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"He heard Luffy whispering bad things earlier. What could he be keeping to himself this time..." Pushing his back against the bath tub, Zoro sighed, letting go of all the tension in his muscles.

He tilted his head back, focusing on his moment of solitude.

Though he was still bothered by the fact that Luffy's faceless rapist couldn't be hunted down by anyone in his Captain's crew, under Luffy's own orders, Zoro dreamed of the day he could get his hands on that person, no matter who's face and body they really possessed, underneath their magical devil fruit.

But all at once, he was afraid. Not because of Luffy's safety, let alone his own, but for the criminal himself.

Because the day they reunite, be it in a day or in three years, the Swordsman was willing to fight even on his deathbed, if it meant he could avenge what they did to Luffy.

To say he had resentment towards that man, was an understatement for Roronoa Zoro.

The hatred he felt inside was physically paralyzing his body, leaving his blood to boil.

Some enemies have frustrated and annoyed Zoro, others have brought out the best of him by motivating him to fight harder.

But this enemy has left the man completely paralyzed with rage by hitting him where it hurts the most: His Captain.

The person who's been through countless hardships and achievements with him, the young man who's stubbornness and will to fight brought him towards Zoro in the first place.

Had it not been for Luffy curiosity to meet the famous bounty hunter of Japan after Koby had spoken to the boy about him, and Zoro wouldn't be alive to this day.

And what frustrated Zoro the most about Luffy's incident, was that he hasn't been the same ever since.

They've robbed Luffy of many things in this world: His family members and friends, his freedom, his ability to swim, his pride, dignity, smile, and most recently, his virginity.

"It's not fair... Even for a pirate, Luffy's never done half the things some bastards are out here doing." Zoro lowered his head, sinking further into the water.

"Killing and torturing innocent people or animals, robbing towns plagued with poverty, kidnapping people, acting high and mighty towards others to dominate them. That's what most people do in order to get to be a pirate.

Luffy can make a friend out of his opponents, befriend any type of being out there: Human, animal, ghost, anything.

He's just a man with a dream, not a killer with a gun..."

A bittersweet taste lingered on Zoro's tongue by the time he finished bathing.

Despite being soaked in water, his problems couldn't be washed away or drowned.

And the guilt he felt in not being, even the slightest bit suspicious that night, had weakened the Swordsman.

He wrapped a towel around his waist and headed towards his bedroom to get changed.

On his way there, he jolted, seeing a small lump huddled up underneath a set of velvet red bedsheets.

He changed out of his towels and into a comfy pajama that caressed his rough skin, making him feel relaxed.

A gentle smile appeared through his furrowing eyebrows when he ran his hand over the top of Luffy's head as his brunette strands of hair messily covered his face.

"Goodnight, Luffy. Rest easy tonight, Captain."

Removing his hand away from Luffy's forehead, Zoro threw on his heavy boots and slipped a jacket over his short sleeved pajama shirt, then he headed out onto the deck.

His body was shivering from the cold Autumn breeze that had settled in for the night, all throughout the sea.

But the Swordsman didn't seem to be bothered by it.

Instead of focusing on the weather outside, he focused on his surroundings, ensuring that there weren't any ships surrounding the radius that connected to the Sunny.

"What's up, Watchman- WOAH, calm down, calm down. I'm not a sea monster." Franky jokingly spoke, apologizing for startling the Swordsman.

"Don't do that to me, man. My body's too tense to be jumpscared tonight."

Zoro yawned, wiping his eyelids from time to time, just to remain awake.

"Tense or tired, huh? You look particularly sleepy tonight." His Cyborg friend admitted.

"I had a couple drinks with the Cook at the bar, earlier. But the effects will wear off soon."

"Why don't you head to bed then?" The blue haired Shipwright suggested.

"I will. It's still pretty early, so I came here to get some fresh air for a little bit."

"Just don't let that fresh air getcha sick, man. Need a sheet or maybe some coffee for the hangover?"

Zoro thought about it for a while then accepted both offers from Franky.

His kind friend tossed him a warm blanket and walked back to the kitchen to pour Zoro some leftover dark coffee in his favorite mug.

"You're in luck! It's still nice and steamy. Drink up and keep warm. Need anything else?" The Swordsman shook his head.

"I'm all good for tonight, now. This coffee will help me sober up in no time. Thanks, bro!"

"Gooooodnight!! I'm taking my butt to bed before I freeze out here in my mankini."

Franky shivered, walking back down the hallways towards his shared bedroom with Robin.

Meanwhile, Zoro felt slightly more comfortable and far more prepared to spend the night out on deck, having his coffee and blanket with him.

But what made him feel more secure was having his trustworthy swords hanging from his left hip.

Before settling down for the night, Zoro looked over at the clock from within the Sunny.

The time was currently 9:00 p.m. Meaning Luffy had gone to sleep surprisingly early, given that the Swordsman recalls coming out from the bathroom at around 7 to 8 o'clock, shortly after having his supper.

"I wonder how he's feeling. He looked pretty okay to me at the dinner table, maybe it's best if he changes his sleep routine every now and then."

The Swordsman placed his hands over his head.

Soon, as sleep settled into him, something was making Zoro's Samurai instincts kick in.

The five minutes of sleep that the man had gotten were enough to send him into a deep sleep, but were not sufficient for his mind to be at peace.

He clutched his swords tightly, making his knuckles turn white.

"Footsteps..." His feet hit the ground from the bench they were once resting on top of.

Without hesitation, he pulled one of his three swords out of his sash, swinging it directly at the shadowed person stood in front of him.

Off came a head, rolling down from the person's limp, lifeless body, landing directly at Zoro's feet.

By the time the person's features were cast under the dim moonlight, the Swordsman fell to his knees with an unsteady tremble in his body that made him drop his swords along the way.

"No. No, no, you... You were... Luffy!?"


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