Chapter 17: Confessions

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P.O.V: Kim Taehyung

How could she do this to me? Why? Why? Why? How could they?! I feel like she ripped my heart out and stepped on it. Hyeyoon, you fucking bitch! 

My heart was pounding out of my chest and my adrenaline was rushing through my veins like wildfire. If she doesn't open this door, I'm going to break it. I kept banging on the door and was progressively started banging harder on the door. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I was yelling out of rage. Namjoon had his apartment keys on him so I searched his pockets and opened the door myself. There she was standing there in cold sweat and tears streaming down her face, I walked up straight to her and shook her as hard as I could with my hands bruising her arms from how tight my grip was. "How could you do this to me?!" I yelled in her face whilst tears were beginning to fill my eyes. She looked at my eyes with tears in hers and mumbled, "I'm so sorry..." I shook her again, "You're sorry? Sorry doesn't fucking do anything for me, Hyeyoon. Sorry doesn't fix a broken fucking heart. Sorry, won't take back what you did!" I yelled with my voice shaking and pushed her to the floor as tears streamed down my face. 

The other members looked at me from around the room as I turned around and faced them, "You're all traitors! Every fucking one of you. Especially, you!" I walked up to Jungkook and punched him in the face. "You ruined every fucking thing! You low life, piece of shit!" I kept yelling my lungs out whilst the tears fell from my eyes. He blocked his face from my punches and the other members tried to pull me off him as his lip was bleeding. I snatched away from all of them. "Don't fucking touch me! You call us brothers but you're all liars!" I shouted from the pit of my stomach before turning around to Hyeyoon who was still on the floor, crying. I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her all the way down to the bottom floor. I tossed her out of the complex like the garbage she is and couldn't stand to look at her, I went back to my apartment and locked myself in there. 


P.O.V: Moon Hyeyoon

I'm so sorry...

I sat there on the cold concrete in the middle of the night in the heavy rain, crying my eyes out. No one was coming for me or so I thought, after hours, I saw a pair of feet in my vision and I looked up to see who it was...It was Taehyung. I didn't expect him to come back out for me but he did, he crouched down to my level and held his hand out to me. I took his hand as he pulled me up to him and he hugged me in a tight embrace. "I like you so much that I can't hate you..." he whispered in my ear as held my head on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry. I wish none of this happened," I cried. He held me in the rain for a while before taking me inside his apartment. We were soaking wet and shivering, Taehyung grabbed us some towels and we went to the bathroom to undress. To my surprise, Subeun was in the shower naked right in front of me and before I knew it, I was tied down with the towels made to watch him fuck her in front of me whilst they showered. 

She was my best friend and I was witnessing her getting fucked by my bias whilst I was strapped down to watch every moment of it. The tears welled up in my eyes as a hatred grew inside me and I struggled to loosen the towels wrapped around my hands before I release the ones attached to my feet. Taehyung stared at me in hatred as he kept pounding her and I left the bathroom, I could still hear her moaning. I wanted to die at that moment. Suddenly, the moaning stopped and Taehyung walked out, wrapping a towel around his waist. "What is a wrong sweetheart? Don't like sharing friends?" he laughed in my face as he walked past me and let Subeun out the door. I just felt like I was a nobody. "hurts like a real bitch doesn't it?" he smirked as he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and started drinking.

"I...I...I hate you," I stuttered.

"Great because I hate you too but that's only a fraction of the pain I feel," he snarked as he took another gulp of his whiskey and walked past me again but this time pushing me over. "You can't play the victim when apparently, you consented to it," he hissed at me whilst I dragged myself up off the floor. "I know," he said as he dragged me across the floor and into the bedroom, "how about we confess the truth here...I mean the real truth...great I'll go first. So you know that whole concert day where you told me you were a virgin...well so was I. Remember, I asked you to promise me that you wouldn't look at anybody else but me. There was a reason for that, I caught feelings for you not because of the sex but because of the long conversations we had before any of that took place. I fell in love with your beauty. I fell in love with your character. I was stupid to think that way. There's no point being pretty if you're ugly on the inside. As it turns out you're just a hollow shell of a woman and you let anybody fuck you."

I lifted my head up from looking at the floor, "You really don't know me at all. You just liked the idea of being with me. You don't know the first thing about me. You don't know how much I've been through and to call me a 'hollow shell of a woman' says a lot. If you want a confession, I'll give you a confession. Here's my confession. I confess that I was sexually exploited as a child. I confess that my last boyfriend was emotionally and mentally abusive to me. I confess that I hurt myself because I don't want to hurt anybody else. I confess that I slept with you because I thought that was what you wanted. I confess that I saw you at my graduation. I confess that I missed my own mother's funeral because I was stuck here whilst she died when no one was at home to take care of her. I confess that I kept my promise when you let me leave here. I confess that I hated every moment that your band members touched me. I confess that I still feel dirty from my sexual assault. I fucking confess that I took you as my bias because you weren't just a handsome face but that you also understood what it felt like to be broken. I was so wrong." My eyes turned red and puffy from all the crying, I ripped off my bracelet and threw it at him, "so fuck you Taehyung." I got up and walked out of the apartment as well as slammed the door behind me. I felt so alone. 

I didn't want to be here in Seoul anymore. I went to the Seoul National University and collected my things to go home back to my parents' house. Even so, being back at home didn't feel like home. I still felt alone. My mother and father were no longer with me. The house was just an empty shell of memories that we had together before they left this world and me behind.

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