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"Luffy! Luffy where are you?!"


"That's not how you should keep a low profile, Sabo-Kun!"

"I know that, but I'm eager to see my little brother again, Koala. This stadium is endless! It's almost as big as Dressrosa itself!"

"You'll find him, I promise."

Recording ended.

"Hey, how long has it been?" A man questioned.

"Since the brothers met?" Another responded.

"I'm not talkin' about that, you prick. I'm talkin' about the boss. How long have they been in there for?"

"Now that you mentioned it, it's been awhile."

The men started exchanging different opinions among one another, deep below the ocean's surface within their submarine.

"If something woulda happened, the Capin' woulda given us the signal." They said through a mouth full of hot wings.

"He's having a little too much fun for my liking." The ex-Marine Officer spoke as someone tried grabbing a food item off of his face.

"OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!" In seconds, the person's wrist was twisted far enough for its bone to snap.

"Are you trying to break his hand!? Let go of it, bastard!" The group of angered pirates raged.

"Don't touch my face."

"Don't have pieces of food taped to it in the first place, then!" The man held his broken wrist, staring at the ex-Marine.

"How do you do that anyways? Is your face magnetic!?" Everyone else spoke, asking many different questions at the same time.

"Quiet! I'm getting Intel on your Boss through  this." The man readjusted a small earpiece on his right ear, getting a closer listen.

"Boys... You might wanna get a load of this."


"See? I didn't need sea prism at all, you did this all on your own."

An unpleasant voice whispered in a tone that was almost nauseating to listen to.

Crouching down with his knees folding beneath him, Luffy was being held upright by a man.

The criminal had one hand wrapped around the victim's lower waist, and the other squeezing down on his private parts that refused to become hard under the man's command.

"Stop! It's enough!" The boy spoke, keeping his eyes shut tightly to avoid making eye contact with his abuser.

The room he was in felt like a jail cell. A cell that he had the key to unlock, but his freedom still remained out of reach.

Truth be told, Luffy could easily take his enemy down, having no sea prism or ties confining him to his grip.

But what really had him in the Evil Cook's grip was his threat to kill the only brother he had left.

Luffy knew he would never be able to take the pain of losing another brother, let alone, being the cause of his death.

He wouldn't forgive himself for something like that.

Therefore... He was trapped by his own will.

"Had enough? Aww, but we're just getting started."

Luffy's reddened eyes refused to shed another tear in front of his enemy, but they couldn't help but to well up out of frustration when the man began to touch him.

His trembling legs continued to weaken, preventing Luffy from standing back up and leaving him in the Cook's cold grip.

"STOP! It's my fourth t-time... Already..!"

Ending his sentence with a high-pitched gasp, the boy held his chest, feeling a strange jittering in his heart while fluids descended from his thighs, making him hyperventilate.

"You love being touched by your Cook, don't you?" The man ran his hand across Luffy's back, leaving painful red streaks of blood into his torn skin.

His hands posed as weapons from how sharp his nails were, almost as if he weren't human at all.

"You're not Sanji! Stop comparing yourself to my friend!!"

"Friends don't rape each other, do they?" The cold-blooded man grinned, pulling his pants down further.

"Stop using his face! It's disgusting..." He breathed out, being released momentarily from the man's grip to be repositioned.

The sound of his belt descending to the marble flooring beneath them alerted Luffy more than ever.

His face turned pale in seconds after he looked down and noticed that a pair of fancy black pants and a leather belt were resting behind his legs.

"I'm not using 'just' his face," He rested his hands around Luffy's waist, making him struggle in his grip.

"I'm also using his body." By then, Luffy was desperately attempting to escape the man's arms, but he was too weak.

"You said- You said you wouldn't put it inside of-"

"Oh, Mugi-chan... Your Cook can't hold back when it comes to seeing you naked."

Referring to the young Captain by the last nickname the original user of the Clone-Clone fruit had given to him, he grew very upset.

He attempted to swing his fist at him, but ended up punching the photo of Sabo when the man held it up to his face.

"Right? That's what I thought." Being apprehended by the man's arms again, Luffy was dragged onto his lap.

"Why are you doing this to me?! To ruin my image of Sanji?" The boy asked, feeling his skin beginning to flare up and become reddened.

"My motives are confidential. Even if I could give you an answer to that, I wouldn't. Wanna know why?"

"NGH!" The man sunk his nails around Luffy's throat, tilting his head back towards him.

"Toys don't ask their owners questions. They submit to being used however they can, even if it goes against the rules." He stated with an egotistical attitude.

"R-Rules?! What the hell are you talking.. Aah.. 'bout..." Luffy wrapped his hands around his throat, hissing.

"How many dolls get decapitated or lose their limbs because of snotty nosed brats who drool all over them?"

"WHO CARES!?" Luffy flinched out of the man's lap when he felt something rubbing his bottom.

Despite being stronger than him, Luffy was no match for an opponent who could easily manipulate him.

"It's not as kinked as the others," the molester admitted, using less force when going inside of Luffy.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to move freely from there on, the brunette only had one wish.

"Search anywhere around the Sunny. But not here, not now. Don't find me like this, Zoro... Sanji..."


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