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Down by a small town within Prism Island was Luffy, following behind a man with a large bag tossed behind his back.

His hair was wavy and jet black, even darker than Luffy's. He carried a quarrelsome expression on his face that matched his description perfectly.

Not to mention the color of his eyes: Light grey, almost completely white, causing him to appear possessed.

A person who was unaware of his barbaric sins would most likely feel threatened by the man just with the way he was dressed.

Wearing a long black coat, bloodied rubber boots, and a twisted look on his face was more than enough to make him seem like a threat to anyone he would come across.

The sounds of a persistent jingle emitting from within his bag got louder after it slipped off of his back and fell to the floor, splitting wide open, revealing stacks of cash, gold, silver, and brass coins, as well as a lifetime supply of rare jewels.

The reason behind the bag falling wasn't due to how heavy it had gotten, but an inhumanely large fist that had struck it to the ground, causing it to burst wide open.

Seeing this, the bandit was met with an unfamiliar looking boy.

"Hey kid, what's the matter with ya's?!"

He slurred his Language, having little to no education on how to speak properly, let alone pronounce words correctly.

His eyes shut tightly when the boy unexpectedly battered his fist again, launching it at the speed of light.

Amid punching the man square in the face, his opponent's heart started pumping faster.

"Wanna get smart-assy on me, don't cha?"

Unable to stand being tossed around by a juvenile looking boy, the criminal sent Luffy into a concrete wall with a very powerful punch to the stomach.

The preexisting back pain Luffy had lingering on his body was slowly coming back, but the amount of adrenaline he had stored away was blocking out the pain.

He stood up from a shattered building and cracked his knuckles, grinning.

"I like that look in your eyes. You look pissed off."

"Heh, you have no idea." The boy replied in a more sinister tone of voice than the abuser himself.



Blasting his enemy into a building made entirely out of quartz, similar to the one he was shot through, Luffy watched the man rise from the ground with a bittersweet mood.

"Very nice technique you's got there, boy. Let me have a turn now."

Luffy stood a few feet away from the man when he saw the clouds above him start to descend from the sky and gather into a dark funnel.

"Tornado..... HECHIZO!"

Under the man's wicked command, a storm gathered underneath Luffy's feet, and disappeared off into the boy's body, like magic.

The effects soon settled in and took over the young man, causing him to start spinning uncontrollably.

"W-wha-a-a-a-a-!?? What's ha-a-a- happening to me!? I can't... Stop... Spinning... My head is going... Crazy!"

His eyes turned into a set of spirals, almost as if he were put under a hypnotic spell. The vertigo was so severe, it made Luffy collapse onto the ground.

Luckily, his instincts never once let him drop his guard around the man, thus allowing him to not give in so easily.

Not without a proper fight, that is. Though his stability wasn't strong, his will to win against his enemy surely was.

This is what kept Luffy motivated to continue standing, no matter how weak he was becoming.

"Brrruhahaha!! You're not the only one with magical devil fruit powers. I ate the Dizzy-Dizzy fruit. With these powers, I, Orpheus Magus, am unstoppable!" The dark magician cackled.


"Read the name on my bounty. If you can read, that is."

Luffy snatched the paper off of the man in a rude manner, roughly squinting at it until the letters became clear to him.

Soon enough, he saw the name and the picture on the bounty. Both of them matched his opponent's features and description.

Sensing an evil aura emitting from within Orpheus, Luffy prepared his body to redeem himself by striking back.


The Captain's raging battle cry expanded all throughout the small town, alerting the nearby bystanders who were arriving to the fight scene, unfolding before them.

But just by seeing one of the fighters, people started to whisper along each other.

Fearing for the safety of their children and their very own, they all kept their presence concealed, all the while, rooting for Luffy.

Though they didn't know who he was, they hoped that the mysterious, unknown boy with a straw hat would put an end to the ruthless man that has done countless unforgivable, and unthinkable things to people, everywhere.

To Luffy's dismay, the man easily dodged his blow with an effortless movement, making him grow frustrated.

"Crap! I missed! I sill can't see straight!!" He smacked the sides of his head and covered his eyes, trying to shake away the distorted eyesight he was left with.

"I think you're starting to figure it out." His opponent chuckled.

"Fi...figure what out?" Luffy groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"How my powers manifest within my enemies. You held out longer than those snot-nosed brats did, though."

"Shu.... shut.. up.."

Hearing him speak so carefree about the innocent victims he preyed on was sickening to Luffy.

Even more so when he's had to go through what they went through as well.

Thinking about how a child, smaller, and more defenseless than him was met with the same misfortune fate he had, was making Luffy's blood boil from the inside.

And it didn't help the fact that he still had a large amount of anger suppressed deep inside of him, from the encounters he's had with his own abuser.

"Having them drop onto the ground with my hypnosis was easier to haul their little bodies right into my wagon and take them back to my place."

"Shut up!" A streak of large veins began to protrude from the angered man's neck and arms, as his muscles tightened.

His main focus was to annihilate the unhinged groomer, at any cost.

And to make him pay for the lives he destroyed, for both the children, and the parents of those kids who were still watching them fight from afar.

The Marines themselves could be roaming around them, yet Luffy wouldn't even bat an eye, if that were the case.

In this moment, nothing else mattered more to him than eliminating the man in front of him.

"They were a good fuck, you'd be surprised to know how quiet they could be while doing the nasty with-"

Luffy's body rose to flames, the minute he had enough of the inhumane man grinning in front of him.

"I said.. SHUT THE HELL UP!"

"I've had it. I'm gonna kill him. I'll kill all of them for what they did..."


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