Chapter 11: Captured

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P.O.V: Moon Hyeyoon

You would think that I would be mad for being grabbed out of nowhere but hey if it's a BTS member look the other way. There's nothing to see or report here. Even if it wasn't my bias but still that doesn't mean I can't go see my bias. I mean they all live in the same apartment complex so I would end up seeing Taehyung anyway. However, I'm surprised the 'golden maknae' swooped me up out of nowhere. I wasn't expecting that but like they say these days, expect the unexpected. That saying is very true.

I looked at Jungkook with a softer more friendly expression, "It's fine. It's not like every day, you get swept up by an idol, plus you're JK so you get away with it even if you don't want to admit it," I said, smiling which made him blush. He looked away from me and I wasn't sure if I had said something wrong or if he was trying not to laugh at me. "Yah!" I whined and he cleared his throat before looking at me again, "sorry it's just...I can see why Taehyung is madly attracted to you," he said slowly.

He got up off the bed and looked at me once more before walking towards the door. "Where are you going?" I asked. He unlocked the door and turned around to look at me, "I've got work to complete but you'll be staying in here till I get back. There's a security code for leaving this apartment so don't try escaping please," he left the room and closed the door behind himself. I sat there for a moment as I heard his footsteps around the apartment and then him finally leaving. I looked out the window, he's on the 10th floor?!

I knew after looking out the window, Jungkook was right, there was no point in trying to escape but at least he unlocked the door for me to have access to the rest of the apartment. I got up off the bed to wander around the apartment and I couldn't help but notice how many diffusers this guy has. I think I saw 2-4 in every room, including the bathrooms. I guess his farts are really that toxic or he takes really big shits, he has to wipe out the smell with the diffusers. It was really funny though.

After, wandering around his apartment, I saw a dog bowl and remembered he has a dog called 'Bam'. I wondered where his dog was until I opened his bedroom door and there he was laying on Jungkook's bed sleeping. I looked around Jungkook's room, he had a bathroom attached to it and he had a litter mat laid out for Bam to use the toilet if he needed it. I got closer to the bed with my heart pounding madly and I kneeled to look at Bam. He looked so peaceful and I wanted to pet him so bad.

After a while, I couldn't help but fall asleep next to Bam whilst I was sitting on the floor just admiring him. It wasn't long before I was woken up by licks to the face. I slowly pushed his head away and looked at him with my sleepy eyes, "oh Bam, you're awake, come here boy," I asked sweetly. Bam hesitated a bit at first but he eventually came to sit on my lap. He is a big dog but he's also really sweet. I missed my cat Pablo but this is will have to do for the time being.

Bam nestled his head on my shoulder as I gently wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. "You're such a sweet boy. Your dad is lucky to have you as a best friend and a companion.  If Subeun was here, she would spoil you rotten and fall head over heels for your Dad aka golden maknae aka Jeon Jungkook," I said proudly. I was talking to Jk's dog for crying out loud. How lame can I be? Bam didn't seem to mind me talking to him though so I guess it was okay to do so, in this case.

Jungkook had been away for a while so I spent the day playing with Bam and feeding him. I didn't know Jungkook's schedule so it could be that he comes home really late or in the next few minutes. One thing is for sure, Bam and I had tired ourselves out and I fell asleep on the couch with Bam in my arms. Little did I know that JK was bringing company over. I was fast asleep. I think Bam heard Jk come in so he left my arms to go greet his dad and the other members with him.

Moments later, Bam started jumping onto Jk as he entered through the door, he had bought Jimin with him. I could hear whispering before I felt a hand touch my face, they were stroking my cheek and pushing my hair gently out of my face. I heard a voice say, "She sure is a beauty. Where did you find her?" Jk replied, "If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." The hand on my face disappeared and I heard footsteps leave towards the kitchen. They were having a discussion but I couldn't make out what they were talking about.

"She's been sleeping long enough, wake her up," Jimin whined. "But she looks so peaceful and kawaii sleeping," JK responded. "Fine, I'll wake her up, you chicken head," Jimin replied as he rolled his eyes at Jungkook. I felt a gentle shaking which started to wake me up, I was sleepy so my voice was hoarse, "Hajima. Hajima. Hajima." Jimin giggled as he kept shaking me until I was fully woken up. His face was so close to mine, I felt blood rushing to my cheeks as I quickly sat up. Jimin just watched me in pure amusement like a comedy.

Jimin sat next to me which didn't help my blushing, he started to tease me, "aww she's blushing." Jungkook shook his head as he was sitting on the floor with Bam. "Jimin, stop it," Jungkook responded with a serious tone. "But look how cute she looks blushing her brains out." Jimin moaned. Jungkook wasn't having any of it and said, "You may think it's cute and fun but she's probably uncomfortable with it. So stop doing it." I didn't think Jungkook would be like that. "It's okay..." I shyly said as I looked at both of them in reassurance.

"See she said it's fine," Jimin said, "anyway, you know who I am but I have no clue, who you are. What's your name?" I made eye contact with him as I replied to his question, "My name is Moon Hyeyoon. It's nice to meet you." I didn't expect Jimin to be so friendly but he hugged me tightly and I hugged him back slowly. After a short minute, we let go of each other and I smelled his cologne, he smelled like citrus and peaches. I didn't expect that at all but he smelled so good to be arguing.

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