Sequeal: His Fault Part 2

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Oh, hi there! Author Cora here!

Well, if you're reading this, congratulations: You have successfully finished reading "His Fault"...

However, it doesn't really end here 👀

So, without further ado, I present to you:

So, without further ado, I present to you:

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His Fault 2!

Writing this book was quite a rollercoaster of emotions for me, but for some reason, it's one of the first I've finished within a time frame I set for myself.

I published this book last year, on the 27th of June.

This year, I had originally planned on finishing it by the 27th of June as well, as a bit of a challenge for myself.

However, as you can see, I was unsuccessful in achieving my goal and ended up finishing it on July 4th, instead.

Nonetheless, I'm still happy, because it all worked out in the end 😂💗

Thank you all for going through this journey with me. This book is one I personally relate to the most and oftentimes find myself reflecting on, given events that have occurred to me in my past.

Words cannot describe what this book means to me.

It holds a part of my life that I tried to bury so many times, yet it kept on rising from the dead, no matter WHAT coffin I would use! The nerve of those memories, right?

So, instead of burying them, I separated them in parts of this book, and used it as my own coping mechanism, as I've mentioned before within this story.

Overall, I feel very relieved now that this story is over.

Not because I wanted it to end, but because I wanted to move on with the second part ~

I really have nothing else left to say, but thank you. Thank you for sticking around until the end.

I honestly didn't think anybody would read this book, given how graphic and disturbing it is...

Neither did I worry about who read it.

I wrote this story as a healing purpose. To let out years of anger, pain, and general insanity.

In a way, writing books became my only escape during those times.

Time after time, writing and listening to music was the best way I could find peace when no one else understood the pain I was feeling or why I preferred to be alone, most of the time.

I've received so much support on Wattpad from kind people out there who I consider close friends, oppose to followers or readers, and to whoever is reading this: You're one of them as well.

Thank you for taking your time to read my nonsense, up to now! Haha! I really appreciate it, with all my heart.

If you ever find it difficult to express yourself like I did, back then, try to write down your feelings instead.

It doesn't mean you need to write an entire book, but journaling helps a lot.

I'm not gonna tell you to "stay safe" out there either, because that's a word I hate.

There's never any safety. No matter where you go.

Don't stay safe, stay alert.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where your body freezes and your feet can't run, carry something with you to defend yourself.

My case is a bit different... I know I'll never be strong enough to escape, and that weapons are useless against my situation.

I'm safe and happy now, but hospital visits can only be unavoidable for so long.

Most of my traumas originate from Doctors and nurses who always disregarded my requests.

No matter how much I would plead them to stop, that word doesn't work with them :)

And before I turn this chapter into my OWN sequel of "Doctors vs. Patient", I'll leave it at that.

Goodbye, everyone ❤

~Author Out~

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