Chapter 1: The move

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P.O.V: Moon Hyeyoon

I had been waiting for this moment since I finished my studies in high school. Obviously, I was an overachiever but that's only because I wanted to attend one of the top 3 universities in Seoul. I had been planning for this since I was probably 15, I know that's a pretty long time, considering I'm now 22 years old.

In response to that, I moved from Incheon to Seoul with my best friend, Song Subeun. She's 20 years old and also from Incheon. We grew up together, from changing our diapers to...well now. She's the only person that understands me and also loves Kpop just as much as I do. We both love BTS! However, our purpose here in Seoul is to pursue our careers; Subeun wants to become an aspiring film director and, I want to become Korea's number 1 interior designer. That's why we attended the Seoul National University.

Being, a university student isn't as fun as it seems on the outside world looking in or what you see on social media platforms. Truth is, it's hard living as a student in Seoul, everything has a price and if you couldn't afford it, well then you simply just couldn't have it. This also included food and daily essentials. Students here are usually living off ramen or whatever the university canteen provides us at lunch and whatever is available in the vending machines. However, they usually contain Soju, Gimbap, iced tea, ready-made meals and other snacks that are available. Come to think of it, most students just live off what's in the vending machines unless you're like the rich folks that can afford to go out and eat at fancy restaurants or eat what isn't on campus.

Anyway, it's currently 9a.m and I'm just now getting up for my 11a.m classes. Usually, Subeun would leave at the same time as me from our dorm but since this is my last year in university, our class schedules have changed which means she's left for classes much earlier than I have. Since she's studying to become a film director, she's studying media and that alone requires her to be at different locations in Seoul to make short films for her projects. I think she's currently working on something called, "The Woods", it's quite the title but I'm sure she'll do great.

After, showering, brushing my teeth and finishing my morning routine, I headed to class but first things first, coffee. I cannot function during the day without a fresh brew of coffee in the morning. It's like medicine for my soul but the downside to coffee is the shits you get afterwards. You'll feel like your gushing your insides out. It's not pretty. I walked to the third block where my classes were taking place and I just know it was going to be a long day at the workshop today.


"Hey, I won't be home till late tonight, don't wait up for me!" - Subeun.

I sighed as I looked at the text message I had received from Subeun. This was the third night in a row that she had been working late hours for her project. Like I said before, her studies take up a lot of her time so we barely see each other during the week, except at the weekends. After, making it home and changing into my work uniform, I headed to work my five-hour shift. Tonight, was pretty busy considering it was Wednesday, mid-week, I was assigned the duty of collecting the dirty dishes and cash and registering customers to their assigned tables.

During, my clock-out hour, I left work with roughly 4,000 won, which typically, I would make more but I guess there wasn't enough money cashed in tonight. I left work exhausted and all I wanted now was a hot shower and to hit the sheets which is exactly what I did when I got back to my dorm .

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