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"Let you 'handle' everything?" Sanji paused for a moment, staring at Zoro and Luffy's perplexed faces.

"You numbskulls did something stupid, didn't you?"

"It's our business, stay out of it! We don't have time to screw around with you." Zoro groaned, picking Luffy up from the ground and asking if he was alright.

"Even though I believe everything I'm told. ♪

When my shoulders are shoved, I take a one-step lead. ♪ "

"If we ever meet again, I'll tell you all about. ♪

What I've been doing and where I'm headed next. ♪"

The sound of glasses clashing together filled the air as the Straw Hat crew sang and drank to their heart's content.

Given the loud music, it was almost impossible for them to hear the argument that was happening in between Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji.

"Every time we try doing anything together, he avoids me." Zoro grinded his teeth, clenching his swords within his fists tightly.

"You wanna talk about being ignored? Luffy's  changed completely since Thursday night when he 'fell' in the tub. Do you think anyone honestly bought that?" Luffy's eyes widened.

"How did you know that... I only told Chopper about-"

"Usopp, Franky, and I were listening to part of it, halfway." The young boy gulped.

"Don't change the subject now. I don't know what you've been getting into his head lately, piece of shit, but it needs to stop." Sanji crushed his cigarette in between his teeth, getting closely to Zoro's face.

"I haven't had a MOMENT of peace in my life ever since you joined this crew, and now much less. You ruined everything for us."

"That's enough, Zoro-" Luffy watched as the Swordsman walked towards Sanji with bad intentions.

"Do you have any idea what he's been through because of you?"

The Captain walked in between the two, but was ignored by both of the stubborn men who couldn't even see clearly from the hatred they felt towards each other.

"Every time I ask him what I supposedly did wrong, YOU get in the damn way! How the fuck am I supposed to get an answer then?!"

"To make it easier for you, why not just leave the ship?" Zoro swiped the cigarette out of Sanji's lips and crushed it within his hands.

"Zoro! Sanji! That's enough!!" Luffy's chest started to close up while he pushed the older men back to separate them.

"Luffy, I've kept my silence in front of everyone else out of respect for you and the promise we made, but I have my limits too."

"If you say another word-" Before Luffy could finish his sentence to warn Zoro, the older man went off like grenade.

"I've had it. Kiss, hug, sleep, eat, lately every time we try doing anything together, Luffy avoids me."

"Zoro! Listen to me!!" The younger shouted with a threatening voice.

Yet his warning was overlooked by Zoro, given that the Swordsman had been ready to put his life on the line, if it gave him the freedom of telling everything to Sanji's face.

"Sanji, just leave. Go away!!" Luffy pushed the blonde man, but he had become immobile, wanting to get Zoro's speech over with.

"If my name's still coming out of his mouth, I'll stay here for as long as possible."

Keeping his eyes locked on Zoro, Sanji could no longer leave the room, as long as he was still part of the argument.

"He spends more time alone in the shower than with anyone on this ship! And you wanna know why?"


"Because he was raped by a dirty bastard, using YOUR FUCKING FACE. He ruined our Captain's life."

Luffy's mind went blank in that moment, all he could feel were hot tears dripping down to his neckline.

He disappeared from Zoro and Sanji's sight immediately afterwards, leaving the older men with regrets.

Now that he knew the truth, so many things fell into place for Sanji.

But at what cost? His Captain's sanity. And that seemed far from fair to him. He was fuming.

"You went too far! Why would you shout it out right in front of Luffy!? You insensitive dumbass!!" Flames rose from the tall man's leg.

"While we're fighting in here, Luffy's actual rapist is still in the Sunny. He carries sea prism with him."

Sanji launched his kick at the man but his action was blocked off by Zoro's swords.

"Typical of you to ignore what I say, shitface! There's six others on this ship that could protect him, and WAY better than his so-called first mate."

The blonde man retaliated against his enemy.

"And of those six, only three of them could swim. We don't know how many others are behind that man, he stole a Marine ship to invade the Sunny the first time!"

"And you waited until now to say something like that?! Are you an idiot!?"

"As if it was that easy to say something like that! If you and Luffy reacted that way, imagine the others." Zoro tumbled back when Sanji added force to his swift kicks.

"If we go outside now, there'll be two more non devil fruit users to guard the ship. That guy couldn't have gotten far, so let's work on finding Luffy."

As much as Zoro despised taking orders from anyone, especially Sanji, he had no time or need to argue with the man.

They made their way out of the Captain's room and decided on where to split up, to cover up most of the hidden spaces within the Sunny.

Given that no one else could know about their current situation, they kept things as discrete as they possibly could, to not alert the others.

If the other Strawhats were searching for one certain man, then Luffy would be in more danger and so would the rest of them.

"Go check outside, I'll stay in to find Luffy." Sanji instructed.

However... Zoro wasn't onboard with his decision.

"Why should I leave him to you? You're the LAST person he'd trust in, at a time like this." He spoke.

"Coming from a man who just lost his trust, that's really, really unobservant of you to say." The Chef fixed his collar after Zoro nearly ripped it off of his neck.

An oddly familiar jingle of a bell managed to silence them in sync. Their eyes widened dramatically.

"You guard the outside, I'll go find our Captain."

To not risk losing any more time, Zoro and Sanji split up, hoping to find the suspect under any circumstances.

And hoping that Luffy didn't end up encountering him first...


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