Chapter 10: Graduation

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P.O.V: Kim Taehyung

Today is the day to claim what is mine. I knew exactly where she would be sitting and how long the ceremony would be. All I needed to do was wait before I can snatch and grab her. I was watching amongst the crowd of parents who were here to support their children's academic successes, however, I was here for something else. I watched the entire ceremony, including the part where they threw their graduation hats in the air. I caught some pictures of the ceremony, mostly of how pretty Hyeyoon looked in every single one taken.

Finally, the ceremony was over and people were departing with their families but I had to leave before everyone else. I couldn't be caught here otherwise it will be like a pack of lions trying to grab a picture or signature from me and I certainly didn't want that. I made my way out back to my designated car and waited for the heads up from my bodyguard to tell me when he had her. I laid my head back as I received a call from my bodyguard confirming that she was no longer at the university graduation communal area.

I made my bodyguard search the entire perimeter before we left to head back to my apartment. It didn't make sense to me that she just suddenly disappeared out of thin air. When we arrived at the complex, I waved off my bodyguards before heading inside the building toward my apartment. I headed towards my apartment door, let myself in and sighed as I took off my jacket whilst walking towards my bedroom. I kicked off my shoes and threw my jacket on the couch before entering my bedroom and lay across the bed like I was a dead body.


P.O.V: Jeon Jungkook

Damn this girl wasn't easy to capture. She's pretty feisty and kinda hot too when she's angry. I needed to get her out of sight and back to my place fast. Luckily, for me, I have a spare guest bedroom so I guess she could just stay in there till I figure out why Taehyung has been keeping tabs on her. What's so special about this girl? Does she produce strawberry milk or something like what the fuck. Although, that would be pretty cool if she could produce strawberry milk. I wonder if she does banana milk?

I managed to get her into the guest bedroom even though she's like a tiny fighting demon. I finally put her down on the bed and she was giving me the devil's eyes. She's kinda scary when she does that. I turned around to untie her hands but she had already eaten the willy Wonka ropes, I wanted them for later! Immediately, she bolted for the door, however, I had locked it in case she had tried to do that. I watched her struggle to open the door and I couldn't help but giggle. "Honey, it's locked," I chuckled as she turned around to look at me with that same devil stare.

"Let me out!" she screamed, I didn't want anyone to hear her so I quickly covered her mouth with my hand and looked down into her hazel eyes. "Stop screaming, you're going to get me into trouble and I don't want to be in trouble," he sighed. She looked at me weirdly, I felt her lick my hand and I quickly moved my hand away, "what the fuck..." I said whilst wiping her saliva off my hand. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "You wouldn't let go of my face so I did to remove it," she said.

This girl is definitely weird. I looked at her with my eyebrows furrowed as I cleared my throat and backed her up against the door whilst looking deeply into her eyes. I could tell she was uncomfortable but I needed answers, I put my hands on either side of her head as I kept her locked in place. She looked away from my gaze but I didn't stop looking at her. "What do you want from me?" she asked. I sighed tiredly, "I just want answers as to why Taehyung is obsessed with you and he won't talk to me."

I felt bad for doing this to her but I couldn't control myself, I slowly pulled her jaw so her eyes met with mine. She blushed and for some reason that made my heart start pounding. I quickly let go of her and moved away from her as I walked to the bed to sit down. I couldn't look at her for a minute. "Is that all you want to know?" she asked as she made her way closer to the bed and sat opposite me. "That's all I want to know, Hyeyoon," I replied as I lifted my head.

She was shocked that I knew her name. "You know my name?!" she quickly responded. I almost laughed but I had to keep my cool, "of course I know your name. You probably know mine if you know who Taehyung is," I explained. What she said next almost gave me a heart attack. "Hm...Actually, I don't, I only pay attention to Taehyung. Are you Hobi by any chance?" she asked. I looked at her offended, "are you actually serious?! I'm the golden maknae, Jeon Jungkook," I said. She began to laugh, it was the cutest thing I heard.

"I'm joking. I know who you are Jk. Calm down. I didn't expect you to be so..." she trailed off. "So what?" I asked. She cleared her throat before responding, "so muscular and tall in person. It's actually impressive. You are just like your run BTS episodes. I thought that was just for views." I shook my head as I sighed softly before speaking, "Our group isn't like that. We show you the real side of us that's what sets us apart from all the other groups in the Kpop industry. Anyway, I'm sorry for bringing you here like this."

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