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Luffy slowly walked away from his first mate, excusing himself to go use the restroom.

Once he had locked the door, he looked into his hand.

“Lowlife bastard? He can repeat that as much as he wants, but even you can't deny that I'm living a better life than your "man". Talk about coward."

From the moment the boy sat down on the toilet, the voices started to echo from the chip that was implanted inside of his palm.

He grabbed a knife he had stolen from the kitchen while everyone was eating their breakfast, and aimed it at his hand.

"Why don't you try? I have a knife too, so let's see which one can stab who faster: If yours against your hand, or mine against your brother's jugular vein."

The shaky, unsteadiness within Luffy's grip slowly began to loosen as he slammed the knife against a mini carpet next to the bathtub.

As the sharp object descended to the ground and disappeared from Luffy's sight, the boy's sanity also began to drift away from his mind.

He smiled to himself, covering his ears to block out the sound of their voices, laughing louder so that the words would become less visible to him.

This time... No one was there to stop him from laughing as loud or as long as he wanted to.

Zoro had left the bedroom to help Chopper with the Sunny, the closer they were to the island.

As a loud ruckus reverberated throughout the vast ship while everyone prepared for the ship to dock very soon, Luffy's thoughts were eating him alive, hidden in the blinding darkness of his bathroom.

"If I captured them all, I would get my revenge... But risk losing my brother."

"If I surrender myself to you again and again, I can't live in peace."

"So if I keep on laughing this way, can I finally let out the cries you force me to hide?"

The frown drawn on Luffy's mouth altered into a grin as he bit down on his lips and inhaled deeply.

He stood up from the toilet seat, turning the shower on and letting his clothes slip from his bruised body, piling around his feet.

How do you plan on showering without getting our equipment wet?”

Hearing this, he clenched his fist, angrily stretching his arm over the shower curtain, keeping his head down to his feet.

Soon, the first droplets began to cascade onto his dry hair, making it stick to his face as the boy stood underneath the showerhead, sinking down to the tub.

It took no time for the men to voice their perverted opinions when monitoring Luffy's movements in the shower.

“Clear shower curtains are incredible, don't you agree?”

“What a perfect view, indeed!”

“Why don't you open your legs a little wider?”

Their deep voices grew louder as they began to clap their hands, cheering for the young boy who had covered his ears.

“You heard my men, rubber dolly. Give us a show and spread your-”

"Leave me the hell alone!!" Luffy's blood boiled as he covered his face to hide how embarrassed he was.

“Come on, "Captain", show us your little hidden treasure. All of us wanna ram our ships right into it.”

"NEVER!" The younger gritted his teeth, feeling a tremble in his lips as they started to quiver out of the shame he felt.

“You can fit two at a time, can't you?”

“Set those expectations of yours a little higher, buddy. This boy can certainly fit more than that, we can all take him on and tear him apart one by one.”

“Haa.. We're so excited down here.. Let us in. Let us all inside of you.” By now, Luffy could hear belts slamming to the ground.

Even though his ears were the only ones capturing the sounds, his entire body was triggered by the noise.

“Choke on mine the next time, slut!! He wants to try slithering down your throat.”

"Why do they keep calling me that!? What does it mean... Why does it sound so bad... I hate it!"

Luffy bit down on his lips, suppressing his cries after he unintentionally let out a loud gasp.

To his misfortune, the man in pursuit of Sanji's face had managed to hear the sound Luffy made, much to his delight.

“Did ya' hear that big one, guys? Our dolly can't hold himself back either, he wants us to play dress up with him.”

The faceless perverts could be heard clashing their cups together in celebration for the plans they had for their victim.

“Sabo's gonna die! Sabo's gonna die! Sabo's gonna die!”

Upon purposefully mentioning his brother's name with such nefarious intentions, the brunette was sent into a paroxysm of anger.

He hoisted the top half of his body over the tub, searching frantically for a shining metal object that he previously held himself back on using.

Once the boy spotted it, his desperation decreased when the knife was in his disposal just like before.

Apprehending the sharp fillet knife, Luffy didn't even give it a second thought and positioned the edge towards his palm, slashing the top of his skin with it, causing his badly sewn stitches to pop open.

Subsequently, drops of blood started dripping from his new incision, staining a rug right beside the bathtub and anything else that his hand was hovered above.

Streaks of the crimson liquid ran down the his wrist and reached part of his elbow and the young man had enough and let out a piercing scream.

“Something's interfering with the connection! You bitch! What'd you do!?”

The screech that emitted from Luffy was strong enough to cause him physical damage to his vocal chords.

Seconds later, the bathroom door flew wide open, nearly shattering the wall behind it as Sanji rushed inside, looking every-which-way.

"What happened in here!?"

He asked, before his eyes targeted the streaks of blood dripping down from Luffy's elbow as a microscopic square gadget landed inside of the bathtub where he rested his shivering, unclothed body within.

"Luffy, you moron! We were supposed to take this out together! Look at what you did..."

The man's first instinct was to take Luffy out of the freezing water he was underneath, so he took his jacket off and hovered over his body, extending his arms around his waist with a towel.

By the time he was inside of the tub, Sanji felt a strong grip against his back before being sent flying out of the bathroom and against Franky who was standing in front of the bathroom door.

"WHAT!?" He asked himself, rubbing his back as Franky helped the man stand back up on his feet.

"That's what I'm asking myself..." A man spoke, aiming a sword up to his neck.

"What were you doing to the Captain just now, scumbag." Zoro asked with murder written all over his bloodthirsty eyes.

"You've hurt Luffy for the last time, usurper."


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