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(Author) P.o.v

It's been a week since the school incident, since the office incident, since her hearing that name again. The whole week was really awkward for the new siblings. They saw each other, sometimes greetings and other time ignoring. Crystal was busy with her gang problem and she also stopped going to the university but nit after teaching the girls a lesson by suspending them. She can't just go and beat them like she did in past. This time it was different, one of the girl was her stepbrother's girlfriend and she didn't want them to suspect her.

Thing between the new siblings are improving a bit. The elders except for Yoon-Gi started to initiate a few talks with the girl. They were close to trust her and except her whole heartedly but still their past is holding them. Non of the siblings knew about each other's dark world. Impressive right? How the boys manage to hide their identity from the ruthless mafia boss.

Eunwoo also visit regularly whole week, not understanding why the girl stopped coming to the university. He tried to talked to her but of no use. She stayed whole day in her room doing God knows what. He once tried to entered the room but was rudely yet politely turn down. Crystal's way of looking at him changed and he was not liking it a bit. The once soft and shy gaze turned into disgusted and hate one. Why? He doesn't know, but he wants to know. What happened to her?

Today( Monday) also he visited the Kim mansion. As soon as he entered the house he was met with the beautiful site of the beautiful, soft, kind and once shy girl. She was sitting on the couch doing something in her phone. Her face was serious, really serious but was still looking like an angel from heaven. Her soft chocolate brown hairs tied in a messy bun, a few strand falling on her face gently making her look more soft in his gaze. Her plump lips in a straight line, her brows frown and nose scrunching cutely. God just a beauty even in seriousness.

He was dreaming of her for a very long time that he didn't noticed the girl went from there and Jungkook coming from the kitchen and stood infront of him. He was brought back from his happy married dream when he felt someone shaking his shoulders harshly. He flinched a bit when he noticed his best friend looking at him with not so impressed look on his face. He gaze at him before looking behind him where the girl was sitting. He sigh then again turn his gaze over Jungkook. Eunwoo cleared his throat before greeting him awkwardly.

Eunwoo: "Hey.."

He rubbed his neck a bit before flashing him an awkward smile.

Jungkook: "Where were you looking?"

Eunwoo: "Oh.. nothing I was just thinking about...uh..about... yeah about the new mission...yeah that's right..the mission."

Jungkook sigh before shaking his head a dragged his bestie with him to his room. They both entered the room and Jungkook quickly close the door. Both of them say comfortably on the given couch.

 Both of them say comfortably on the given couch

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(Imagine a couch in the corner of the room)

The room was fully on dark mode which gave the vibes of mafia which is true.

Jungkook: "Eunwoo... don't mention gang and stuff in the house."

Eunwoo understood the reason behind it as they had already discussed about it in the meeting three days ago. After their successful mission they came home back with a few wounds here and there in their body. They quietly went inside the living room but noticed the house was empty except for the staff room where the maids sleep. They got to know from one of their guards that Crystal was not yet home which somehow manage to concern them about her wellbeing. But they all try to ignore those thoughts and slept with a worried heart. Later in the morning they all saw Crystal coming from the main door fully dressed in new clothes. No one asked anything and behaved like nothing happened. Crystal was also a bit sad about it, not knowing why.

Eunwoo: "Hmm...I understand don't worry."

Meanwhile with Crystal

She closed the door and sat on the bed with a frustrated look on her face. She was not behaving like herself for one week. Everything inside her was jumbled. Her being stressed out about something related to HELL was nothing new but being stressed out about for a week is definitely new. The whole building was still a chaos after that particular inside and one week that she heard that particular name again. Again after so many years, she was burning from inside. She wanted to turn everything down and burn it but no she won't. Even if she was a hole messed from inside she still remained calm 'cause calmness is the only key of being success in this world. Patient mind and calm posture will definitely manipulate your enemy to the core and they won't be able to guess your next move. The most important rule in the underground world.

Crystal laid down on her back looking at the ceiling above her and began to lost on her thoughts.

"Maa!" A little girl running inside the crowded mall looking for her maa. Tears were pouring down her cheeks when she saw everyone running here and there with a terrified face while shouting and yelling causing the whole building to echo. She started to wail loudly so that her family could hear her but of no use as the shouting were too much for her little and fragile voice. As she was running inside more she heard a loud sound coming from her right side followed with a blast and fire started to spread along. She fall down harshly by the impact of blast and her head landed directly on the corner of the pillar. Everything was blur for about good two to three minutes. She only heard one voice 'pin' which cause her to hold her ears with both of her hands but still manage to she stood up and started to walk slowly while still calling for her maa with a weak voice and pausing on her steps. Her whole face was covered with blood and forehead had a big and deep buries. She stumbled a bit because of her blurred eyes and something near her leg. She looked down and saw a very familiar face with her blur eyes, laying on the ground lifelessly. The little girl held her head as it was paining too much for her liking. She bend down on her knees to get a better look of that person. The kid was not understanding what was happening over there but she knew that something was very very wrong. When she bend down, her heart broked mercilessly. She got a proper view of the person and started to shake violently, her trembling hands somehow manage to reach the person face and a broken sob left her mouth freely. The pain and shock was just unbearable for her little heart. The soft and feathery touch cause the person to open their eyes, the pain was visible in the lifeless person's eyes when they opened it. The person clearly wanted to be free but still they manage to bring up a small painful smile on their face to keep the Little innocent girl guilt free. A small, broken and painful whisper left the person's mouth and then everything turned silent around the fragile, broken girl. Her world began to crash but by bit but she didn't knew a lot has to come.

"Chimpu...Bhai loves you..."

To be continued.......

Date- 28th June, 2022

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