Chapter 20: No Way Out

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P.O.V: Song Subeun

I hope us sleeping together isn't a one-time thing because I genuinely am interested in him.

I turned around in the bed to face Jungkook who was sleeping beside me, I rubbed my eyes before getting up and sitting up. "Where are you going?" he mumbled in his sleep and tapped his chest to indicate me to lay on his chest and I eventually did after getting comfortable. "Jungkook, is this going to be a one-time thing or are you going to be with me?" I asked sleepily. He groaned and turned over with his soft dick pressing against my leg whilst pulling me closer to his body.

"I plan to have you as mine by the end of all this trouble that I went through with Hyeyoon" he stated sleepily. I couldn't help the smile that came across my face. I leaned up and kissed him on the lips but that must've triggered him because he ended up pinning me down with his body weight on top of me. "'re heavy..." I whined. He didn't budge, I sighed and just laid there whilst he squished me.

After a few minutes, Jungkook finally got off me and I could inflate my lungs again with oxygen. He sat back on his knees between my legs and rubbed over my pussy with his dick before sliding it inside me. I gasped and moaned as the tip of his dick hit my cervix. "Jungkook...mnnn..." I moaned, he slowly pulled out and then pushed back in before pacing himself to hit my cervix harder with every thrust. I gripped his hands that were holding onto my hips but I couldn't control the pleasure that was building up inside of me. I feel him throbbing inside me. He wouldn't stop even after I came multiple times and my body jolted violently as the pleasure of orgasm overrode my entire body. Jungkook was getting more intense as he was getting close to cumming and he pulled me up close to him whilst cumming hard inside me. He grunted hard as he pumped a couple more times before he finished. He breathed hard against my neck then laid me back down and looked down as he pulled out of me. My pussy was overflowing with his hot cum and he was watching it being pushed out of me. I was in a daze of pleasure. He kissed me before getting a towel to clean us up. I lay there trying to catch my breath.

After we cleaned up and got dressed, Jungkook had to go to work so I was stuck with Bam for the rest of the day. I went to the kitchen after Jungkook left, I looked in the fridge to see what I could make for breakfast and later for dinner. His fridge looked like it was run by a banana milk factory, there were the odd few pieces of actual vegetables and frozen food but that was about it.


P.O.V: Moon Hyeyoon

It was midday and I thought Taehyung would be at work but he was sleeping next to me whilst holding me close with his hand on my belly. I didn't want to disturb him because he looked peaceful. I slowly turned around to face him whilst he was sleeping, I admired his beauty. Maybe my hormones were acting up but something made me do it. I gently kissed his lips and I didn't expect him to pull me closer by the waist as well as kiss me back.

This cheeky bastard wasn't actually sleeping!

He smirked when I pulled away, I hit him on the chest lightly. "Oww...what was that for?" He whined as he rubbed his chest. "That's for being a cheeky shit!" I slightly yelled. He started giggling and then sat up, he thought he was charming but he's just plain annoying. "Come on you know you liked it. You obviously miss me," he teased me.

I want to puck his eyebrows off and shove it down his perfect throat! He's going to drive me insane. Ugh!

I took deep breaths to calm myself down because I was pregnant and I didn't even know about it myself. He came up behind me and hugged me from behind. "Don't touch me. I'm not your friend so stop with all this mushy stuff because I will never forgive you," I hissed and he finally let go.

"Fine, be a miserable cunt. I've had enough of you. I'm only allowing you to live here because you're carrying my child. If you weren't pregnant, I couldn't give two fucks where you are or how you are doing," he said whilst storming off out of the bedroom. I rolled my eyes and I was starting to wish I never was pregnant with his child.

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