Chapter 4: Concert

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P.O.V: Moon Hyeyoon

After finalising our decision on who was going to the concert, I have never ran so fast in my life to see BTS live for a concert. I rushed towards the stamp ins for the concert and waited almost impatiently for the concert to start. I thought since the venue was going to be hot, I ordered myself a drink and called Subeun so she could watch through the phone. When I saw the members appear on stage, I screamed as loud ad I could but I was muffled out by the rest of the armies at the concert.

I think I was so excited that I was somewhat crying from happiness at one point. The drink I had  with me was spiked, so towards the end of the concert , my head was spinning and before I knew it, I had fainted as all the other fans were leaving the venue. I was out cold. Next thing, I knew when I woke up was being in a bed and room I've never seen before.

Taehyung walked in with his hoodie on and had a glass of water in his hand. I got scared so I kinda scattered towards the headboard of the bed, feeling my head throb. He told me, "calm down. It's okay. I'm Tae-Hyung. I saw you at the concert and I saw you faint. I wanted to make sure you were okay." He sat at the end of the bed and gave me the glass of water. I asked him, "how long was I knocked out for?", I drank some of the water he gave me. He said, "you were out until the entire venue was empty and I saw you laying unconscious. I asked Namjoon if we could get you somewhere safe. So we bought you to our hotel. Obviously, you're staying in my room." He chuckled nervously as he scratched his neck.

I got weirded out and got up fast, I fixed my outfit and hair. "I'm so sorry, I must've caused you so much trouble." He got up too and was confused, "why would you cause me trouble?" I started fidgeting with my bracelet that said Taehyung Stan. He noticed it and smiled cheekily as he licked his lips, "Aren't you meant to be thanking me for this alone time with your bias.." I blushed hard, "I have to go. Thank you for helping me."

Jungkook was coming towards his hotel room door and knocked, "Taehyung, wanna come for drinks with the rest of us?" I bolted to the door and was about to open it but he pushed me up against it, and smirked as he looked into my eyes, "No, I'm busy. You guys have fun." My heart was beating fast as I heard Jungkook walking away down the hall.

I looked in Taehyung's eyes with worry and somewhat hoping he'd let me stay, "Let me leave..." He replied, "Leave? I never said you could leave. Plus I found you the most attractive out of the entire crowd. You know being a bts, kpop star is tiring and talking to someone who isn't in the industry is refreshing. Please just stay a little longer. I won't do anything. I just want to hang out with you." I sighed and nodded.

He took my hand and led me back to the bed, where we both sat next to each other. We talked for hours and had a few laughs. I was getting sleepy and so was he. He asked cutely, "can I hold you whilst I sleep? I can't sleep without holding a pillow or someone and you're using the pillow." I gulped, shuffled next to him, "sure." We fell asleep.

During the night, I felt something heavy on top of me and I woke up to his sleepy face, I blushed. I whispered confuse and still sleepy, "T-taehyung?"

He whispered back, "I-I'm sorry..I...Fuck, I don't even know your name and I'm..." I quickly responded, "it's Moon Hyeyoon."

He leaned on me more and I felt his hard dick throbbing in his shorts against my leg. I got wide eyed and looked him in the eyes, "y..your arm is on my leg." He looked at me as he came closer to my face and whispered again in his sleepy voice, "that's not my arm." I swallowed hard and went bright red. "Taehyung...wont you get in trouble?" He huffed, "I don't care, I want you..", he kissed me and it turned into a hot make out session.

Midway through him kissing me and making his marks across my neck, he finally got me undressed. I panicked a little bit as I put my hand against his chest, stopping him."Wait...I can't" I blushed. He looked at me with his brown enduring eyes and asked as he was shifting in his boxers, "what's wrong?" I looked away in embarrassment and admitted, "I'm....a virgin."

He smiled softly at me as he took my hand into his, he softly whispered, "I'll be gentle..." He held my hand as he moved his boxers down and lined himself up with my enterance. I could feel his eyes on me. Before, I could adjust he was sliding himself into me. I gasped as his inches were stretching and defiling my wet pussy. He groaned as I moaned and squeezed his hand. He leaned down towards my face whilst pinning my hands above my head and slowly began thrusting into me whilst kissing me. I could feel him getting harder inside me and my body ached at the pain of pleasure.

Namjoon and Yoongi trodded down the hall towards Taehyung's hotel room. Namjoon was knocking on the door, "Taehyung, we got to leave at 6am tomorrow!" Yoongi stood next to him and heard a muffled noise from inside the room but didn't say anything.

Taehyung looked at my exposed body and smirked as he whispered whilst pounding into me, "be quiet otherwise we'll get in trouble." I nodded as I bit my lip preventing me from moaning. He replied to Namjoon, "Got it, see you in the morning!" As Namjoon and Yoongi started to leave, I heard a muffling of a conversation between them but I was so enticed with pleasure, my mind couldn't comprehend what they were saying.

Yoongi explained, "You didn't hear a female like voice?", he walked beside Namjoon. "It's probably Taehyung watching a movie or some shit." Yoongi was unconvinced as he shook his head and carried on walking beside Namjoon back to their rooms.

After, Taehyung heard both of them walk away from the door, he didn't go easy on me. He grabbed my breasts firmly, pinching my nipple whilst sucking on the other breast. He was marking me all over. As if he hadn't had his way with me, he didn't stop making me feel good. Long after, he thrusted hard as he could into me whilst he gripped me tight up against him. I felt a release that I hadn't felt before,and my body felt weak against him as we both came. I felt his hot cum overflow inside me, he was coating my walls with his hot load. Shortly, after he pulled out his soaked dick and groaned, "fuck you felt so good".

After, cleaning ourselves up in the shower and changing the sheets, he let me stay the night in his bed since I could barely walk after the damage he did to me.

"Hyeyoon.." he asked softly.

"yes, Taehyung?" I replied.

"You know, you're mine now, right?"

I wasn't facing him in the bed, "yours?"

"Mine. Only mine", he said sleepily.

I turned around in his arms to face him but he had fallen fast asleep. I was confused by what he meant. I couldn't think of anything so I fell asleep in his arms as he occasionally pulled me closer into his chest.

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