Chapter 18: No Choice

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P.O.V: Song Subeun

I didn't expect Taehyung out of all people to call me over to fuck. I mean the guy is so attractive like how can you pass up on an offer like that. However, who I'm really after is Mr Jungkook.

After Taehyung let me leave his apartment, I wandered up to the 10th floor to find Jungkook's apartment and when I did, I was screaming inside. I fixed my hair and outfit up before knocking on his door, I heard footsteps approaching the door and when he opened the door, I couldn't believe my eyes. However, I noticed his bloody lip which made me mad but I had to keep a poker face in front of my bias. "Hi. I'm Subeun," I stated. He looked me up and down, "So?" he said. I wasn't sure how to progress further from this but I had to try and let myself in. "I was wondering if you knew Hyeyoon by any chance?" I asked. His eyes became wide, he whispered, "You're not here to beat the shit out of me are you?" I looked at him like what. "No, I'm her friend, she told me you live here."

"Oh okay, in that case, come in," he invited as he moved aside to let me in. I walked into his stylish apartment and immediately noticed the diffusers. I guess the fans don't lie when it comes to the specifics of how their idols live. I looked around as I walked further into his apartment towards the living room area and sat down on the couch. He looked at me before sitting on the couch next to me. "Can I get you anything?" he offered. I shook my head and turned towards him, admiring his features. He is the golden maknae. I think he caught me staring because he began to giggle. "What?" I asked. He shook his head before he answered, "You're just so different to what I'd expect Hyeyoon to be friends with."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked worriedly. He pats my thigh before getting up off the couch to go get some Soju and two glasses before coming back to sit down again. "It's a good thing, I like it," he responded cheekily and that made me blush uncontrollably. We ended up talking for hours and got to know each other as well as going through three bottles of Soju.

I began to feel tipsy, my body was getting hot and bothered. Jungkook on the other hand was laughing his head off, I couldn't help myself as I leaned over to kiss him and quickly pecked his lips before moving away. "I'm sorry. I don't know what..." I tried to explain but I was interrupted by him kissing me back which caught me off guard. I didn't hate it though, he snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me onto his lap and I straddled him as I put my hands up into the back of his hair.

I'm fucking making out with THE JEON JUNGKOOK!!!! FUCK YES!!!!

I felt his dick getting hard between my legs as I ground my pussy down on his bulge which made us both moan during the kiss. Before I knew it, I was in his bed with him hovering over me and pulling down my bottom clothing. He wet his fingers with saliva before pulling out his hard dick and driving it into me. I let out a gasp of excitement, he was stretching me out and I loved how full he made me feel. He began to thrust his hips into me as well as gripped my hips whilst he began stroking my walls deeper and harder with every thrust. I could feel him throbbing inside me, I was moaning with every stroke he gave me. He looked down at me in the eyes before kissing me again and unexpectedly started drilling me which made me cum over and over again.

By the end of it, we were both tired out and I couldn't move my shaking legs. We had made an immense mess of ourselves, our clothes were dispersed all over the bedroom and our nude bodies were against each other as we slept through the night. I finally had my wish to fuck the golden maknae come true.


P.O.V: Kim Taehyung

After hearing all of that come out of her mouth, I realised how much I fucked up. I didn't know any of those things happened to her and I just made it worse by fucking her best friend. What do I do now?

She must hate me now after I did that to her but she also sort of deserved it for how she made me feel. She fucked my friends.

I began to think of how I should get her back and start afresh. If I knew that Jungkook was going to get to her before me, I would have thought things through differently.

I started to pace back and forth across the kitchen whilst biting my thumb out of a stressed habit. I needed to figure out what will get her back but the question is how?

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