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"Just a moment! The directions on that vivere card and the ones on my Log Pose both lead me to an Island." Nami informed the others, staring down at her wrist.

"In approximately half an hour, we'll be at an Island called "Prism Paradise", everyone!"

"Prism?" Luffy tilted his head up at the woman, then looked down at his hands, fearing for the safety of his friends, as well as his own.

"Not the type of prism you're thinking about, Luffy." Nami insisted, letting Luffy have a closer look at the map.

"Let me explain: It's called Prism because of its triangular shape and unique colors that reflect off of every corner surrounding the ground. Each corner is worth up to two million berries!"

"So in other words, we're going to this island to stand on top of a gigantic diamond?"

By the time Zoro was done asking Nami his sarcastic question, the ginger haired girl's eyes were a pair of dollar signs, overflowing with enthusiasm.

"Nami-San is extra joyful today! Her aura is generating an endless amount of magnetic energy!!" Sanji smiled, unable to keep his heart-eyes off of Nami.

Dismissing the lovesick man's profound speech on her, Nami started to talk with Franky.

While they had a short conversation together, Luffy stood by the Sunny's Lion head, watching the outlines of the Island growing more and more visible, the closer they were to reaching it.

The boy rested his elbow above the side of the ship, and placed his hand underneath his chin, lost in his own little world for a moment.

Ever since that night, many things changed about Luffy.

Although his joyful characteristics remained the same, he tends to get distracted a lot lately, even when absolutely nothing lingers on his mind, his thoughts are never at peace anymore.

The wind that caressed his face helped Luffy maintain his breathing at a steady pace, but his heart rate ceased to calm down.

He was constantly on his guard now, yet he never knew what was happening around his surroundings.

"What an absolute bum. I really hate humans sometimes, don't you?"

"Tell me about it. Those poor poor kids."

Luffy's ears began to ring as he picked up on the conversation his Navigator and Shipwright were having.

"Say, Zoro... Whaddaya think that Nami and Franky are talking about?"

The Captain questioned his Swordsman who walked up to him seconds after Nami finished speaking.

"Beats me. They've had their eyes glued to that newspaper for a while now." He responded.

"Don't think it's something too interesting, though. Everyone else woulda been snooping behind them... Starting with Mr. Nosebleed."


Sanji groaned from the kitchen, causing Luffy to burst out into a short laughter that made a genuine smile appear on both Zoro and Sanji's faces.

After having lived through so much terror with the young Captain, Zoro and Sanji, being the only two crewmates who knew about everything, vowed in silence to take turns at guarding the ship at night, to make sure that no intruders would invade the Sunny.

This was one of the first times the neon and light haired men agreed on working together, for the sake of their Captain's safety, as well as the rest of the crewmates.

They were uncertain of when the next invasion would occur, but knowing that it already happened twice, there was a chance of them being tracked down.

Because of this, they constantly inspected the doors and windows at night and during the day, making sure that they were closed. Especially at night.

"W-woah!" Luffy's body tumbled back and forth as the Sunny docked in an unstable ground.

"Guys!! We're here!" Nami announced, trying to balance herself up against a door as the Sunny was tilted back.

"The Sunny isn't stuck, don't worry. The Island's triangular shape makes it impossible for ships to be docked normally, because of the slant beneath the ground Prism was built on."

Nami explained, stepping off of the Sunny, alongside Sanji who helped her get down safely.

"Ah, I see." Luffy nodded, stretching his arms up to the sky.

As he tilted his head upwards, his eyes delved into a blissful moment as he saw many different iridescent colors reflecting off of every rhinestone and diamond that was scattered across the shiny ground.

Oppose to grass, the ground was made out of exotic diamonds that were nearly blinding to stare down at.

"M-m-my "Islands With Bright Colors" disease is starting to kick in-"

Usopp trembled, being intimidated by the amount of brightness his eyes could barely adjust to.

Shortly after stating this, the Sniper was brought back to reality when he heard a high-pitched gasp emitting from Nami.

"N-Nami? What's wrong?"

"Usopp... There he is!" She shakily stated, pointing at a man from afar, hoping she remained unnoticed by him.

"Who is that, Nami-San?" Sanji asked as Zoro and Luffy gathered around him and Nami.

"I was talking about him with Franky just now...

His name is Orpheus Morel, he has a bounty of twenty three thousand berries on his head.

He's a convicted child sex offender who broke out of his prison cell two weeks ago." She concluded, sighing out loud.

Luffy's mouth was left agape, the words "sex offender" capturing his attention more than the very description of the abuser himself.

"Sex offender? Nami, what does that mean?"

Sanji's eyes widened after Luffy searched for an answer through his Navigator.

The woman gave Luffy a look of slight discomfort as she parted her lips to speak.

"Men or women who do very sickening things to people. In this case... This man did it to several children." She confessed, letting out a sigh.

"What a horrible danger to society. He should be in jail! Why is he roaming the streets so freely?" Chopper asked himself, staring at the guy with fear and disturbance.

"That bastard..." Turning over to Zoro, Nami jolted ever so slightly when the man wielded his swords out.

The sound of the steel blades abrading each other as he prepared to descend off of the Sunny made everyone's ears ring.

"Where's Luffy?" Hearing them mention his Captain's name made the man put his hunt on hold.



Nami and Brook began to call out to him, turning their head to give the Sunny a full 360° scan, finding everyone else on the ship but the Captain himself.

"Did he leave?" Brook looked over to Zoro who's mind was in a completely different place at the moment.

His eyes were staring down at the Island beneath the Sunny, yet he could only pay attention to the thoughts on his mind.

"Luffy must've gone after him... Will he be able to handle that guy on his own?"

"I have a bad feeling about this."

Were his and Sanji's last thoughts on the Captain.

All that they could do now was wait to see what Prism Island has in store for them and their Captain.


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