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"Prove it then, when's our Captain's Birthday?" Zoro asked, crossing his arms.

"Are you being serious right now?! What the hell do you take me for?"

"For all I know, we could be talking to the bad guy we're all hunting for! Answer my question, or get the hell out." Zoro clutched his sword, holding it with a tremble in his hand.

"May fifth, everyone around the world probably knows that by now." Sanji stated, impatiently tapping his foot on the floor.

"Year?" Zoro responded, completely ignoring the man's previous answer, as if it meant nothing at all.

"Year is... Is... Oh, I remembered his Birthday, at the very least!" The Cook argued.

"I think you're good!" Luffy giggled with his arms wrapped around Zoro's waist.

"No. I'm still not convinced. Anyone could memorize your name, age, and birth date. Say something only the real Sanji would know."

"We don't have time, the ship's getting away!!"

Seeing the visible amount of desperation in Sanji's eyes as he grabbed onto either end of Luffy's shoulders made the boy feel strange.

He turned his head away, feeling his neck begin to twitch, just like before.

He was starting to get overwhelmed by Sanji's presence and excessive physical touch.

"Captain! Please, come here for a sec." Zoro spoke, guiding Luffy towards one of the round windows, located above the Aquarium.

"Do you see any ships around?" Luffy slowly looked over at Sanji with a fearful look of angst cast upon his eyes.

"They got away, are you happy now, asswipe?" Sanji pushed Zoro's chest.

"Get the hell out of here."

"Hold your horses! So what now? Are you just planning on leaving Luffy all alone?" Sanji questioned, earning a nasty look of intimidation from the Swordsman.

"You would want that, wouldn't you?" He asked, nearly strangling Sanji with his dark blue necktie.

"You have a death wish, don't you?!" Sanji loosened his grip from Zoro's hand.

"Death... Wish? Sanji, why would you suddenly say that?" Luffy asked as suspicion clouded his thoughts.

"Luffy, don't take it personal. It's just a saying."

"Must be a very unpopular one then, because I don't hear anyone else wishing death upon others, except for you."

Zoro chimed in, keeping Luffy hidden behind his muscular figure.

"A suicidal man talking about death, how ironic."

"I may be alcoholic, but even at my drunkest, the thought of death never crossed my mind... Can we not mention that?" Zoro side eyed Luffy, making Sanji understand.

Luffy's hands started to shake as he tried to ignore this fear by stated that he was 'cold'.

"Look at the way you have him, right now! He's shaking."

"We're all nervous, not just him." Luffy looked up at Sanji.

"He's the victim here, not us. If anyone's gotta be cautious on this ship, it's our Captain." Zoro narrowed his head down.

"Zoro, If he really is out there, I wanna face him." Luffy confessed with a sense of dread and discomfort in his gut.

"Let him go first... I don't trust him." Zoro's overly protective attitude eventually got on Sanji's last nerve, and the man decided to give up.

"Fine by me, shitty Marimo!"

"Sanji!" Luffy extended his arm out to reach the man's arm, but he didn't chase after him.

"Let him be, he'll come around. Though, the next time he does, we won't be able to tell who it is, so stick to me."

Zoro and Luffy sighed deeply, wandering around the aquarium, hearing Sanji's footsteps from above.

"Where should we go now? We haven't checked the storage room. What if he's in there?" Luffy looked up at his first mate.

"For who."

"The... Pirate. Who else?" The look of confusion on Zoro's face was almost confusing for Luffy to stare at.


"Gee, and I thought my memory was bad. T-the g-guy! You know who!" He poked at Zoro's ribcage out of annoyance.

"Why are you searching for him? You should just stay here."

"Why the sudden change? I have the right to look for him too, Zoro."

Something was... Awfully different about the air in the Aquarium.

Did Franky change the air conditioning?

Or was Luffy started to get nervous again when he began to realize something was off about his Swordsman.

"Besides, why should I stay in here? What if someone else finds him first?"

"I think it's best for you to remain in this Aquarium, for the time being."

"But he's dangerous! I wanna fight him!" Luffy battered his fists in the air, throwing punches at the ceiling.

"Stay here then." Zoro's sash slipped off of his waist as the man tosses his swords aside.

"Why would I do that when we're looking for him together?! H...Huh? What the-!?" Luffy furrowed his eyebrows angrily as sweat ran down his neck.

"Plastic." He held up one of Zoro's swords.

"Stay here." The man repeated, again and again.

"Zoro's swords aren't plastic. If he's not here, then... The guy..."

"Don't you see? You already found him."

With just the touch of his face, Zoro disappeared from Luffy's sight and out came a man with blonde hair and curly eyebrows.

"Rubber toys are so resistant, but I'll break into you, one way or another this time."


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