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"Ear prompters! Sick! I've never seen these type of wireless ear buds before." Franky picked the small objects off from the floor and held them in his hands.

Zoro quickly signalled Franky to toss the ear buds away.

The Shipwright complied, wishing that he could have held onto the ear prompters for a little longer before launching them into the Ocean for them to become fish bait.

"The marks... Those claw marks explain things even better to me now." Zoro's eyes widened when he remembered the marks around Luffy's neck.

"What claw marks? Where?" The older man questioned, visibly confused as to what Zoro was going on about.

"I know who did it. I know who it was now!" The Swordsman mindlessly shouted.

"Who did what? I'm so lost right now."

"The man who invaded the Sunny isn't any ordinary lowlife pirate. He's someone we've met before..." Zoro's answer left Franky puzzled.

"A man we've met before? Are you sure?"

"No... Now that I remember, you never met him. He was a man that Luffy and I encountered, back in Syrup Village, where we met Usopp. He was the Captain of these sore losers called "The Black Cat Pirates". He's the one that ate the fruit!"

Falling into a new realization, everything was becoming clearer to the Swordsman.

"What man? What fruit? I can't associate any of those things with this fox!" Franky held onto his head, growing dizzy with so much confusion.

"That fox was a decoy, Franky. A spy trap." Zoro grabbed onto either end of Franky's shoulders.

"Listen, I have to go tell Luffy about this. Now that we know who this guy is, we could take him down. Could you stay here to guard the Sunny?"

"You bet your shiny hiney that I can! I ain't movin' from here until I see the light of day. No one's gonna damage the Sunny on my watch."

Franky stated with a stone-faced expression.

"Alright. I'm counting on you, Franky!" Zoro responded before running back into the Sunny where he found everyone awake.

Since most of the Straw Hats were blocking the entrance, Zoro grew worried.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"That's what we would like to know! LOOK!"

Chopper and Usopp shouted, pointing at another gigantic hole that had been drilled into the living room wall.



Zoro's ears rang as the reindeer and Sniper ran by him to get to Franky, who was standing near the entrance.

"W...wa..aaa...h.. Waah.... Ah..." Franky's lip began to quiver while he approached the new crater.


He angrily shouted, blasting a laser through the hole, in hopes of shooting down the ruthless people who invaded the Sunny.

"Dude, what the hell's going on around here!? What's happening?!" Franky asked himself.

While everyone was paying attention to the show that Franky was putting on with his dramatic screams of terror and anger, Zoro escaped the crowd and ran off.

He quickly made his way to the master bedroom where he last saw Luffy and Sanji in.

His heartbeat began to accelerate as he tried to open the door.

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