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Allowing Chopper to enter the bedroom first, Zoro waited for the young doctor to make his way towards Luffy in order to walk back outside.

"Huh? Aren't you going to wait for me in the room as well? You don't have to leave." Chopper questioned, looking behind him.

"No, go on without me. The Captain doesn't want to be interrupted by anyone while he's with you, so I'll stay outside." Zoro responded, earning a nod from his friend.

Stepping out of their bedroom, the Swordsman knew he left Luffy in good hands, hence why he didn't worry about leaving the room in the first place... But that never stopped him from worrying about the fever the young man developed out of nowhere.

He kept his eager thoughts at bay by paying close attention to his surroundings and the mismatched clothing he realized he had on.

"So that's why I keep falling over. I was in such a hurry to help Luffy, I didn't even take a second look in the mirror..." He chuckled lightly to himself, scanning the outfit he was wearing.

On his left foot, he had a heavy combat boot. On his right, he had a sporty sneaker that was almost two inches shorter than the boot.

Shrugging it off, the man left his shoes as they were and pressed his back against the door he was stood behind.

Finding the Swordsman from a mile away by the reflection on his razor-sharp swords, a man approached him with a rather delicate and elegant posture.

"Are you camping out here or something? Or did Luffy throw you out of the room." He asked with a teasing tone of voice towards the green haired male.

In return, Zoro shook his head, giving the other an unexpected answer oppose to arguing with him.

"I wasn't thrown out, I left because he needed space for Chopper to... Examine him." He confessed, letting out more information that put Luffy's sanity at risk.

Crossing his arms while standing over Zoro just a few steps from where he was sitting, Sanji raised his curly eyebrows at him.

"To examine him? What for?" Hearing Sanji speaking so casually while Luffy was on the other side of the door emitting low grunts that made it to Zoro's ears, the Swordsman felt outraged.

"None of your business, just go back to the kitchen if you aren't gonna be useful around here." He snapped.

This made the Culinary Chef grow offended, so he decided to make Zoro's life miserable by sticking around instead.

"Luffy, can you take it off for me?"

In an instant, Zoro glued himself to the door behind him to get a closer listen at what Chopper was instructing Luffy to do.

At that exact moment, Sanji started talking to him.

"Not now, wait a minute..."

"Wh- Did you just tell me to shut up? Hey, Moss! Are you listening to-"

"I said," Out of nowhere, Zoro wielded his sword up to Sanji's legs. "WAIT a minute." The Swordsman spoke, ending his sentence.

"Ooooh so damn scary, my legs are about to fall apart." The Cook playfully moved his legs to make it seem as if he were scared to death.

"If it were for me, I would actually chop them off right now and leave you handicap for the rest of your life."

"If it weren't for Luffy, I would have stir fried you from the moment we met."

Bumping heads with the Swordsman wasn't unusual for Sanji: It was a miracle for those two if they went a day without arguing with each other.

But today, something seemed off about the way Zoro was responding to Sanji's comebacks.

His threats weren't empty or meaningless. They sounded more realistic and intimidating than usual.

"What did you even come here for?" The muscular man complained while Sanji kicked his sword away from his legs.

"To thank Luffy."

"That's rare, coming from you. Thank him for what, exactly?" The smartass tone of voice Zoro was using with Sanji was becoming annoying for the blonde man.

He was beginning to lose his patience and motivation in even saying another word to the Swordsman... Not that he ever even has motivation to talk with him to begin with.

"For helping me with something-"

"What did he help you do?" Zoro quickly interrupted.

"None of your business." Sanji teased, imitating the tone of voice Zoro used with him earlier.

"What did you talk about the last time you were together?"

"That's personal for me and confidential in between us. Let me know when Luffy decides to come out of his room so we could chat for awhile."

Before turning around, Sanji's pants were caught against something sharp and pointed.

"What the- HEY, YOU'LL RIP THEM, SHITHEAD!" The Cook  warned, attempting to untangle the bottom of his pants off of Zoro's sword.

"Do it. I dare you to." Sanji boldly responded, flaring his nostrils angrily at his frenemy.

Just as Zoro was about to speak, "What was that!?" he focused his attention on a scream his ears picked up from the other side of the door he was still sitting behind.

Attempting to ignore it to not cause a scene in front of Sanji and worsen the situation he was already in, the man shook his head.

"I have no intentions of letting your blood contaminate my swords, so leave me alone."

The Swordsman retracted his swords from his crew mate's legs, storing them away.

"How touchy. I don't plan on wasting my energy on your toy knives either way, I could probably use them for cutting bread in the kitchen."

Sanji burst out laughing outside of the room, pissing the Swordsman off furthermore.

"Get out of here, stupid Love Cook!!" Hearing another clearly visible scream, Zoro disappeared at the speed of light, rushing into the bedroom.

Sanji was about to follow behind him when a hand pulled him back.

~Moments after~

"Is it me or is Zoro acting weird?" A long pointed nose man asked, surrounded by his group of friends.

"Super weird, dude." Franky responded, looking over at the next person who was about to speak.

"He isn't the only one. Have you seen the way Luffy looks at me lately? Look at what he did to this fork when he was eating this morning."

Sanji said, holding up a fork that appeared to be melted and oddly shaped.

"What's up with that? Did you do something to get on his nerves?" Franky spoke once more, out of curiosity.

"Even if I did, he doesn't tend to hold a grudge against me. When he gets mad, he'll get over it right after I serve him his food."

"Hmm..." The boys stared at each other with confusion in their eyes.

"Something's going on with them..."


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