Chapter 28: Final Stage

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P.O.V: Kim Taehyung

I attended the furneral ceremony along with the rest of the band members. We sent our regards to Hyeyoon before lowering her casket into the grave. One by one, we all poured some soil on top of the casket and left the furneral service. However, I stayed behind as I knelt down beside her grave, tears began to stream down my face and I grit my teeth trying not to make any noise. I felt my heart break all over again but this wasn't like before...she was permanently gone from the world. I wanted her back.

Hours passed by, I was still stung by the tragic event and I began to smoke more heavily to numb the pain of her death. I couldn't cope without her. If I hadn't been so hard on her or taken better care of her, she would still be here with me. I began to remind of the memories we had together. I grabbed a notepad, pen and began writing a song about her. I started to channel my emotions into my music. She would've wanted me to do that but it was hard knowing she wasn't going to see it...


P.O.V: Song Subeun

Months have gone by, I wasn't fully over the fact Hyeyoon committed suicide and left me here all alone. I cried almost every night because of how sorry I was for being the friend I was. Jungkook tried to comfort me as much as he could but he was struggling himself with what had happened. Everyone was grieving differently. However, it somehow bought us closer together and made us open up about our issues so we didn't feel alone. We began talking more and checking up on each other more often, kept each other in our thoughts.


Everyone started to feel the importance of what Hyeyoon taught the group as well as Subeun. It was a much deeper change for everyone and that really impacted how everyone was around each other. Eating together became a must. Letting each other know where they were became the norm. Having group therapy was the fundamental part of it all. It allowed them to open up to one another in ways they hadn't before. However, the only person that was excluding himself from all of this was Taehyung. He wouldn't participate in any of the healing process that group took in.

Everyone developed a mechanism of coping with her death. Kim Namjoon delved more into his lives with Armies. Jin began exploring the outside more to clear his mind. Min Yoongi began drinking heavier than he did before. Hoseok began practicing choreography until he collapsed on the practice room floor. Jimin developed a habit of being less active on his social media. Taehyung started smoking more heavily. Jungkook began working out more intensely than he ever did before. Lastly, Subeun developed the habit of listening to Hyeyoon's kpop playlist on repeat before she would get ready to fall asleep at night.


P.O.V: Jeon Jungkook

Almost two years have gone by, Subeun and I were still together. We were now engaged and planning our wedding ceremony for the upcoming week. We wanted it to be perfect and also to shine memory of Hyeyoon through the fine details.

The following week, our wedding ceremony was held on the beach front with purple petals lined on either side of the trail to create a aisle.  The decorations were fixated on either side of the small area where we were holding our wedding. I stood at the alter and waited for Subeun to show up.

Everyone was situated in their seats as the ceremony began and music played through the speakers. I waited patiently as Subeun made her way up the aisle in her beautiful wedding gown fitted to her body perfectly. She held the bouquet as she stood up on the alter in front of me. I couldnt take my eyes off her, she was truly breathtaking. Shortly after, we exchanged rings, said our vows and attended the after party. When the party was over and everyone spreaders their ways, I wanted to have a little party of my own but in the bedroom.

We were back at our apartment, and the night sunk in, I walked up behind Subeun to our bedroom. "Can you help me unzip this dress, please," she requested. I walked up behind her, I could smell her sweet fragrance as I pulled her hair aside and began to unzip her dress whilst kissing on her neck. She began to get flustered as my hands snaked into the dress and pulled it down off her body. She stopped me from going further, she pushed me on the bed then stepped out of her dress, she was wearing purple laced lingerie.

She slipped off her heels, I couldn't help but eye her body as my dick began to harden to the point of almost breaking through my trouser zipper. "God, you look ravishing," I couldn't help but express my inner thoughts. She snickered as she came closer to me on the bed and began to unzip my trousers, she pulled down my bottom clothing as she wrapped her lips around my hard dick. I began to bite my lips, she was making me feel good, I untied my neck tie and unbuttoned my shirt whilst she was sucking me off harder.

I grunted as I held her head in place whilst I started to cum hard down her throat, she swallowed before lifting her head and licking her lips seductively. I breathed hard as I looked her in the eyes, I fully undressed myself before pulling her on the bed against the headboard, I used my neck tie to fasten her hands to the headboard and began my revenge. I started kissing, and leaving love bites down her body whilst tearing off the lingerie, I made my way down her stomach towards the heat between her legs, I pulled her legs apart and began to eat her pussy out whilst holding her legs open. Soon enough she came all over my face, I licked my lips and wiped my face with my hand before lining myself up with her wet pussy. I forced myself in as I let out a groan or pleasure and began thrusting into her tightness as she moaned and tugged against her hands being tied. Her body jolted each time she was overpowered with an orgasm. I was getting closer to finishing but I didn't pull out, I was going to breed her with my future children.

A few years later, the love of my life gave me four beautiful children, two girls and two boys. I had a family to call my own. We moved into our very own house because the apartment was too camped up for the six of us. I was happy and so was Subeun to have the opportunity of becoming a mother. The children had a spectacular upbringing and some amazing uncles too. The greatest gift a man can have is becoming a father and a loving husband. I protected my family at all costs as that was the role of becoming a father and husband.


Author's note:

I hope you all enjoyed this fanfiction story. Have a wonderful day! ☺️

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