Chapter 15: Hyung Help

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P.O.V: Kim Seok Jin

Yah! Isn't Yoongi supposed to be the responsible one? Why does this shit always happen to me? As if having six kids to look after wasn't enough. Now I have a 7th one. Is worldwide handsome? More like a worldwide nanny.

I showed her around my apartment and where everything was before heading into the kitchen to cook. "I'm making egg-fried rice with chicken. Do you want some?" I asked. "Yes please," She responded. I started cooking whilst she sat and watched the TV on the couch. She's lucky I'm a good cook and not a frozen bag of potatoes in the fryer.

After a while of cooking, I came over to the living room with the food and handed her a pair of chopsticks and her own plate. She thanked me for the food and then began eating. Usually, when I cook for Jk he never leaves anything for leftovers. With the money I spent feeding him, I could've spent that within a year. I began eating my own plate of food and watching TV with her. When we finished with our food, she offered to help me with the dishes and the clean-up.

We sat back on the couch to watch the rest of the movie whilst cuddling under the blanket. She ended up falling asleep on me and I slapped her forehead, "wake up! I'm worldwide handsome, you know!" I justified. She looked at me annoyed and got off me to lay on the other side of the couch. I felt bad for slapping her forehead but it felt so right to do it. She can't be that mad over a slap on the forehead. I sighed and looked at her sleepy moppy face. I got up from my seat, I had to answer a work call. 

By the time, I got back, she was fast asleep on the couch and I checked to see if she was okay because she began to break into a cold sweat. I shook her to wake up and when she did, it scared the living shit out of me. "Jin?" she asked as she lifted her sleepy head off the couch. I had fallen back on my ass and grunted in pain as I got up, "I'm okay, you just scared me. Are you okay?" I asked as I sat back down on the couch next to her. She began to cry as she tried to speak, "Jin...I really am a terrible person aren't I?" I didn't know what to say to her but just hold her until she stopped crying. "Hyeyoon, people make mistakes but that doesn't make them bad people. You live as you learn these things," I said in a soft tone. "but...Jin...I really hurt someone...He's never going to forgive me..." she pleaded. 

I managed to calm her down before taking her to the guest bedroom and sitting at the end of the bed, I looked at her softly and tried to understand the situation. "Is there something you're worried about?" I asked. She looked at me as if she had seen a ghost. "Jin...I can't stay here. I want to go home." I looked at her once more before nodding even though I knew she wasn't allowed to leave. "Get some rest, We'll sort it in the morning," I reassured her before getting up to leave out the guest room. I walked towards my own bedroom and made a phone call to Namjoon. I explained what the situation was and from the tone of his voice, he was furious. Before I knew it, there was a knock at the door and it was Namjoon. 

"Where is she?" Namjoon asked hastily. 

"She's in the guest bedroom, don't hurt her. She doesn't look too good," I explained to him as I followed him from behind, I never expected in a million years to see this side of Namjoon. He grabbed her out of the bed and dragged her out of the apartment without another word being said. They left so swiftly, that I didn't even get a chance to see where he took her. I closed my apartment door and left the rest for him to deal with. I was sure she was in safe hands with him even though he was out of his mind mad.

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