstand before going towards my things. I packed up my equipment carefully and put my clothes away into the suitcase. This gave me one less thing to do during the morning. I checked I packed everything before turning off the lights, climbing into bed and getting myself comfortable with my hands between my legs. I soon began to fall asleep.


P.O.V: Jung Hoseok

I had already showered and gotten dressed, I heard my phone ping as I was doing my skincare routine. I quickly finished up applying my night cream before washing my hands and checking my phone. I had received a text message from Namjoon. I read it as I was cleaning up my stuff and packing it into my suitcase. I made sure everything was neatly packed before zipping up my suitcase then climbing into bed. I put my phone on charge then left it on the nightstand to charge whilst I was getting comfortable to fall asleep.


P.O.V: Park Jimin

I was so stressed from this concert. I undressed as I got into the shower, I stood underneath the hot water, washed the makeup off my face and began to soap myself in. The water felt nice against my skin...too good that I couldn't help getting an erection. I began to stroke my hardness as vigorously as I could whilst groaning, it didn't take me long to cum. I finally washed off, got into my boxers and sweats before checking my phone as I walked into myy room. I climbed into bed, put my phone away.


P.O.V: Kim Taehyung

I checked my text message from Namjoon as I waited till Hyeyoon got out the bathroom in a towel. I put my phone on the nightstand to charge before getting up, I walked to Hyeyoon and smirked as I walked into the bathroom to have a shower myself. By the time, I came out the shower, she was laying in bed with her lingerie on, I turned off the lights and climbed in bed up behind her and pulled the covers over us. I pulled her closer to me, closed my eyes as we began to sleep.


P.O.V: Jeon Jungkook

I was close to cumming again as I gripped Subeun's hips and buried myself deep in her throbbing pussy whilst we were in the shower. She moaned as I began to fill her up with my hot load, I thrusted a few more times before finally pulling out and washing both of us off. She soaped my back in and I returned the favour, we both left the shower to dry. We pulled on our clothes before getting in the bed and turning off the lights. I checked my phone before I turned over to fall asleep.

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