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"Shit..." Sanji clutched his fist against his chest, pacing down the Sunny.

Unhelpful thoughts infiltrated the man's mind once he started to piece everything together.

"Luffy's been seeing me through the eyes of a rapist this entire time, and that shithead Swordsman didn't even have the balls to tell me.

I get that explaining a situation like this is easier said than done, but still!"

Letting out a short sigh, The man attempted to light one of his cigarettes when he bumped into someone, at the far end of the Sunny.

"Argh! What the hell... That hurt.." He said, rubbing his head.

When looking up at the person he collided with, the Cook was caught by surprise.

"What? Did you get tired of the Aquarium already?" He asked a green haired man.

"Aquarium? As if I could ever find my way there. Franky didn't build a ship, he built a damn labyrinth in here!"

A deafening silence lingered the moment Zoro made his short speech. Then, it was broken when Sanji parted his trembling lips to speak.

"Quick question: Do you finally believe I'm Sanji?"

The man in front of him raised his eyebrows at Sanji, eyeing him up and down.

"I would hope you're the real thing..."

"Quickly! Ask me something only the real Luffy would know. Now!" Sanji shouted, startling the Swordsman halfway.

"What're you trying to do? Test me or yourself?"

"Are you the real Zoro?" The blonde man raised his leg in the air as Zoro wielded his swords, clenching them tightly.

"Go jump into the ocean. If you resurface, I'll believe you." Having said that, the blonde haired Cook felt slightly relieved.

"How long ago did you see our Captain?" He questioned the Swordsman, growing impatient.

"An hour ago, right before we split up to find the pirate."

The muscular man's heavy breathing let Sanji know that he had been running around for awhile.

"It was a trap!"

"Huh?!" Zoro aimed his sword at Sanji's neck when the man grabbed onto his hand, running away with him.

"I found you with Luffy in the Aquarium!"

"How long ago?" Zoro asked, feeling a rush of adrenaline flow throughout his veins as he picked up the pace in steps.

The cold wind gusts invaded their bodies that lacked the adequate apparel they should have worn on that night.

And even so, the coldness that ran throughout the men's underdressed figures felt like a wave of heat.

No amount of freezing wind chills could surpass the thick layers of skin the two possessed.

The sound of their footsteps slowly began to escalate as they ran faster, causing a loud echo effect against the deck beneath their feet.

"And he kept on asking me stupid questions, just to get on my nerves!" Sanji recounted with a remorseful look in his eye.

"He didn't do it to get on your nerves." Zoro looked over at the man who was awaiting his next reply.

"He was gathering information from our Captain..."

"Of all things to ask, he asks me for his birth date. Why? What's he supposed to do with that type of information anyways!?"

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