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(Author) P.o.v

Silence surround the room, the four men were sitted on their places like a statue. Minutes passed turned into hour but none of them seem to care. The laptop long lost its charge and kept there blank like their faces and mind. Mr. Kang somehow managed to stood up go get out without making any noise, still stumbling here and there.

The man who supported him when he was at his peak of losing along with his pregnant wife, was now there living a horrible life which he shouldn't. Mr. Kang, Kang Tae-oh, sat down on the stairs recalling his past, his head hung low, hands clasped and eyes closed.

That night, the worst night of his life. Despite being so educated, Tae-oh was not able to find any suitable job for his family's living. He used to work on a night club as a waiter were he was treated as animal. A small mistake, the owner used to beat him, but what can a 19 year old do. When he was 18, he ran from his house with the love of his life because his parents didn't accept his love. He knew what he did definitely disappoint his parents but didn't had a choice. His wife at that time was 2 weeks pregnant and when her parents got to know about that they tried to force her to abort it but she didn't do they threw her out of their house.

Both the husband and wife got married on the same day when they left their parents. Tae-oh had a few saving of his which he took while running away. He rent a small studio room for him and his wife. The room, the neighborhood was worst than he could think, cries of women, moan, grunt of the man, wailing child. Everything was a torture for them especially for his wife, Kang Eun-bin.

Two months passed but the condition turned worst. Tae-oh was not able to pay the rent of his studio room on time because of which the owner threw him and his wife out. It was a stormy night, rain was pouring down, heavy winds were blowing. He held his wife tightly whose hands were on her flat tummy. She was almost three months old.

They walked away from that creepy neighborhood and sat down on the bus stand miles away from that place. Eun-bin was silently crying on her husband shoulder who was also drowning in guilt. He got up and dip his hand on his pocket and took out a small bundle of money which he got today from his work. He handed some of the money in Eun-bin's hand and said "I'll go buy something for you to eat...stay here okay?" The woman felt herself nod and the man took his leave.

He ran here and there in search of CVS store and finally found one. He step inside and took out something to eat. He handed over the money to the cashier, took the change and went away. During this time he didn't know what is happening with his wife.

After Tae-oh leave, Eun-bin sat there, gripping the bag tightly in her hands and looking down. She fail to notice two men coming towards her. She looked up when the man gripped her hands tightly and forced her to get up. By instinct she held her stomach tightly and started to push the man but she couldn't. The man was much more stronger than her. Sensing their posture, she knew both were drunk.

"LEAVE ME... HELP!!! PLEASE HELP ME..HEL-" A harsh slap landed across her face. The second man gripped her jaws tightly and said. "STUP UP you bitch!" She tired to squirm away from the men but couldn't. She was about to shout again when the first man started to kiss her neck. She let out a loud cry when the man bite her neck harshly, blood started to pour out.

She still tried but nothing happened, the man had a bruising grip on her mouth because of which her voice came out as a mumbling sound. The second man push her back which resulted her back to come in contact with the rod harshly. She let out a loud wail and clutch her stomach tightly. She sat down while gripping her stomach when she felt a warm liquid coming. She look down and saw red liquid, blood coming out.

"EUN-BIN!!" Tae-oh ran when he saw the man pushing his wife against the rod. The plastic bag dropped down and he ran towards her. He landed a few punch on the man's face and saw both running away. He quickly made his way towards his wailing wife and put her head on his chest. He saw blood coming out.

"Pl-please save m-my ch-child Ta-Tae..." And she lost her concious. He held her tightly and let out a loud cry. He kissed her head softly and called out for help. He didn't knew how far the hospital was.

A young teenaged boy was passing them, when he noticed the couple in trouble. He ran towards them. "Sir what happened?" He then saw blood. He gulp and asked Tae-oh to carry the woman. "Don't worry sir hospital is near only please come." After walking fir about 10 minutes they saw the hospital infront of them. Tae-oh ran inside while carrying his unconscious wife without waiting for the boy. The boy followed them.

"PLEASE HELP..m-my wife is pregnant please" soon the nurse and doctor came and took her to the ICU ward. "Sir please sign this and submit 200000 won please." Tae-oh look at the paper then at the woman. "M-miss can't I take installment and pay" the nurse thought then said no. The boy was still standing listening to their talk. He saw how the man was pleading the woman about money. He ran away from there.

"F-fine pl-please started t-the surgery... I-i'll bring the money" "Sorry sir but it's our of my hand" Tae-oh sat down there while holding his head and sobbed softly. He crying heavily that he failed to notice the same boy coming towards him. He flinched away when a soft hand landed on his shoulder. He saw the same boy who helped him finding the hospital.

"S-sir here.." the boy handed down a small bag to him. "I-its not the full amount but I can only give this much" Tae-oh got confused then open the bag , he saw a handsome amount of money on that small bag. "No no no kid.. I can't" with that he handed the money back to him. "W-why sir?" "Because it's your and your parents" the boy look down "I don't have parents.." Tae-oh stopped there. The boy look at his face then again spoke. "Please sir take it mare than us you are in need if it...I'm not showing Pity just take me as your younger brother and for her.." he pointed towards the ICU room "...take it"

Tae-oh look down in Shame and then at the money in his hand. He saw the boy walking away from there so he quickly yelled. "BOY... WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!" The boy stopped in his place. He turned around and smiled.


To be continued.....

DATE- 21st May, 2023

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