Chapter 19: Forgive me

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P.O.V: Kim Taehyung

I have an idea of where she could be but I'm not certain that she will be there when I arrive. It's worth a shot though.

I packed a small bag of clothes and some hygiene products before heading downstairs to give Yeontan to Namjoon to look after whilst I'm gone. I left the apartment complex and went into my garage to drive my car over to Incheon where she lives. I drove the hour and a half to her home. I parked up front and got out of the car. She seemed to live in a farm-like house. I strolled up to the door and began knocking on it but all I heard were vomiting noises from around the corner. "Hyeyoon?" I yelled out but there was no answer so I walked around to see her vomiting in a bucket on the porch. "Hyeyoon, are you okay?" I asked out of worry. She looked at me with her red, dull eyes and I immediately knew that she needed to go to the hospital. I helped her up and into my car, I drove to the nearest hospital where they could check what was wrong with her.

I waited anxiously outside in the waiting area to hear what her health conditions were. A doctor approached me, "are you the man that bought, Hyeyoon into the hospital?" he asked. I responded, "yes, I am. How is doing?" He looked at me with an unreadable expression, "she's a month and a half pregnant. Were you aware of this?" He asked. I was too stunned to speak, I cleared my throat before replying to his question, "no I wasn't aware. Can I see her?" The doctor nodded and led me to her room, where she was laying down on the bed.

She looked weak and tired. I walked up to the bed to see her but her expression toward me was full of hatred. "Why are you still here?" she asked. "Because you're unwell and need some help," I replied. "I don't need your help after the shit you did before I left, so leave. I don't want you here," she said angrily. "I'm not leaving if there's a possibility that you are carrying my child right now," I said with excitement and concern. She didn't want me here but I wasn't going to leave. "Do you seriously want me to do a DNA test so you can fuck off out of my life?" she snapped back at me. I sighed, "if that's what it takes to make you happy then yes." She rolled her eyes at me and rubbed her head before ordering the doctor over to do the DNA blood test results if whether or not I was the biological father. She and I both drew blood to give for DNA testing, and the doctor then left us alone. I sat down in the chair beside the bed and waited for the results to come back but they were taking forever so I fell asleep in the chair.

As morning arose, the doctor came in with the test results and read them out to us, "He is the biological father. The DNA tests matched." I was so excited that I smiled so hard, that my face began to hurt. However, Hyeyoon wasn't thrilled at all, she muttered, "for fuck sake. I wanted to get rid of him and now I'm stuck with him." I looked at her with a cheeky smile and stuck my tongue out, "that's my baby growing inside you and I'm going to be a father. Oh. My. God. I'm going to be a father!" I almost screamed and started jumping up and down like a child.

The doctor said to me before he left, "congratulations on being a father." I thanked him before he left and Hyeyoon gave me the death stare. "Get the fuck out of my face," she hissed but then began to feel sick again so I quickly grabbed the puke bucket and held her hair out of her face until she was done puking before moving the bucket away for collection. "You still think I should leave? Because you almost puked all over yourself just now," I stated. She rolled her eyes at me again.

Ignored her hurtful comments because what mattered to me was that baby growing up healthy and with a father in the picture. I sat down again beside her bedside and watched over the nurses checking up on her here and there. I stayed the whole night beside her until she was able to be discharged.


P.O.V: Moon Hyeyoon

I got discharged the next morning but I wasn't allowed to be by myself anymore so Taehyung ordered a van to grab the rest of my belongings from the house to move into his apartment. He even began moving stuff out of the guest bedroom and I looked at him weirdly, "what makes you think that I want to be sleeping in the same bed as you?" I questioned. He stared at me and huffed, "what makes you think, I'm allowing a pregnant woman that's carrying my child to sleep by herself," he stated. I didn't have the strength to argue with him so I went to the bedroom to lay down. My head was spinning.

Taehyung came in shortly after moving things around with some water and painkillers. "Here these should help and if you need anything, you call me straight away," he demanded as he entered his number into my phone. I nodded and then began to fall asleep whilst he did all the unnecessary moving around the apartment.

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