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"Sanji... Can I eat it now?"


While rinsing the last remaining dishes in the sink, Sanji found himself catching one of them in midair before they could collide with the ground, after he was jump scared by his Captain who unexpectedly appeared behind him.

"I almost broke another one of these, like the last time! And because of you, again! Damn it to Hell. Do you know how expensive these are, Luffy!?"

"Nishishi! Sorry, sorry!" Giving the older male a shy apology, Luffy hunched over, appearing smaller than he actually is.

Although Sanji's rage was slightly intimidating, seeing his true nature made Luffy sigh out of relief.

This was the real Sanji he knew.

"And "eat" what?"

Sanji responded, slightly intrigued by his Captain's visit, given that he was always the last and only person in the kitchen, so late at night.

"My treat! I want it now!" Luffy giggled, tapping his foot impatiently.

"You sound like a dog, for God's sake. That's what you came here for!? Hungry bastard.... Go sit down, I'll bring it to you after I finish drying these last two plates." Sanji pointed at the dining room.

In seconds, Luffy found himself pulling out a chair to sit down on it.

A slight jolt left his lower body while he struggled to sit down, having a slight shooting pain still lingering in his ribcage, along with the amount of bruising all around his lower waist.

But nothing a little midnight snack couldn't cure.

He swung his feet back and forth, watching as his friend opened the fridge, making the least amount of noise that he possibly could, to not wake anyone up.

There, he took out a plastic bowl and removed the lid on top of it.

Luffy's mouth began to water while his savory pastry, dripping with sweet caramel, was brought to the table.

"Enjoy." Sanji sat down beside the younger, drying his hands off with a towel.

"Thank youuuu!" Luffy spoke through a full mouth.

The smile on his face gradually disappeared when he stopped chewing after twenty to thirty seconds.

A lot longer than most people take to chew their food when eating something soft.

"Now might be the best time to ask this. Have you been having trouble swallowing lately?"

Sanji questioned with caution, tilting his head down at Luffy, since there was such a dim lighting in the dining room.

Because everyone was sound asleep in their rooms, Sanji didn't want to awaken anyone with the brightness of the dining room light, hence why he only left on the light from the kitchen.

Holding a fork inside of his mouth, Luffy shook his head in agreement.

"And why is it?"

Once the blonde man's interrogation started, the Captain felt the grip on his fork grow unsteady.

His mouth went numb, making the taste of his dessert taste plain, oppose to sweet.

"Last time... He made me do what you pretended to do to me, remember?"

Luffy lowered his voice, looking behind him and Sanji, to make sure no one was around to hear their conversation.

"The thing we "pretended" to do? When?"

"In the aquarium because of..." Luffy held up his wrist, right where he had the spy cam implanted before.

"He made you suck him off!?"

Sanji's knuckles turned white as he crumbled up the kitchen towel in his hands, feeling his body grow heated with anger.

"Don't say it so loud!" Luffy warned his Cook, being caught off guard by his reaction.

The blonde man shut his eyes and placed his hand over his forehead, taking in the feeling of dread and indescribable hatred that was possessing him.

"Every time I eat something, I feel a real lump in my throat that doesn't allow my food to go down. It hurts every time I swallow anything, even water. Something keeps coming back up."

Luffy admitted with a heavy heart, placing his hand over his throat.

"That fucking bastard... Luffy, you have to get your throat checked."

"Chopper's still up, I think. But I don't wanna."

"Let's go together then. I'll be with you the entire time, and even cover for you, if necessary."

Staring up at the older man, Luffy's mouth felt dry.

It took him a lot of convincing, but when Sanji told Luffy that if he remained this way, he would no longer be able to eat properly or eat anything at all, the Captain took his words into consideration.

His love for food was stronger than his own fear.

Even though he was anxious as to what Chopper might tell him or even suspect, Luffy gave Sanji a nod and stood up from the dining room table, leaving almost half of his pastry on the plate.

"Don't worry, he'll be back to eat you later. You aren't going nowhere, damn desert."

"You best believe it!! Even if Chopper removes my teeth or tongue, you're STILL going down my pipe!"

Luffy whisper shouted at the edible dish, giggling silently with Sanji as they walked away from the dining room.

Their smiles faded off into the distance as they arrived at Chopper's office and took a peak inside of it.

"The lights are still on."

"He's in there, alright." Sanji responded, encouraging the young brunette to knock on the door.

Instead, Luffy walked right in, giving Chopper a slight jolt.


"Oi, Chopper!"

"Yo!" Sanji and the young Captain greeted the younger male, in a casual manner.

"You guys! How's your ribcage doing, Luffy?" Chopper walked over towards the duo, focused on how his Captain was feeling.

"A lot better now! Nishishi!"

"Sheesh, you're lucky you're made out of rubber: A normal person wouldn't have survived an impact like that on their bodies."

"A lot of people wouldn't have survived what my body has been through..."

"What your body has-"

Before the tension could continue to thicken around them, Sanji interrupted Luffy and Chopper's discussion.

"Let's cut to the chase, we have an emergency here!"

"EH!? You do!?"

"We do!?" Upon asking this question, Sanji gave Luffy a side eye.

"Of course we do! Chopper, Luffy can't eat."

Luffy immediately turned his head over at Sanji, growing nervous.

"He what? What are you talking about?"


Looking back at Luffy, the older man acted as his protection as he realized how much his Captain was counting on him in this moment.

"If Chopper finds out, I'll be done for. I'm counting on you, Sanji... It's all up to you now."


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