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It was late at night out at sea and everyone was sound asleep in their individual bedrooms. Most Straw Hats have their own room, but only two of the crewmates share one room together.

Those being the Captain and his first mate.

But on a night like this, Luffy found it odd to not feel the man lying beside him on his side of the bed, as he normally would.

Not thinking much about it, the young man went back to sleep after retreating his straw hat from the living room couch.

~A while later~

Shifting over to his side and expecting there to be someone to hold onto, Luffy searched for a pair of arms he's used to cuddling next to... However, what he found instead was the same emptiness as before.

Growing curious as to where his lover had gone, the boy got up from his bed and went to look for him.

On his way out, he heard the refrigerator opening from afar and noticed Sanji was sneaking a late night snack to his bedroom. But before leaving, the man stared at his Captain with wonder in his eyes.

"Luffy? Why are you up at this hour?"

He questioned: It was very usual to find Luffy up so late at night, normally he would be sound asleep.

"I should ask you the same thing but judging by that snack.. You were hungry, right? Nishishishi!"

The boy sweetly giggled, making his blonde friend smile, looking down at a bag of chips he had in his hand.

"Yeah, I got a little hungry."

He admitted, quietly popping open his bag and offering the boy some of his chips, to which Luffy undeniably agreed on taking a few.

Afterwards, he remembered what his true mission had been all along and excused himself.

"I was looking for Zoro, have you seen him?" The younger asked before leaving. Sanji curled his lips in response, shaking his head.

"Not recently... Does this mean he hasn't been with you?"

"Not since a few hours, maybe... One or two? I lost track." The boy chuckled, shrugging his shoulders.

"So he's alone, huh... Interesting."

The older man thought to himself, going through a sudden switch in his personality.

He placed the bag of chips down and called out to the young Captain, stopping him from going out onto the deck.

"Actually, I saw him awhile ago." He slyly spoke.

"Really? Why'd you lie to me then?" Luffy frowned, feeling the Chef place his arm around his shoulder.

"The thing is... He didn't want you to know to not wake you up. Can we go to your room to talk about this?"

"It must be something serious then. Okay then, but you need to tell me everything." Promising to let Luffy know about even the littlest of details of what he knew about Zoro, Sanji was lead by the Captain into his bedroom.

Seconds after they arrived, Luffy turned the lights on but Sanji switched them back off.

"Wh- Shouldn't we leave it on?" He questioned, turning his head over at the taller male.

"This will only take a second, don't worry."

Watching as his facial expressions slowly changed, Luffy was skeptical about Sanji's behavior but still didn't think much about it.

Before Luffy could notice, Sanji also shut the door behind him ever so quietly, tucking at his collar to loosen up his buttons.

The young Captain looked over at him with intentions on wanting to know where Zoro could possibly be.

"Sanji? What are you doing?"

He asked, realizing that the man had slid his pants down and was headed towards him with a perverted looking grin.

"Luffy... Let me taste you. Let me inside of you, just once."

Luffy furrowed his eyebrows, unable to understand what the Cook was trying to say to him with such an unstable voice as his hands grew sweaty.

"Taste... Me? What do you mean by that?"

"You'll find out."

Luffy's hands were suddenly pinned above his head, causing him discomfort.

"Hey, why'd you lock the door!"

He exclaimed with frustration when the older man suddenly hovered above his body.

"Sanji... W-what are you doing? Pull your pants back up and get out!"

He shouted, getting his mouth covered along the way as he looked down at the man's midsection to find he no longer had pants on as he slid his boxers down to his thighs, exposing his length.

"Oh, Luffy... You wouldn't wanna make a scene and embarrass yourself, would you? Think about how pitiful you would look crying out for help."

He teased, threatening Luffy to keep his silence.

"Help? Help for what?"

"You'll see..."


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