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"Frrrresh AIR!" Franky announced as everyone descended from the Sunny and onto a new island, with a peaceful atmosphere.

The presence of so many foxes was enough to make Luffy feel excitement and pure joy.

Chopper was frolicking around the endless fields the island had to offer for every fuzzy inhabitant it contained.

"Guys, they say they've been waiting for us! Look!! They even made these with their claws!!" Chopper held his hands out, showcasing nine beautiful wooden carvings.

"WOAAAAAH!!! CAN I EAT THEM?" Luffy asked, salivating over how appetizing the carvings appeared.

"If you were a beaver, then probably! But I don't think you'd wanna puncture your esophagus with one of these." Chopper chuckled, handing Luffy one of the carvings.

Each of the nine wooden figures were shaped into a different type of fox breed, with names engraved onto them.

"Nami, Chopper, Zoro, Luffy- When did Kiri join?" All eyes landed on Luffy as he raised up one of the mini carvings.

"K..Kiri? Who?" They all looked at the young brunette as one of the foxes jumped onto his lap and started to rub his head against Luffy's tummy.

"OIII, CHOPPER! CAN I EAT HIM?" The fox immediately jumped off, earning a laugh from Luffy and his crew.

"C'mere!! Don't go! KIIIRII!!!!"

His smile widened while he extended his arms out to reach for the mystical fox with dark black hair and a set of aquamarine colored eyes that were unforgettable.

"Luffy, stick around! Don't get lost." Zoro shouted, tagging along behind him, deeper into the forest.

"Better yet, run further before you get lost WITH him." Sanji's laughter made Zoro spin around to glare at him with an annoyed look on his face.

"At least he grew up in the woods with bandits. Not like a pinky princess who was locked away in a tower."

"You're one to talk about forests. Your hair's so damn green, it blends in with the trees around you!"

That's when the bickering began, in between the teasing Cook and short-tempered Swordsman.

"Yeah? How many dumbasses called out for you to let down your hair? Rapunzel."

"I rather be a pretty girl than a pile of moss, ruining perfect wooden trees and rocks with slime."

Soon enough, through their domestic argument made up of many disagreements and unthinkable insults littered with provocative profanities, the two-timer duo collaborated with each other when they finally found their Captain.

"Oni...KIRI!" Were the first words the young man shouted, playing with his new acquaintance.

"Looks like he found you first." Sanji playfully punched Zoro's arm when they found the black fox holding three wooden sticks in his mouth.

"It's dangerous out here, Luffy. Don't go running around." Zoro spoke, crouching down to stare at the fox.


"It's already enough with one animal on the Sunny." The Swordsman responded to his eager Captain.

"Chopper doesn't count, he's half human!"

"I wasn't talking about Chopper. I was referring to Heart-Eyes over here," the Swordsman pointed at the fuming blonde haired male.

"He's the real animal on the ship."

"Yeah, but you and Luffy are the ones who stink up the Sunny like a Zoo!" Sanji launched a playful punch at Luffy, making the young man react immediately.

His reflex even left the mindless little fox in shock. It was almost as if time stopped, right then and there, the moment Luffy grasped Sanji's hand.

"Whew! I have to admit: Your observation haki has gotten pretty good." The speechless Chef exhaled deeply.

"I'm surprised you two managed to find me!" Luffy giggled, carrying the small fox over his shoulder.

"Luffy, he's a fox, not a parrot. Poor thing must be dizzy from up there." Zoro wrapped his arm over the boy's shoulder, relieved to be hearing him laugh.

"Kiri, join my crew!" Luffy announced with a proud smile.

"Hey hey, you wanted ten crewmates for your crew. Not a hundred, lead alone, animals. We'll turn into the Beast Pirates if we let you add animals to our crew!" The Swordsman picked up the small fox.

"Can we keep him as a pet then?"

"You can barely take care of yourself, how do you expect to train a fox?" He questioned, crossing his arms.

"He'll eventually grow on ya'!!"

"Yeah, grow annoying. Other than that, I don't think I'd take a liking to someone who screams louder than you do."

"I'm with him on this one, Luffy. I can't have a wild animal running around the kitchen. He'll just raid the fridge and leave it empty."

"No he won't, that's my job!" Luffy started to laugh loudly, exposing himself to the rest of his crewmates who had been searching for him.

"YO, we came here to go sightseeing, not to camp out in the woods!" Franky smirked, kidding around with his friends.

The others made their way towards him, leaving many of the foxes behind while joining Nami.

"Well, someone had fun tumbling down a hill." The woman teased, pointing at a various collection of leaves buried within Zoro and Sanji's hair.

"Now you really do look like a tree with those leaves stuck to you!"

Sanji unintentionally became everyone's stand-up comedian by making his friends laugh.

"Take a look at your bangs before saying anything, stickman."

Zoro wielded his sword in front of Sanji's eyes, giving the man a small glimpse of the many twigs lodged in between his strands of hair.

"HEH?! YOU-" A loud grumbling echoed throughout the forest, seconds before Sanji and Zoro could get into a brawl.

Luffy looked at Sanji with a pouty look, rubbing his tummy.

"Kiri's hungry." He confessed, pointing at his new pal.

"Those sounds belong to your stomach too, not just Kiri's." Zoro squinted his eyes, teasing the Captain.

"Let's head back to the Sunny then. Just, don't break any more of my dishes, got that?"

Luffy turned dark red with embarrassment, nodding at Sanji as he smiled fondly at his Captain.

"Maybe Kiri was the distraction I needed to get closer to Sanji again. Come to think of it, Kiri is the only fox that's stuck to me since I got here... I must be special to him."


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