Chapter 7: The Silence

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P.O.V: Jeon Jungkook

It's been about a month since our last concert and Taehyung has been acting strange. I couldn't help but think it had something to do with that fan that passed out at the concert. I mean knowing Taehyung, he wouldn't just leave her there. Whatever it is, I'm going to find out, one way or another.

We had a studio meeting with the rest of the group and I was tired from last night's gaming. I didn't sleep well. To be honest, it's nice that I now have my own space instead of sharing with the members. Not to say, I don't love them all to bits. I just can't be bothered to beat someone's ass for taking my banana milk from the fucking fridge all the time. What's mine is mine!

During, the meeting in the studio, I couldn't help but notice that Taehyung was irritated whenever we asked him to do something. It was starting to piss me off because he wasn't co-operating with the rest of us. We all had been working on a song together to release before our big break. This song was to wrap up the memories we had of being BTS for the last 10 years.

Everyone began to leave and I needed to use the studio for my solo piece but I couldn't stop thinking about why he was so mad. I ended up calling Namjoon back to the studio. He walked in a few minutes later, "what's up JK?" he said as he sat next to me in the spare swivel chair. I looked at him and sighed heavily. What I was about to ask him wasn't very JK of me.

"Namjoon hyung, do you remember a month ago we had a concert?" I replied.

"Yeah, why?" he nodded as he spoke.

"well, I don't know if you have noticed but Taehyung has been agitated a lot recently. Do you have any idea why?" I asked.

He paused and thought for a moment before responding, "he's probably stressed from trying to put the song together for Army. You know how Tae gets when he's under pressure."

"True but something just feels off about him. What happened at the end of the concert?" I questioned.

"Well, to be honest, whilst the rest of us went back stage. You remember Tae saying that he dropped his ear piece on stage so he went to go fetch it. However, he noticed a girl unconscious at the bottom of the stage and went to check on her but she wasn't responding. The set was being taken down so he picked her up and bought her back stage. He thought she was dead so he called me over. He asked if we could have her taken to the hotel with us. So he took her back with him. I asked him if he got her taken home and he told me he did. That's all I know." He explained as he sighed.

"Right...well thanks for the input." I responded then got back to my solo piece. Namjoon got up and left the studio. I'm starting to think he didn't make sure that girl went home. I needed to focus on my work before thinking about what was up with Taehyung.

A while later, I spent over five-hours editing and recreating the bass for my music. I was exhausted and I wanted to go to bed. I got up, stretched and left the studio after locking up. I yawned as I walked down the hall and called myself a driver to take me back to the apartment complex. After, getting back to the complex, I went over to Yoongi hyung's place but he wasn't home so I ended up going back to my place.

Weeks past, Taehyung and I got into a heated argument. Hoseok and Jin had to separate us. I wasn't like us to fight like this but I was sick of him giving me the silent treatment. "Fuck you, Jungkook. Can't learn to shut the fuck up!" Taehyung shouted angrily at me. I was pissed, "what the fuck. Not my fault you've been acting like a pussy ass bitch since the concert! We used to be best friends!" I screamed back at him.

Jin interrupted us arguing, "Aish! Both of you stop fighting! I've never seen you two argue like this." Hoseok looked at the two of us and sighed, "both of you need to stop this. We have to produce a song for Armies and you're both arguing over God knows what. Sort it outside of the studio, not inside." Jin replied, "I swear I feel like I'm a parent to kids who aren't even mine."

With all of that said, I left the studio frustrated and upset that Taehyung was arguing with me. I didn't like the feeling of having bad blood between us. I also hated the fact he was ignoring me. Usually, I'm the one ignoring him but him doing it to me was different...weird. I made my way back to my apartment and decided to open a bottle of red wine. I wasn't going sleep sober tonight and I made sure of that when I went to bed drunk with the empty bottle on the floor.

I snored as I fell into a deep sleep. It wasn't long of a sleep because I was soon disturbed by knocking on the door. I groaned as I tossed over onto my side before getting out of bed to answer the door. I walked groggily towards the front door and opened it, rubbing my eyes I squinted at Taehyung standing at my doorstep. I wasn't in the mood, so I was about to close the door but he stopped me. "What do you want?" I said visibily annoyed.

"I'm sorry, can we please talk?" he asked as he looked me in the eyes genuinely. I sighed and nodded before letting him in. I shut the door behind us, grabbed a water bottle from the fridge before sitting down on the couch with him.

"What is it?" I asked before sipping my water. He didn't look at me and sighed, "well, I should start by saying I'm sorry for ignoring you these past couple of weeks. I'm just under a lot of pressure for this song. I want it to be perfect for Army, you know." I could tell he was being genuine and maybe I was overthinking what Namjoon had told me in the studio."I understand and I'm sorry for annoying you. I just miss you man. You don't even want to hang out when I ask you to." I replied.

"I know, I'm sorry. Forgive me?" he asked and looked at me with his soft eyes. I nodded. We hugged it out before he got up and left my apartment to go back to his. I thought to myself...

Namjoon was probably right. He did seem stressed but I think he's not telling me everything. It's best I drop the subject otherwise we'll be at each other's throats again. I don't think I can be bothered to argue again after what happened today.

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