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Nearly two months had gone by already, and the Thousand Sunny was almost overflowing with Christmas decorations, not to mention presents.

This was a special occasion for everyone.

Although it wasn't an easy task for him, Luffy was able to leave behind most of the traumatic memories he had been holding onto by replacing them for joyful moments he's spent with his crewmates.

"Know what, fellas? "Merry Christmas" is cancelled. Today, we're celebrating Sunny Christmas. WHO'S WITH ME?" Franky shouted, hyping up the beauty of his ship's new interior design.



While Chopper and Luffy fought for the remaining bits of their plentiful Christmas dinner, Zoro was staring back at his Captain with a set of loving eyes.

The ambience within the Sunny hadn't felt this festive or peaceful in a very long time.


Zoro casually greeted a tall gentleman while he sat beside him at the bar, sliding him over a pint of beer, almost too heavy for the Swordsman to pick up.

"With your navigation skills, if you stare at Luffy long enough, you might end up lost inside of his eyes." The Culinarian responded.

"I have to admit it, though: I like to see him this way. You feel it too, don't you?" He turned his head to look at the Swordsman for a second.

"Yeah, Luffy's back to being Luffy. I knew he'd be able to get over it."

"Don't make it sound so easy: Restoring your sanity and peace is easier said than done, after going through what he did. You can be so insensitive sometimes."

The blonde male argued, tilting his head downwards to take a sip of his drink with a stainless steel straw.

"He's a strong man. I wouldn't be sitting at this bar if it weren't for him... Luffy's a different kind of breed, Sanji. He wasn't gonna stay like that all his life. He has goals to accomplish too, just like the rest of us do."

Reply after reply, Sanji couldn't fully come to terms with Zoro's point of view when discussing Luffy's situation, so he left it at that and decided to change the subject by asking him a simple question.

"What's your New Year's resolution?"

To that, the Swordsman rested his elbows calmly on top of the shiny granite bar and contemplated on what to say next.

And, not long afterwards, he thought of an answer to give Sanji.

"Have way too many on my mind, right now. One of them is to sleep with my eyes open, another is to buy a heavier set of dumbbells,  and the list just goes on. What's yours?"

"To find the person who did it to Luffy." The words that came out of Sanji's mouth made Zoro loosen the grip he had against his cup.

"You talk about me being insensitive when you're a bigger dumbass than ME. Don't mention anything about that! Nothing at all."

The Samurai's threat was serious, and his frenemy could tell that he wasn't comfortable with bringing up Luffy's past, in the current present they were in, which is why he chose to change the topic, yet again.

"I'm gonna go see if anyone needs anything. Don't touch my wines, I use those for cooking, and cooking only. It'd be a waste if those were consumed by you."

Standing up from the bar stool he was sitting on before, Sanji dismissed his conversation with Zoro and retreated to the living room.

"What's new over here?"

When entering the semi-gathering that was taking place within the area he was now in, Sanji grew curious.

"Sanji-Kun, I'm glad you're here!" Nami admitted, as if she had been waiting for the Cook to arrive, the entire time.

"You are?"

"I need your help with something."

"You do?!"

Sanji's heartbeat began to spiral out of control as he took a seat beside the ginger haired Navigator, admiring her beauty.

"We're trying not figure out what activity to do next: Build a gingerbread house and place bets on who's will fall apart first, or use the deck as a skating rink to do figure skating. What do you think?"

Taking his time to think and analyze which choice to make, Sanji went for option number two: Figure skating.

Insisting that it would be more fun and enjoyable than creating a gingerbread house.

Having decided that, the crew assembled a set of outfits to display while ice skating.

Nami and Robin wore a sparkly pair of mini skirts, accompanied with a shimmery top and a short jacket, both in different colors, but still with the same style.

The men tried on different suits of all sorts of shades and textures.

"Woah!! So sexy!" Nami spoke to herself, staring at her reflection against a mirror that showed the girl how stunning her outfit looked.


A resounding screech emitted from the outside of the Sunny while Usopp rubbed his lower back.

"I think I'll pass." Zoro casually stated, sitting in a comfortable position, watching the rest of the pirates engage in their playful activities.

"NAMI SWAAAAAAN!!!!" Sanji's voice was filled with glee.

The long legged man created a heart with the edge of his blades, shaping it to perfection for Nami to see.

"Nice!" The girl's simple comment made Sanji's heart burst out of his chest, from the amount of happiness he felt.

"I wanna try!!!"

"Let's all get in there!" Chopper and Franky climbed into their own skates.

Soon, the deck was filled with designs made by their skates. From hearts, to stars, to signatures... And occasional traces of blood whenever Usopp or Chopper face planted the floor.

The day couldn't have gone better for the overjoyed pirates. They were ecstatic.

"Hmm? One, two, three, four..."

Scanning his surroundings, Zoro's relaxation was partially interrupted by one person's missing presence: The Captain.

Growing wary of his existence, he set out to go find him, feeling slightly anxious in not having him around.

"Leaving him alone is a mistake I won't be repeating on this ship, or anywhere else, from now on."


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