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[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Drugs, violence, blood, and sexual abuse ahead! I felt the need to add a warning to this chapter beforehand because this chapter is going to get very disturbing near the end. So readers beware! ⚠]


The snide remarks made by the insolent intruder sent Sanji over the edge.

He raised up his elongated leg in the air, witnessing it go up in flames that added to the indignation he was plagued by.

"Hell's Fury... Joue shoot!!"

Breaking free of the position he had established, Sanji blasted away a large portion of unprepared pirates that underestimated the man's powers.

"Now! Do it, now!"

One certain man shouted to the others, commanding them as if they had been waiting for him to give out orders all along.

"About damn time. Let's get this show on the road." Vergo slipped his hands behind Sanji's
back, preventing the man from moving.

"C.... Cowards... Don't you... Dare..." Sanji's vision glowed a deep red as he witnessed them tugging at the waistband of his Captain's pants.

Luffy stretched his head back and swung at the imposter he despised with every single cell within him, landing a strong hit to the man's face.

The man reacted to this strike by wiping the blood off of his nose, hearing it crack violently.

"You know," he smirked, pressing his heavy, black leather shoes, on top of the boy's head.

"I would love to squeeze your brain out of your head and have it roll around the floor while you lie here, lifeless, inches away from it. But I can't. You know why?"

Luffy stared into the man's eyes with horror and disgust all at once, the second that he was brought closely to his face.

"See that little blinking light? That means it's recording. You and Blackfoot over there, are about to be a part of our little project in a few minutes."

"NEVER!" Sanji and Luffy both shouted at the man, struggling to free themselves from the traps they were in.

"How feisty," one of the men admitted, tucking their hand beneath Sanji's chin.

"Hey boss, mind if I use this one?" Sanji froze, feeling his pants coming undone.

"You can't have him." The evil man put his comrades' intentions on hold, showing interest in Luffy's words.

"Yeah? Why can't he have him, baby?" He asked.

His voice was repugnant to listen to, it almost made Luffy gag out of disgust.

But he had to put on a brave mask and smirk through the fear he felt, for Sanji's sake.

"You can't. I don't want anyone else to be a part of this but me."

"Which means what? Hmm?"

The young man controlled his facial expressions, mastering a look so seductive, it was almost obvious what he wanted to say, without him even saying a word.

"No, Luffy, don't-"

And Sanji was the first to notice what the Captain was trying to do.

"I want-"


"I want you... To use me."

Tears streamed down Luffy's face and right into the smile that he was maintaining, in spite of what was about to happen.

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