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"Sanji?" Chopper's voice brought Sanji back to reality.

His body was starting to sweat, the longer he took to decide on what to tell the young Doctor.

He wasn't bad at lying, compared to Luffy. If he could, he would make up the most believable lie possible, just to save himself the trouble of putting his Captain in a tight spot.

It was so easy to lie, but much easier to tell the truth, when under pressure.

Sanji was stressed out, sleep deprived, and genuinely unsure of what to do, beyond this point.

The outcome of telling the truth would lead to further a investigation by Chopper, followed by more secrets in between the Straw Hats.

"Zoro found out because of Luffy, I found out because of Zoro, and now Chopper's gonna find out because of me?

Then what? Is everyone else gonna start keeping this a secret when Chopper finds himself in my place?

Luffy went crazy when Zoro told me about it. Not to mention how that dumb Swordsman said it as well... I still remember Luffy's voice. The fear in that man's eyes.

I can't risk it. At any cost, no matter who I have to lie to." After analyzing what to say, Sanji shook his head at Chopper.

"I just thought he burned himself with something he ate, but he never spoke to me about anything else."

A sigh emitted through Chopper's mouth. He nodded at the blonde haired man's effortless confession, thanking him.

"Then, I'll keep an eye out for any behavioral changes in him. Luffy's been a little down lately, so that also left me thinking."

"I can't argue with that, he's been quieter than usual. If you notice anything, let me or Zoro know about it first... Just to not make the Captain feel uncomfortable, you know."

Sanji wasn't entirely on board with Chopper's decision, neither was he satisfied with his own answer. However, this was the only option he had left.

Whether Chopper believed him or not, was up to the Doctor himself.

"Understood. I don't think I'd have even feel comfortable interrogating Zoro about it either, so I'll wait to see if Luffy comes to me instead. Goodnight, Sanji!"

"Thank you. Goodnight, Chopper." The friends beckoned each other, and went their separate ways.

Chopper turned off the lights in his office and went to his bedroom.

Sanji went back to the dining room, staring at the half eaten desert Luffy had left untouched on a shiny plate, at the top of the table.

He carried the plate away, throwing the remaining pastry in the trash can, with a heavy heart, because of the memory it kept of Luffy, struggling to eat.

"It's unfair. Everything that's happening to you, it's so unfair." He thought to himself.

With that gloomy mindset, the man gave the dishes a generous rinse and called it a night.

~The next day~

Rubbing his eyes, the first thing Luffy's eyes were met with was a bare torso, connected to a familiar man that who was looking right back at him, as if he had been staring at him for awhile.

"Zoro!" He nervously smiled.

"How're you feeling today?"

"I'm good! How about you?" By now, the Captain was slowly becoming empowered with energy that was causing him to giggle out of nothing at all.

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