Chapter 14: Irresponsible

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P.O.V: Min Yoongi

I had to leave work for this girl. What's so special about her? I mean she is appealing but that doesn't give her the right to get me out of work. Great now I'm babysitting again. Can this day get any worse?

I took her to my side of the apartment complex, got into my apartment then laid her down on the couch with a blanket to cover herself up with. I don't have time to sit and talk with her when she wakes up so it was best to leave a note of some sort. I wrote on a piece of paper that I would be in the studio and my number in case of any emergencies then finally left to get back to work. I headed back into my genius lab and sat down in my swivel chair, I groaned as I swung myself around to the composition equipment. I needed to finish these final beats for the upcoming album. 

I ended up spending the whole night in the studio because of how many tracks I needed to work on which was a royal pain in my ass. If anything having that monstrosity in my apartment isn't going to help me either. After, finishing up some final pieces, I made my way to the convenience store to get some ramyeon and soju before heading directly back to my apartment. 

I hope that gremlin is asleep. I don't feel like dealing with her right now.

I walked towards my apartment door and let myself in whilst sighing then went to the kitchen to cook the ramyeon I had just bought. I grabbed a pot to boil the water in and cut some vegetables to mix into it as well. Whilst I was waiting for that to cook, I opened a Soju bottle and drank it straight from the bottle because I simply do not care.

She had woken up as I was drinking the last sip of my Soju and I put the empty bottle into the recycling bin to then look up and find her standing before me. "Great you're awake, are you hungry?" I asked and she nodded in response. It was a good thing I made extra to feed this little gremlin. I honestly didn't expect her to be so small. I put the pot between us on the dining bench and grabbed two bowls for us to eat out of. I opened another Soju bottle but this time I poured it out for us to both drink. I thought this girl was going to be extremely annoying but so far she hasn't said a word to me. I don't care, as long as I don't have to entertain her. After, we both finished eating, she got up to wash the dishes which I didn't expect her to do but that left me one last thing to do before going to bed. I was buzzed after the second bottle of Soju. I helped clean up because I wasn't going to let her do it alone.

"Hobi, sent me here didn't he?" she said blankly.

I didn't expect her to speak but great now, I have to talk to her when I really don't want to. "Yeah he did, you're staying here for the night," I answered. 

"Can I use your shower and borrow a shirt? I don't have any clothes with me," she asked politely.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever. I want my shirt back before you leave though," I said blankly as I finished drying the dishes and putting them back into the cabinets.

"Thanks, Yoongi" she said before leaving the kitchen and then took a shower. I went to my bedroom, did my night routine then climbed into bed. 

She came into my room minutes later, wrapped in a towel and walked towards my wardrobe, she was looking for a shirt but she was making so much rustling noise that she woke me up. I crept up behind her and spoke in my raspy, sleepy voice, "Why are you making so much noise? and why is it taking you so long to grab a damn shirt?" I didn't realise I had scared her because the next thing I knew I was looking at breasts. "Yoongi!" she yelled and then realised she was completely naked before me. I was still pretty tipsy, I leaned her up against the wardrobe and looked into her eyes, licked my lips and said, "If I knew any better, I'd say you're doing this on purpose. Now if you were that desperate for some pleasure, you could've just asked." 

She felt small against me, I looked up and down her body whilst biting my lips, contemplating if I should just go for it or not. 

Fuck it, I probably won't get this chance again.

I pressed her up more against the wardrobe to the point her wet body started to soak mine, I grabbed her jaw and kissed her but she pulled away. "Stop it, Yoongi," she whispered. I sighed, and leaned closer to her ear whispering, "why? You weren't stopping when Jungkook and Jimin were doing you or how about Hobi." She looked at me with worry, gulped and said, "How do you know about that?" I almost laughed at her reaction but I stayed calm and collected, I replied, "You think, I wouldn't know. What's so different now huh? How about you do what you did before and let it happen." I was irritated, sexually frustrated and she wasn't a big help to me at all. She pushed me away and was walking towards the door, my rage and horniness wasn't going to go away. 

Fuck this, I don't care right now.

I grabbed her arm softly and turned her around to me, I looked into her eyes and sighed, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said those things. It's just you're so...ugh...damn it." I kissed her again but this time I didn't let go and she started to kiss me back, slowly my grip softened more, I picked her up by her legs and sat her on the dresser. I was rock solid, I took off my shirt and pulled down my trousers then thrusted into her. I gripped the back of her hair whilst kissing her and fucking her hard against the dresser, we moaned and groaned through kisses. By the end of it, I had exhausted both of us out. She slept with me in the bed till morning.

My alarm was going off, I turned around in bed to turn it off and then back around to notice she was in my bed naked. I had a headache, I didn't want to deal with her when she woke up so I called Jin to come and get her. I managed to put her clothes back on her and clean up the dresser before she woke. She woke up tired, I guess I really did tire her out last night. Shortly after, Jin came and took her from me. She wouldn't even look at me. I guess I really did fuck up. 

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