Chapter 22: Confide In Me

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P.O.V: Jung Hoseok

I wasn't sure where to start but I needed to fix what I had done to him. Whether he hated me or not, he needed to know the truth. The least I could do was be honest and tell him the truth.

"Taehyung..." I spoke but he interrupted me, "What do you want, Hoseok?" he questioned coldly. I knew from the tone he was using, that he wasn't in a good mood and didn't seem like he wanted to be here and talk to me. Whatever he felt right now, he had every right to feel that way now.

I took a deep breath before speaking again, "Taehyung, first of I want to say that I'm incredibly sorry for what I did to you. I never meant to hurt you as I did. Please believe me when I say, I regretted every moment of what happened between Hyeyoon and myself. I should've known better than to give in to my desires. You're my friend and what I did was out of the question. I understand if you hate me right now. I wouldn't want to speak to myself either if someone had done that to me. Please forgive me, Taehyung."

I felt his eyes pierce into my skull and the way he leaned forward towards me, "forgive you?" he asked. "Yes, Tae. Forgive me," I pleaded. He sucked in a breath then sat back against the couch rest and thought for a moment before talking again, "You see Hoseok, I didn't expect you out of all the members to do such a thing. I didn't think you had it in you to harm me like that. However, seeing as your story and explanation matches what Hyeyoon said. I can say that she wasn't lying, after all, consider yourself forgiven Jung Hoseok."

I didn't understand if he was being serious or was toying with me, I asked again to make sure, "I'm forgiven?" He nodded and my tears began rushing down my face as I held my chest. He rolled his eyes before hugging me, "I know you're sorry that's why I forgive you, Hoseok. Otherwise, I would've given you the same treatment that I gave to Jungkook," he expressed. After hugging it out, he let go of me and I wiped my face. "Thank you, Taehyung. I promise to do better," I confirmed. He nodded then walked towards the front door, leaving.


P.O.V: Kim Taehyung

I couldn't be made at Hoseok forever. He wouldn't hurt me on purpose. He was drunk and didn't know what he was doing but the important thing is, that he told me the truth and apologized like he actually meant it. That's what made me forgive him. I know Hoseok, I've lived with him since we debuted and he doesn't have the heart to do that to anyone. That's just not who he is. Hobi has taught me forgiveness better than anyone and he's taught me kindness. I'm glad to have an older brother like Jung Hoseok in life.

I made my way down to my apartment, I sighed hard and took a deep breath before letting myself into the apartment. I called out, "Hyeyoon?" There was no response. I walked to the bedroom, her stuff wasn't in there, I checked the rest of the apartment and all of her stuff had been taken. I grew worried as I hurried to the front door and noticed a letter on the table next to the door. I opened it with hast and began to read. Her handwriting was perfectly neat and her words flowed on the paper like ribbons of ink.


The letter, from Hyeyoon's perspective:

Dear Kim Taehyung,

By the time, you read this letter, you will have noticed that my stuff has been cleared out. I can't stay in this apartment with you. I don't deserve you. I ruined everything like I usually do. I can't help how much I hate myself for what I did. I hate myself every time I look in the mirror. I have ruined so much in my life. I don't want to ruin your life any more than I already have. You deserve someone who sees you as her whole world. Someone who truly loves you.

I can't say this to your face but I hope you can understand through this letter. I'm leaving, and I'm not coming back. Please don't look for me. As for the baby, I knew how much you wanted a family by how much you had expressed it on social media but I've ruined every chance of that too. These words are hard to write but I have to tell you. The baby is no longer with me. I miscarried. I guess there is no reason for me to bed in your apartment anymore since I'm no longer pregnant. You even said yourself, you wouldn't have kept me in your apartment if I wasn't. I've done you a favour of removing myself from your apartment and life. I don't think my presence here was right and I greatly regret existing or even having done the things I've done. Taehyung, I'm not someone you should have in your life. I will only bring you down. I can't give you a family. I can't give you love. I can't give you the happiness that you deserve. I just can't be the woman you need me to be. It's too much to expect of me.

Lastly, I hope you can forgive me for everything and please don't think about me anymore. I want you to be happy and I want you to find someone who is worthy of being with you. I hope you have many adventures and new experiences. I hope you achieve your wildest dreams. I hope you fall in love with the love of your life. I hope she gives you the five children, you've always wanted. I hope she cooks delicious meals for you. I hope she takes care of you when you get sick. I hope she never leaves you, ever.

Sincerely, Moon Hyeyoon.

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