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Luffy's lips were smiling at Sanji, but the Cook was worried about the look his eyes were giving him.

"Did I do something to upset you?"

He asked, doubting that his Captain's answer would be a 'Yes', but he was itching to know exactly what was going on with him and why he was acting so off lately.

What left him in shock was to see the brunette nodding, bowing his head down.

"Wait a minute, don't leave without eating! I could warm up your meal in under twenty seconds." The blonde male scrambled to his feet, popping Luffy's plate into the microwave.

"I can do it."

"YOU? As if I believe you would ever attend the kitchen without burning it down to ashes." Sanji joked, holding his plate above Luffy's head before the boy could extend his arms.

"I'll do it, Sanji."

"What you could do is sit back down and let your Cook handle everything." Pacing back into the kitchen, Sanji opened the microwave.

In seconds, his Captain's silhouette covered the lighting behind him within the kitchen.

"Luffy, it won't take too long to-" Sanji's eyebrows furrowed while his pale blue eyes widened with shock.

His cigarette rolled onto the floor and was put out when a wind gust blew right past him.

Luffy shoved his plate roughly into the microwave and carelessly slammed the door, smashing the plate from the inside.

"Hey! Luffy, what's your problem!?" Sanji shouted when hearing the sound of his dish shattering.

When he opened the microwave, pieces of porcelain descended onto the ground and immediately turned the kitchen into a danger hazard for bare feet.

Hearing the loud ruckus reverberate all throughout the ship as the storm went on, some of the Straw Hats yelped out of fear, while others rushed towards the noise.

Among the others, Usopp and Nami were two of the first to arrive at the supposed "crime scene" they awaited to find, due to such horrific shouting.

"MOVE! MOVE BACK!" Sanji warned, pushing against Luffy chest, hard enough to make the Captain tumble onto Usopp.

"Oi oi!! Wait a minute, Sanji!" The young Sniper defended his Captain as Sanji swung his broom at him.

At his second attempt on getting back at Luffy, Usopp no longer tried to get in Sanji's way and ducked down.

Luffy, on the other hand, he didn't move a muscle. He watched as the heavy broom came flying at his face... Then watched it fall to the floor after it was cut in half by a sharp sword.

Zoro stood behind the younger, protecting him against Sanji's rage.

"What the hell are you two dumbasses doing? What's wrong with you, you shitty Cook!" He clenched his sword, holding it up to Sanji's neck.

"Ask him what's wrong first!"

"I said I wanted to do it on my own!" The brunette raged, getting on Sanji's nerves.

"And what's next. Are you gonna cook your own meals too?"

"MAYBE! That's not a bad idea." The dark aura Luffy was emitting from within was also weighing down on his friends.

"Don't be a dumbass!"

"Luffy, what happened?" Zoro asked, cutting in between Sanji.

"I lost my appetite. That's what happened."

Usopp started to laugh at his Captain's response, and proceeded to make fun of him.

"Even if your mouth was sewn, you'd still eat! You have the biggest appetite than anyone on this ship, LUFFY!" He slapped his knee, cackling.

"More like: The biggest appetite in the world. Don't kill each other, weirdos." Nami teased, walking back to her studio to work on a new map.

Chopper and the rest of the crew arrived shortly afterwards to investigate where so much noise was emitted from, but when crossing paths with Nami and Usopp, they insisted to the others that they had nothing to worry about.

Therefore, the Strawhat Crew moved on with their day, keeping their opinions to themselves for the time being.

"Sanji..." Lowering his head down to the mess he created beneath him, Luffy was brought back to his senses.

"What's wrong with me? Why is it only with Sanji?" He thought to himself for a moment.

Seconds later, the boy turned his back towards his bedroom door, and there he remained, avoiding confrontation with Sanji along with anyone else he would come across, from that point on.

Zoro was about to leave the kitchen and follow after his Captain with the intention of asking him about the scene he and the older blonde man had caused, however, he held back on doing so.

What made him stay wasn't only the amount of curiosity he had within him, for he wanted to leave right away, given that a kitchen really was his rightful place.

The reason why he still remained trapped to the Cook's main location on the ship, was the Cook himself.

Taking a second look at him when perceiving an odd sound coming from the direction he was in, Zoro caught a glimpse of something unexpected.

Sanji had one hand on one of the remaining parts of the plate Luffy had broken, and had the over his mouth.

Tears continuously dripped onto the metal sink he was hunched over, creating a ripple effect onto a small puddle of blood that settled inside of a white plate, visible to anyone roaming around him.

"What're you doing?" Sanji looked over his shoulder as someone took something away from him.

"Instead of throwing this plate away, why don't you start with that one first? This one's perfectly fine." A Swordsman said in a cold tone of voice.

"I'm throwing away both of them." Sanji responded, with a lifeless look cast upon his drained expression.

"That'll be a waste, don't you think so?"

"What the hell would you know... Do you work your ass off in a kitchen everyday to cook for the people you love?" Sanji slid his hand down a short curtain, uncovering a large trash can.

There, he dumped both plates and bumped shoulders with Zoro who had stopped him from walking around the kitchen.

"What? Don't tell me you wanna play Cinderella and sweep the floor instead."

"Don't be a moron." The Swordsman rolled his eyes.

"Get lost then." Pushing past the man, Sanji knelt to the ground and started sweeping up the floor, making sure to leave no spot unchecked before putting his broom away.

But as he started to sweep, he grew distracted, once again, by the greedy green haired man who just wouldn't leave him to wallow in his own thoughts.

"... "Get lost" ? Screw off, that's my line." Were the last words Zoro said before tearing off a paper towel from the kitchen counter to wrap it around Sanji's hand.

"Even someone like this Cook doesn't deserve this type of treatment from him. Luffy's going too far."


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