Chapter 13: Tell Or Not To Tell

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P.O.V: Jung Hoseok

I needed to use the studio room to work on my new concept piece but I noticed Jungkook was in there. I walked in and sat down next to him saying, "Jungkookie!" He jumped in his seat which made me jump as well. "How's it going bro?" I asked. He looked like he'd been scolded or was in some type of trouble, I could feel it from the vibe he was giving off and it made me uneasy. He turned swiftly around in his seat and spoke with a sorrowful tone, "Hyung...I messed up...Really badly." 

What did this little shit do now? Don't tell me he got drunk on banana milk again. This child. 

I looked at him with a concerned expression and our eyes met, I sighed, "What did you do Kookie?"

"I...Jimin..." his voice began to shake.

"Kookie, what did you and Jimin do?" I slightly raised my voice.

"Jimin and I slept with Taehyung's girl. She's in my apartment right now," he blurted out.

I didn't know whether to be furious or remorseful towards his current situation but one thing I knew for a fact, Taehyung can't find out. He'll go ballistic or even worse.

"Pull yourself together, I'll sort this out," I told him, softly.

"How Hyung? How?" he worriedly asked.

"Don't worry about it, just leave it with me," I informed him before I got up and left the studio to go to his apartment to see if she was there as we speak. I went up to the 10th floor to where his apartment was and hesitantly knocked on the door. I heard footsteps coming towards the door and to my surprise, it wasn't Bam but a girl I had never seen before. I took one look at her and my jaw dropped to the floor. She was stunning. I couldn't think for a moment.

"Hoseok?" she asked.

I shook my head and cleared my throat, "Um...Hi...I'm here to collect you."

She looked at me with her head tilted to the side. 


"collect me?" she asked.

I began to stutter, I couldn't handle her beauty, "Yes. You're being moved to my place."

"Why?" she questioned.

"because Jungkook needs the guestroom," I added.

"for what?" she questioned again and crossed her arms.

"I don't know, he just told me that he wants the room and for you to be out," I said frustratedly. She looked saddened by my words but how else was I supposed to get rid of her. After a moment, she kissed Bam's head goodbye and then followed me to my apartment on the floor below, the 9th floor, I let her into my apartment. She looked amazed by the design which made me smile. 

"Do you have any pets?" she asked, curiously.

"I do, however, he lives with my family at the moment," I revealed. 

She nodded toward me and then went to sit on the couch as I went to get us some drinks. I handed her a can of beer as I sat down with mine in hand. "I hear that you are Taehyung's missing link. What's that about?" I asked. She looked stunned that I even rose the question but she answered me diligently, "I'm not sure about the missing link part but we met at the concert and took care of me after I had fainted. He let me stay in his hotel room till I was well enough to go home." I nodded my head, it was understandable for Taehyung to do that, it's just in his nature to care.

"If you don't mind me asking, you guys didn't have intercourse did you?" I asked abruptly and she choked on her sip of beer. I quickly grabbed a napkin for her and patted her back, I sat back down when she was ready to answer me. She looked at me after cleaning herself up, and cleared her throat, "No we didn't," she admitted. "Well that's good, anyway, I don't have anything to do for the rest of the day, would you like to drink with me?" I asked politely. It took her a moment to respond to me, "sure, I don't see why not." 

We ended up drinking our evening away, I felt as though I hadn't let loose in forever and this time I had a company that wasn't a BTS member. She was so calming to talk to and she wasn't like those fans that just wanted us for the benefactor of being famous. I wish there were more people like her in the world. The way she speaks is as if she sees us as human beings instead of Idols. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear her call out to me until she nudged my arm. 

"Earth to Hobi?" she muttered.

"Hm?" I answered.

"Are you okay?" she asked. 

"I'm fine. Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts," I nodded as I answered.

She got up from her seat and came closer to me, I wasn't sure what she was going to do but then she kneeled in front of me, at first I was confused but then I looked down. I had a huge erection and I had no idea why, my face went beyond red. I tried to cover the bulge but no matter what I did, it wouldn't go down. I couldn't help it, she was watching me like a hawk but with huge hazel eyes that you could get lost in them. She leaned forward onto me and came closer to my face, I didn't understand what she was doing but tears started to drip down her cheeks. She was crying. 

I have a fucking boner and this bitch is crying in my face. Which situation do I fix first? My dick or her moppy face? I need my own Hobi water right now!

I felt bad for even having an erection right now. I slowly moved her away from my face and sighed, "I think you should get some sleep, my guest bedroom is down the hall." I left the pillow on the chair that I was using to cover my boner and walked to my own bedroom to deal with my stupid boner. I shut the door behind me, I took off my clothes and laid down on my bed, staring at my throbbing dick still standing up. Before I could cover up, Hyeyoon busted through my door and walked straight up to the bed, she asked me, "am I a bad person?" 

Is this bitch for real? I'm butt-ass naked with my dick standing up and she busting in her like ghostbusters. what the fuck.

I groaned, "are you really going to ask me that when I'm like this?" 

She looked down at it as if without question, and she began to remove her panties. I was in hell. I felt like my body betrayed me because I didn't stop her from doing so. "You don't have to do that. I can fix it myself," I ushered but she climbed onto the bed next to me and said quietly, "I can help you with that if you like," I didn't know what to think but what I did next, I would greatly regret later. I turned over on top of her and pulled her closer to me by her legs, I was in a daze of lust. I gave in and entered her body. She was warm, wet and tight as I pushed all my inches inside her. I heard her moan and started thrusting my hips into her. I felt her tighten around me as I was drawing the pleasure out of her but I couldn't finish, it just felt wrong. I pulled out almost immediately because I felt like I was hurting my friend.

 I went to shower and then called Yoongi because I couldn't keep her here. She's too irresistible. I told Yoongi the situation, it wasn't long before he came and collected her whilst she was fast asleep. After, that I went to sleep off what I had just done.

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