Chapter 6: Confidential

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P.O.V: Moon Hyeyoon

I stood there a naked and covered in filth for a moment. I was sure that he wasn't coming back for me so I gathered my scattered clothes off the floor and went into the bathroom to shower. I turned on the hot water, sighed as I put my clothes aside and stepped into the hot shower. I moaned softly as the hot water trickled down my skin. It felt nice on my sore body.

He made his way back to the hotel room, entered quietly and walked towards the bathroom where he leaned on the door frame smirking. I wasn't facing him and he could see my bare ass as I was soaping in my hair. He bit his lip and began to undress, I didn't hear or notice him come in. He was stealthy, and very mischievous. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and his soft dick touching my back. I was shorter than him. I jumped and he giggled as he held me close to him.

"Calm down, it's just me", he giggled.

"Why are you back?" I asked.

"Did you already forget?" he rolled his eyes and whispered into my ear, "you're mine."

I felt a shiver up my spine, "Taehyung, I thought you were joking. Why would someone like you want someone like me?" I whined.

He turned me around, somewhat roughly and looked down into my eyes. I could see he was frustrated but it was true, what would a celebrity be doing with a University student like me. The biggest question, I had was whether he was serious or not.

"Hyeyoon, I do not give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks, especially not you on the matter. If I want something, I'm going to have it. Now quit arguing with me. I've had enough of that for one day. I just want to relax", he sighed heavily. He was washing the soap out of my hair and I felt his long fingers glide across my body as he washed me clean. I felt safe.

Shortly after, we finished showering, got dressed and then left the hotel. I thought he was going to leave me after this but instead to my surprise, he pulled me into his driver's car. "Where are we going?" I asked. He looked at me with his sweet, cheeky and boxy smile. "I'm taking you home with me", he confessed.

Me going home with him?! He's nothing like what they portray in the media. He's different. He's almost like a child but one with many responsibilities. I have a feeling this isn't going to be a good idea.

As we arrived to the apartment complex, he quickly dragged me out of the vehicle and up to his apartment. It felt like my life just flashed before my eyes. I tried to catch my breath as I looked down. He was hovering over me and I could feel his breath against my cheek.

"Listen, you're staying here now", he said as he lifted my head up with his left hand and looked me deeply in the eyes, "okay?" he kissed my nose and smiled before walking away further into his apartment. I stood there unsure then I remembered my phone. I searched my pockets and found it, I tried to turn it on but it was dead.

My phone must've died when I fainted. What if Subeun asks around where I am? I have university too. This can't be happening. I need to leave and go back to campus. I can't stay.

After, collecting my thoughts, I looked around his apartment. He had a very unique taste. Everything had their own individual story. I guess his personality really does shine through the way he has decorated the place. I was getting distracted by the fine details of his apartment. Until I felt something lick my foot, it was small and fluffy. I couldn't believe it. It was his dog, Yeontan. Before, I could kneel down to pet him, Taehyung picked him up and snuggled his face.

"He seems to like you. Yeontan, this is Hyeyoon", he smiled as he showed me his little paws.

"you remembered my name..", I said shocked.

"of course I remembered your name." He looked at me confused.

I didn't expect him to remember my name or even bring me here. I was shocked. I thought he would've forgotten about it. I watched him play with his dog before I walked my way to the couch and took a seat. Even his furniture felt expensive. I felt like I shouldn't be here. I felt out of place.

Taehyung fed Yeontan before coming to sit down in front of me on the floor which I found odd because there was plenty of space on the couch. He looked up at me with those same puppy eyes and I could tell his tone was going to change because his soft eyes became serious and dark.

"I have to tell you something..." he said as he kept eye contact with me.

"what is it?" I asked.

"You know, I'm a BTS member and that what we are doing is against my contact. So I need you to promise me that whatever happens or happened between us, stays a secret. I can't be seen with you in public. It will cause a lot of commotion in the media and with the rest of the band members. You have to understand that." He explained with a heavy heart.

"Taehyung, I won't breathe a word but just let me go home, please. I have university classes and I can't stay here." I whined.

He sighed, "If I let you go, you promise me that you won't look at or be with somebody else?" He seemed upset.

"Taehyung, I can't promise you that. I'm not an idol like you and me being with you is against your contract just like you said." I explained.

He said in his low voice, "I know. I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked that of you. I'll get you a driver to take you home." He got up off the floor and grabbed his phone out his pocket. He made a call for a driver to come collect me. A few moments later, he escorted me downstairs to the driver and didn't say anything else, before I could say anything he left back into the building. I didn't see him anymore in my field of vision as the driver pulled off.

It took a while for me to get back to campus but I thanked his driver before leaving. I headed back to my dorm and let myself in. I was expecting Subeun to be here but she was nowhere to be found. I sighed as I walked towards my side of the dorm and finally charged my phone. I laid back in bed and closed my eyes, slowly I began to drift off to sleep.

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