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Children being held hostage in the pitch black darkness of a man's truck...

Parents and Marines retaliating against each other in the midst of so much chaos...

A group of familiar faces staring back at the aftermath of a brutal murder scene...

Parts of flesh and granulated particles of bones smeared all throughout a town full of terrified people...

And many other distorted images invaded Luffy's mind as he woke up from an endless nightmare.

His eyes felt heavy and damp. As he ran his fingers underneath his cheekbones, he wiped off tears he had no memory of crying, before going to sleep.

He doesn't even recall going to sleep at all, or how he ended up in the bed he found himself in, at the moment.

But things only got weirder when he attempted to stand up from the seemingly comfortable bed.

"H-huh... What is this...?" His eyes squinted as he tilted his head downwards to see a set of straps tied to his hands and feet.

"Hey... Hey, Chopper! Cho..."

The words that his enemy spoke to him before were flashing into Luffy's mind. He began to wonder if this was still the Sunny, or if he was in a different ship, given the fact that there was barely any lighting within the room he was in, apart from a lit candle that he spotted from nearby, on top of a bedside table.

He felt a stabbing pain emitting throughout the left side of his ribcage.

The sensation was powerful enough to make the boy wince, but not enough to keep him bed bound.

His arms and legs started to twist and turn. As he clenched his right fist, he jolted out of pain.

Looking down at it, he saw a multitude of bandages wrapped around his hands and feet.

Having about 70% of his body immobilized by woven gauze dressing and the other 20% paralyzed by the additional straps tied to his limbs, Luffy started to panic with nowhere to go.

In seconds, his heart began to race with the fear of someone else being in the dark room with him.

"Move. Gotta move. I- I have to get out of here and look for everyone else."

Fearing for his friend's lives, as well as his very own, the young man pushed through the pain he felt in his hand and attempted to free himself of the straps around his wrists.

"Come... On... Dammit! Just break!!" He gritted his teeth, feeling every muscle in his body tense up while the straps grew tighter.

Oppose to loosening them, Luffy was only making the straps squeeze around his ankles and wrists even more.

Without knowing where he was, what happened to his friends after the fight, or why he felt completely numb from his waist below, the Captain lost his temper and ended up snapping one of the straps off with his leg.

The kick was so strong, he ended up knocking over a long candle that was near him, at the time.

When it descended to the floor, the wooden planks rose to flames.

Though the fire wasn't major or hazardous, if Luffy didn't do something to stop it, it would become a real problem, later on.

Before he could call out to anyone, regardless of where he was, a door behind him started to open.

His stomach was in knots for a while, waiting to see who was on the other end of the door.

"I.... I can't move at all now..." The thought of who would enter the room he was in was tearing the young man apart.

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